Dow is down by 11.6%

>dow is down by 11.6%
>not a single thread
Oh ok

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Other urls found in this thread:

That's because everyone went to Yas Forums to have a meltdown.

zoom out

I'm too depressed to make a thread about it. I made a thread to discuss the no more than 10 people in a group guideline, but I only had one response. I think that fellow anons are getting tired of this happening..
I'm working from home today but literally nothing has come in today I'm sitting at my desk in my bedroom. I think a lot of people are in my situation right now. I'm feeling numb.

ha ha line go down

Oh ok

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I wish I could say the same but today my neighbor had 3 ambulances in front of his house, 2 police cars & his wife ran out screaming, waving her hands in the air
Now there’s a van. I think he’s dead.

We are just about 5,866 points from having a 50% decline from the top. Top was 29,568, half down is 14,784. If we have just even a few more days like the days we've had lately... prepare your anus. Leave the cities. I have family that lives in the country I will bug out too and help farm. If you have the cash buy some $3-5k dollar rural lots - even if you have to buy in another state. You need a place to bug out to.

pics of gtfo


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t.based retard

the points are recorded for the last day

this will be our great depression

They all left except 1 detective & 1 cop who parked in front of my house

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>zoom out

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>Dow down 12.1%

oh boy

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-16 at 19.54.15.png (1322x952, 163.5K)

-12.3%, it is only getting more fun.


why number go down?

>Dow down 12.8 %

ITS GONNNA HIT 13%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And we're freeeeeee
freeeee falllllliiinnnng

New norm, faggot.

Damn. State, county?

Wow, it's worse than Black Thursday now.

Keep going Stock market-chan


New world record in the Silver to Gold ratio.

Sounds like something a zoomer would say when leaving

can someone explain why they stop trading every 5 minutes. i thought its a "free market"

All I’ll say is California

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>-3000 and dropping

It has.
13.23% DOWn

>printing money actually works only if the fed goes ssj

short on whatever, that's what doctor jew told me.

hahahahahah FUCK

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Down 13%

>tfw can't short because I don't have a margin account

>this isn't bad
C'mon bong

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fuck man i have 400 dollars in CAD.
I asked my boomer parents to consider buying a few acres and a tent

I don't even have a gun which is retarded because I was going to get my gun license next month


Dow dropping like its hot, no one is willing to take the risk of holding through the night.
US markets are down over 30% in 3 weeks. Such a great and healthy economy.

>post 2008
>suprised infinite growth isnt sustainable
Literally asleep mate, inject some caffine and go watch money is debt.


That was epic

They are really pushing it to be under -3000. -2999 hah

> down

boomers are panicking

-20 for 5 days is kill
-10 for 10 days is also kill

where will mrka great shitposters be in 2 TWO weeks?

black tuesday incoming

not a single thread

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but volatility etfs

fuck that shit

fuck anyone there

the jews the goym swindling

fuck you all

Nothing burger. I repeat nothing burgerinno.

Still didn't actually zoom out


good. good.

>implying I was implying implications
What, I just posted the 5 year graph. I'm not saying anything. It's green because it's up over the period.

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VIX ETFs are way more dangerous than shorting because it doesn't even track VIX properly.

my lungs are hurting from too much laughter. Is this the real corona virus? Dying from laughter at how fucked we are because of donald?

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Go fuck yourself with a big floppy donkey dick! It's all about the pants and toilet paper at this point fucko. Kiss my grass!

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Tomorrow is going to be an absolute bloodbath, imagine being a 65 year old boomer with all of your pensions in stocks, just got your life quality cut by 30% in 3 weeks...

Holy fuck you fucking faggot it is almost -13%.

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Yup, it's going to be even lower than 2016!

The everything bubble is popping. Deagel was right.

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You have to go back

Texas gets it

FEMA camps chanting USA to keep hopes up or dead

The futures market will be fun to watch to see how fast it hits the -1000 shut off point

that's true. look for for arbitrage though in these leveraged ETFs there is money to made because shit moves so fast lately.

Then you catch wuflu and need to pay for healthcare

I don't have much more than you because we were saving up to build a house when this started. We're trying to save up for a downpayment.

I assume you do not have that burden? Sell your liabilities - if you have a car with a payment get rid of it and buy a beater. If you have an expensive Internet connection or TV or subscription - SELL.

Save. Save. Save. 400 CAD is close to 1,000 CAD. You don't need much to buy a cheap rural lot. If you have not prepped yet, you need to be logical and calm now. No panic buying. Buy strategically what you need - which are cheap calories, and buy slowly. One item here, one item there.

You will make it if you are smart. Pray to God. Repent and be humble, seek God and He will provide food and safety for you.


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fucking kek

Man houses are going to be so fucking cheap this rocks.

>zoom out

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Mods sticky pls this is the worst loss of the DOW ever. We are officially fucked for at least 5 years.

2nd worse, 1987 was worst, but still, a bit historic.

I forgot about that...
My family has been in the US since 1690. And my great-N grandpa fought in the Revolutionary War as a teenager. I'm not going anywhere, I've got food, land and lots of .556 ammunition waiting.