>Coronavirus: PM says everyone should avoid office, pubs and travelling
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Why the fuck is this thread still on Yas Forums?
Where the fuck is your foreskin?
I hope you all managed to have sex before this whole thing broke out
36.7 degrees under my pits and no where near any time off work
Please tell me how half the population dying off is a bad thing.
reminder that reinfection is a confirmed thing. no vaccine, no treatment, no immunity.
Meet me at the VR pub lads, it's safe from the corona and we can still have a pint in there.
Went to the local paki shop to get some booze, usually its pretty empty but for the last 4 days its been full of pakis bulk buying large bags of rice and wierd looking vegtatbles.
Red pill me on corona virus
Still on. Thank G*d.
like a common cold
Nooooo, olga got the chinkenpox
>carbs are all gone from the supermarket
Looks like im cutting earlier this year boys
It's a boring topic.
Did you have to check?
will you fuck off already
>The average person uses 1 roll per day
state of fatties
The herd must be culled. The state gets to keep all those boomer pensions the saps paid into all their lives.
It's a hoax which is ruining Yas Forums
man arrested for coughing
theres no way I can get out of work, shit kicker jobs dont care about the apocalypse.
It's a deep state ploy conjured up by Soros and Rothschild to prevent Brexit from happening
Why has brit/pol/ become a no title edition, low effort one or two bbc links to the same subject, 1pbtid OP?
Anybody notice how white public life has become all of a sudden with this virus? I turn on Boris’ conference and it is a room full of white people. All the government figures involved with this are white. Barely an op-ed about racism or sexism to be seen. It’s like all the actual professionals have shown up and the nonsense from the last ten years has been swept aside. All those debates just seem trite now.
nope. I think I'm OK though
Nope. I have an attack dog that smells Jewish blood. He prevents them from sneaking into my house in the middle of the night and taking foreskin.
>no immunity.
You don't have immunity to the flu either, just a resistance. It's literally and unironically the flu, but because it's a new strain it'll kill a lot of boomers off before Summer rolls in.
Should have him executed for bioterrorism tbqh.
it's starting....
Now we've become brit/cvg/ the little effort that was put in before has all gone.
its over
it's not the flu. it's a highly infectious SARS derivative that has elements of HIV in its genome. the ongoing CFR from most countries is showing that it's even deadlier than MERS.
i'm not a pussy, i have fists
have you been outside today? i have.
Goodbye economy
astute observation.
Do women really not make fun of your dick with their friends?
Why are you lying on an anonymous imageboard, you mong?
How come the media and advert companies always push for the portrayal of diversity, yet cigarette packet warnings only show white people?
Nevermind I've discovered why. This newfag tried taking over brit/pol/ in 2018 too.
the great pug?
it's called sars-CoV-2 for a reason.
He's been at it for weeks, he sees it as his role in life to bring the /cvg/ doomer gospel to brit/pol/
Why do Sinn Féin want to flood Ireland with shitskins? Guns won't do you much good when the lads wielding them are waving a bunch of niggers into the country to replace you.
He knows the chink flu has us disoriented.
>Tabloid garbage
>Still no tangible proof
You're such a mong.
We should just leave the scaremongering to the yanks, we're better than that. Well, most of us.
On one operation
Securing fuel and ammo
>The French president, Emmanuel Macron, has put the country into almost total lockdown, introducing new rules stopping people from leaving home unless strictly necessary and banning them from meeting others and spreading the coronavirus.
guns aside, are we now the freest country on earth?
>can go to the pub, just politely asked not to
wait for the riots, the niggers and pakis are going to start chimping out fairly soon, you shouldn't be prepped and self isolating to avoid catching this fake virus, you should be doing it to keep the fuck away from public places.
the establishment is going to release some of the countries most dangerous criminals next week, they have already started flying in Nigerian and other commonwealth troops for the lock down, we are going from anarcho tyranny to full blown tyranny and the british people will not see the other side of this.
Glad I left lad, sorry I cam back. The sad sorry state of it being dominated by a newfag.
the uk used to be known as the land of every liberty in the late 19th and early 20th century's
Can't we just set the M25 on fire and zyklon disinfect the whole city?
omfg clean your grouting. if that's how you live no wonder you shit on your shower head
>everyone should avoid office, pubs and travelling
How else are they suppose to get the heard immunity?
>the niggers and pakis
none where i live, so i'm good.
Coronavirus is a skinner box
i'll let ya slip a finger up me arse for a quid
>A highly infectious disease spreads quicker in densely populated areas
>This is news according to the BBC
Imagine paying your hard-earnt money to keep this fucking rag afloat.
>reminder that reinfection is a confirmed thing
Like all other flu Loool
No I bet you didn't prep and have a shitty butt
GOOD thank fuck finally cleans that shit hole of the filth
o I have just been to Tesco. It was shocking, they had no toilet paper at all. Reluctantly I headed for customer service and asked if they had any. A firm NO and a look of disgust was the answer. Walking back to the toilets with my pants and trousers round my ankles is a walk I never want to do again.
Lick doorknobs.