Thank the nurses

itt, we think about the nurses who are relentlessly doing their duty during this dark period.

You can pay your respect by saying 'thank you nurses'!

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nurses are based, they always make me feel better than the doctors during medical stuff.

>Not White
>Not even fit to lick my boot

I'm currently dating a girl with an absolute body and a total shelf for an ass, she's a fourth year med student. Feel like I hit the jackpot desu

They signed up for this.

>tfw you will never have an opportunity to cum inside big but latina's
why even live?

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That’s my ex

post more nurse cuties!

Part of the reason we are so screwed is we have so many female and colored nurses, and colored female nurses. Too many women in healthcare positions is going to cost many lives.

I need 200 cc's of braps stat

Imagine the scent of her rectum gas.

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I'd like to thank the nurse who jerked me off in the shower when I was being treated for a broken back last spring

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can we stop patting each other on the back like faggots and just focus on real shit for one goddamn day

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Thankyou nurses

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I am a 21 year old banging a 26 year old nurse.
I love nurses

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nurses are literally the medical version of grade school teachers

Ok Mohamed

my urethra burns :o(


The biggest whores I've known with their shit partially together have been nurses. They stay up late, love to party, and are wild. They were whores before becoming nurses, but the high-risk stress of the job makes it so they cut real loose in their off time

Wow, kind of rare to see a gal dating a guy who's 5 years younger. Usually it's the other way around.

Post ass shelf

Pics or fuck off larper.

post pic or gtfo

here they're a bunch of lazy, leftist, retarded, irresponsible and incompetent cunts
so I'll just say:

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This is so true. My whore of an ex wife was an ER nurse and she sure like to let loose after a 12 hour shift.

Also nurses tend to burn coal more than any other profession. Quite a few of my ex's coworkers (fat white women) had unemployed black boyfriends who they supported.

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I’d love to check her prostate.

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 7 rolls per day. If you have a family of 19, that's 843 rolls a week. Over 2123 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

That's right, they're fuckin' cunts. My sister is a nurse and she went on a rant once about how much she loves the power of being able to withhold treatment from unruly patients and forcing them to comply with her before they get their care, and how they're forced to acknowledge her authority and submit to her. It just made me fuckin' cringe. When Trumpf was first elected the moron said she 'didn't feel safe as a woman anymore' for God's sake. Fuckin' head up her ass leftist who simultaneously hates whites yet wants to be viewed as one as an Asian. Makes me fuckin' puke.

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women in med school is hardly a jackpot, its becoming the standard for easy money, but good that shes hot thats always a plus.

nurses are the ones that are the most dangerous.
Normies trusts the advice of nurses when they shouldn't.
Nurses aren't paid to think, they have as much knowledge as freshmen bio majors and even less critical thinking skills.

this. fuck these candy striper bimbos

Your wife will dump your ass once she finds a wealthier sexier surgeon

nurses are great. I've dated a few, they always helped me when I hurt myself doing something stupid and are sweethearts.
Thank you nurses :)

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if my sister was spewing that shit I would straighten her up
No way in hell am I gonna have to be the only one to uphold the bloodline


Nord's law

Chang white in the US is a really flexible label, it more or less means "member of the ruling coalition while being vaguely light skinned". I wouldn't call Ir*sh/Italians/Slavs white and historically they weren't, but they got coopted into the label of white.
East Asians, light skinned (rich) hispanics, and perhaps even light skinned pajeets are next mark my fucking words.

areli_m_gonzalez insta

A nurse shouldn't have hair that long. She should cut it short and be a super-cutie tomboy nurse.

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I have to deal with nurses/NPs/medical assistants regularly and can confirm that in general they don't know shit and act like everyone should bow down and suck their ass just for showing up to do an easy ass job.

A nurse who sat through an 18 month program will gladly lecture a master of chemistry on his job then complain to HR when he politely tells her to stop wasting his time.

Nurses are glorified ass wipers
With that being said, the ones that are competent and actually care about their patients are god tier

Thank you nurses and nursesses.

Yes. thank you poorly educated nursethots who are daily ignoring basic hygiene instructions and spreading the kung flu in our hospitals and nursing homes.

oh god were all going to be dying and relying on instagram addicted thots to save us

Thank you to all the nurses! If you come by my place thursdaynight ill give you a FREE fingerblasting

Suck a dick, nurses are getting paid good money. Not like they are stepping up and doing thos selflessly.

Get a AMD now lol

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We're not dating, just banging.
She is the second women her age that I've hooked up with. Both of them came on to me.

fucking gross

Thank you nurses!

Damn, nurses look like that? Might get infected and need a sponge bath by the looks of it

Fucking gross


Nurses are all thots

Mirin, she needs to train her quads a bit more though, you should be able to see VM/RF definition at that BF%

no, we are now reddit

The nurses working the neonatal icu at a hospital in the late 90's gave a bunch of sick newborns staph with their disgusting fake fingernails. Than they sued the hospital (and lost, thank god) for making no fake nails a policy.

They were niggers if you have not already guessed.

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You're 21 you're not a child