This is so refreshing to see. The silent anger in Canada must be reaching a boiling point.
Canadian man shit's on veiled Islamic invader
Hope he enjoys prison
>Nobody asked if I wanted to be part of an experimental society
based and dare I say it redpilled
>tfw fags are more based than other normies
Wew what timeline is this?
“I didn’t ask to be part of a experiment”
Fuckin based.
White people are starting to wake up.
Your police force will be tracking him down in a span of few days for “wrong think”
Was just at a Costco and some old white Boomer was cussing gooks out at the top of his depleted lungs. Usually people do it under their breath or in their heads.
they tried that on me and failed in 2014
they have nothing against him
You missed the bill that went through making it illegal to criticize Islam last year?
And what are you pigskins going to do about it. The country and even police force is diversified. We will put you in jail to be raped by diverse inmates
I wonder why leafs on /po/ only shit on chinks, while brown herds are rarely mentioned. Is this sort of 'wife's bull' privilege?
Come knock on my door Mohammed and find out.
>and even police force is diversified
Police and military, in all Western countries, is overwhelmingly native (and right-leaning). Good luck when your "people" go too far and the collapse comes.
What did that gook do tho.
All cops here are Mutts but they're all very right winged
I hope this shit becomes more common. Pretending these people are welcome in white countries has gotten SO stale.
>All cops here are Mutts but they're all very right winged
NA is gonna be so fucked, even your military is slowly becoming Mexican.
based leaf
Fucking based. The last based man in Canada.
>muh colonizer
Thats rich coming from a muslim, whose central religious figure spent his life promoting militant expansionism, genocide, practicing pedophilia, and raping captured women.
> slowly
It depends on services (army, navy, air force, etc.) Marines and army are probably 50% mutt.
Good one example of accelerationism that will wake people up.
You obviously have not been to Toronto or Vancouver. Most of the police force is Chinese, Arab/indian and black
There's nothing to suggest he's gay, achmed.
It's like the Romans relying on Germanic legions to defend the Empire from the Germanic hordes. We all know how that worked out, don't we?
I don't consider Canada as part of Western countries, it's a chink colony. Same as Australia.
Christopher Wu, Thomas Wang, it's time to go back to your shithole.
This man is a fucking hero. We see you, user. We applaud you, user!
Holy Fuck the most based leaf in all of Canada
yes, how can I help you?
nobody is gonna wake up.
I just called you to tell you, yo mom's a hoe
>Police and military, in all Western countries, is overwhelmingly native (and right-leaning).
that's changing fast in america and canada.
Yas Forums wants the same thing
just for anyone that makes mean things about white people.
She shat all over that poor guy, baiting him into loosing his cool.
Cunty muslima wins that one
They should all be gasses in a camp. Chinks in the West always pose like they are different from mainland Chinese. They'd rather be gassed in the camp than going back to China. Do them a favor.
At least you can hit and run on them in the street.
where have you been for the past few years lol
They need to cast this guy in the next Joker movie.
no u
go outside. there's people like us, what, 1/100? white people are just getting more and more retarded.
I feel bad for this incel. He seems like a total loser.
Is it bad that I took this headline literally? Do I have autism?
this, he'd be hunted in the cUcK
>sperging out at brown people instead of the people (((who))) brought them in
Another low iq huwhite detected. Probably even a kike.
>gets called a colonizer in his own country... by a colonizer
guess logic isn't her strong point
I unironically did as well, thought it would be some dude flinging his shit.
Based. I wish more faggots like us were redpilled on pisslam
VEry based.
an angry leaf that is based
uhhhhhhhhhh based
This lmao, how come it's never attractive successful white men that act like this? It's always ugly outcast retards.
no, your mom, she's a fat hoe
They are the problem too. She thinks all white people are colonizers. They should all be called out.
lmao chang we get it your family died
It's the other way around. The Marines are the Whitest branch, and the Navy is the least White. Combat arms MOS's are Whiter than the general population.
Doesn't matter, though, the leadership is all pozzed.
She wasn't born in Canada. That is a very heavy accent. Not sure why that guy is venting in public to some braindead hijab though. It's not like she'd understand. She just spams "uh huh" liek a fucking NPC
>mmh y-ee
We are seriously going to kill you all. It's just the natural order responding to forces trying to work against it. Call it the immune system response of the whites.
You're dealing with a society that has been forged through the fires of infighting and wars the level that goat fucking mohammedans cannot even fathom. You have no idea the cruelty we can bring when pushed to the limit, but I have a feeling you will find out soon enough.
don't know about police but military is still mostly white
He'd be so much happier among his own. Why do people still live in Muttario?
hoe fat, your momma is