Netherlands wants to impement a CONTROLLED SPREAD of coronavirus

Netherlands wants to impement a CONTROLLED SPREAD of coronavirus.

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We need a controlled purge of sociopathic politicians.

Will he volunteer to get it first? Maybe his family? Just to show he's leading the way.

Why control it? Just full on mob vengeance would do far more in less time.

Full story - all the talk about "building up immunity" instead of actually trying to limit its spread

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if closing the borders for diverse and vibrant nigger rape gangs is the only way to stop corona, i want to have corona

It's safer the earlier you get it. Now the hospitals aren't full yet


happy to be a coofer

I hope what he really means is an uncontrolled spread, but they pretend that everything is in control.


>yes sacrifice yourself for the greater good, goy.

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I wonder what the reaction will be if this gets announced here.

Doesn't have to. We have retards who are STILL going on cruise ships. Some guy came off one in March 8 with Coronavirus at Miami. Then another 3800 people boarded the ship, with over 100 who were with the infected guy still on the ship, for a 7 day cruise. They were let off at Miami this sunday with 0 screening.

scared boomer thread

What the fuck does it even mean? How about we start with the prime minister and his family.

It’s how immunisation works what do you think vaccines are?

to translate:
>no, when you choose for herd immunity, at least half the citizens will get sick (8.5m), 80% light sickness, 5% critically. So more than 400k boomers will die. That;s what Rutte said, and why his hands were shaking.

What's funny about this is that the greying problem of our demography basically gets solved. We have an excess of boomers and not enough young ppl (as a work force). So 400k less pensioners/welfare boomers to take care of and a housing market / real estate that's gonna open up for non-boomers lmao.

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"Many of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make.”

I agree, what does "controlled spread" even mean? What is "nationwide sacrifice"?

>nationwide sacrifice
Lmao, imagine saying this to a generation of people who've never had to sacrifice. HAHAHAHAHA

Havn't heared of them, but being dutch, they were talking about flattening the curve specifically
Herd immunity feels like memery in the sense that they said it because others said it.
Also more and more data is suggesting that reinfected cases were just not completely cleared before and that it is the type of virus that if you catch it once you'll be immune for a long while for it.
So right now the best course of action is to delay to spread the amount of infections because people are going to get infected now no matter what

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They've sacrificed nations to an economic model based on delusional growth. Now it's time to sacrifice people. Then replace the numbers with immigration for the sake of the economy. In the end, there will be nothing left but a collection of countries full of rootless people subjugated to globalism and whose lives are guided only by consumerism and its accompanying series of instant gratification..It's like the SAS commercial. "What is truly Scandinavian? Nothing." This will be factually true for all European countries once the last living connections to a long history have been cut. In a lot of countries the demographics will tilt toward non-natives once the older generations pass. In some countries immediately, in other countries at a delay of a generation or two. This is what happens when the false god of economy rules mindlessly over everything and to which everything else will be sacrificed.

Flattening the curve is bullshit, the real "Health system capacity line is 1 pixel above the bottom and nothing short of a complete lockdown will prevend the curve going way above it.

Doctors and hospitals don't exist?

What we need to do is ensure that this Jew engineered bio-weapon released behind the smokescreen of "it's those fucking chinks again" fulfills it's intended purpose of wiping out elderly white boomers so we can accelerate the fall of the west.

There are only so many hospital beds and doctors to treat people, you slavic fetal alcohol syndrome retard.

first for state mandated coronavirus bunga bunga parties

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So it's a man made virus to kill off boomers to reset the systems until the next boomer reset is needed

Now is too late though

you're right

We all should be lining up to get infected. The vast majority of us wont get sick at all beyond a normal mild flu. The virus would be wiped out in a month.
The already frail and ill beyond repair will pass away but there were going to anyway.

fuck my shit up senpai.
I'm not leaving my house for 6 months at least. Don't give a shit what they say.

Any leader that's been properly briefed on the issue will have this strategy in the back of their mind, it is the most pragmatic one.

Some may not inform the public, and make some token efforts towards containment, but ultimately what Rutte is talking about is the goal.

>Controlled spread
To make sure the infections are over a longer period of time so the hospitals can handle it
>nationwide sacrifice
Probably something about the countermeasures everyone will have to deal with and probably getting sick.

What do you prefer? Spook everyone up front by telling them they're gonna die? They're not gonna die.
Isolate the ill, and those with contact with the ill.
Have the rest be smarter about their choices for a few months.
In this way, you may stop the disease, but at the least you reduce the rate at which people show up to the hospital.
If you have a population full of niggers, you may have to rethink this tactic.

No, the scale of the peak is represented as way too low.

Spread it amongst the negroes and arabs infesting the Netherlands.

But is it even possible to develop immunity? The doctor in China died after being re-infected twice. Also, it's supposed to have a part of the molecule of the dengue virus which makes it actually more severe the second time.

>trusting the government to control Corona-Chan spreading
It was nice knowing you, based toothpasties. You deserved a better government.

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Scientists have made a prognosis (some weeks ago iirc) that 40-70% will get infected worldwide. I think even the method doesnt matter (total lockdown or herd immunity), boomers are going to die en masse and basically a fact at this moment. Millions of old people will die worldwide. This is unprecedented afaik. I do think this is good for millennials and zoomers though, since homes might be more affordable and pension $$$ are put back into the economy.

Useless dead weight has been cut off from the globe. After the crisis, we will bloom like a flower. Literally a gift from God. Thank you based Jesus.

The cuck is an incel. He has no family

How would hitler handle coronachan?

I'm going to dodge that shit at all costs.

>We all should be lining up to get infected. The vast majority of us wont get sick at all beyond a normal mild flu. The virus would be wiped out in a month.
That's pretty much what's happening, but it needs to be SLOW. The 10%-20% that need extra medical care will overwhelm the hospitals with limited capacity if it happens all at once.

Slow it the fuck down = many times less deaths.


kill the infected himself

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Thank god we’re not completely alone in our insanity

>styx could be in this thread with a dutch flag
spoon faggot

By kicking out the jews

>They've sacrificed nations to an economic model based on delusional growth. Now it's time to sacrifice people.

For the people themselves, there is nothing left to sacrifice for. They use words like "nation" when they have already deconstructed the idea and replaced the true meaning. These fake "nations" aren't worth sacrificing anything for.

Corona confirmed hoax. Just a new strain of flu, not at all deadlier. Officials know this, which is why they push for herd immunity. You all fell for the fearmongering. Better check what other things happened during the time you were spamming this board with nonsense

I'm not gonna die though. See ya later.

You either have to choose between thousands of deaths and a bad couple of years for the GDP or a bit fewer deaths and a catastrophic economic crush. The first is the lesser of two evils. Good luck toothpastebros.

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It's high IQ countries like Britain, Sweden and Netherlands doing this strategy. Look at how badly quarantine has worked in Italy.

Welcome to the herd Dutchies

Another retarded european country. And to think I was planning on moving back there.
Europe recently has the iq of fucking niggers.

that is assuming you wont ever be reinfected

>Maybe his family?
mark is the 40 year old virgin
he still lives with his mom

Welcome to the /herd/, clogbros

Reminder for toothpastes to share this with normies Show them what herd immunity will lead to :)

Makes sense to me. That's what (((they))) have been doing all along.

.... i want to get out of work for 2 weeks paid man..

That's our strategy. They copied it from us.

"Herd immunity" has been the single biggest propaganda coup ever given to the Chinese.

Right now all of China is derping that "democratic" and "human rights loving" Westerners would rather cull their population than get in the way of economy or globalism. Any cred the Western Democratic Globohomo model had with any lost soul from China, Russia, ME/Turkey/Serbia etc has been flushed down the toilet forever.

I was living in the Netherlands until mid-February. I panicked after following the reports of this virus on twitter and here.

My Dutch friends guaranteed me:
>user, this is one of the safest places in the world in case of a pandemic
>user, relax: Dutch are prepared for everything

Fast forward, I move back to Brazil. The Brazilian government is taking bold steps towards a lockdown and the Dutch are doing jackshit.

What a time to be alive, lads.

is sweden doing the same?




Controlled spread means let all the younger people get sick because they have a >80% chance of never developing any severe symptoms, until herd immunity is reached and boomers can go around again without getting sick.

What? Is he in the Netherlands?

Even if you close of the country, for a whole year, you can't reopen without risking a endemic anyway. You'd have the close off everything until there's a vaccine and 60% of the people are vaccinated.