He went full retard

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Imagine 15 days of chimpout


Son, only 15 days minimum ?
They're probably going to raise it afterwards to 45 (probably) as planned.

Why? Seems all right

Subtitle writer is funny. Around 4:00
Anyway must be annoying writing this shit down live? I don't get why couldn't they just have got a copy of what he is reading an put that up according to whatever is on the teleprompter.


YOU are a retard

Je pouvais pas prendre ça au sérieux sans déconner.

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Macron tldr

went? always was...

He was always full retard, good luck!

>masks are now rationed and provided by the state
>the army build hospitals and is mobilized to move infected people
>electricity water and gaz are now provided for free
>it's illegal to go outside and meet people for no valid reasons
>europe is closed

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should of gone with the herd method.

Nothing about grandmas? His wife is at risk of dying

Anyway anyone got good info on how to start a business for the dumb?
300 Billion is alot of money and i was already planning a business

Looks like the chances of the guillotine making a comeback are rising

Rich people dont die they can go to very expensive clinics.
The danger is only for the poor where health ressource are limmited

Bonjour mes amis

Le Bigou c'est Alondeuveu dans la Vache
A la baceh C'est la Dache
Karavach Alavache
Francais c'est Alache
Boujoujoujou Franchouchouchou
Franchevouv Voluevouz

short version of the French language

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ummm le penis 'cest une delice

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comment vous faites pour encore regarder ce genre de declaration de sa part?
Moi j'y arrive as et je me contente des compte rendue.

i wanted to close down europe all along but this is not what i was thinking about

t. jean-marie kuhlmann, aka "le frenchman"


So is he closing the border?
t. frontaliero

tu rates l'histoires en marche et préfère la salade prémachée que te sert BFM, réveille toi Kevin.

lutsche die Wurst SCHNELL

Hope his wife and him will die slowly, i hate him, next protest will be bloody i wish it.


King frog is only following his instincts, surrendering his country to the virus.

Litterally built for BBC

Never go full retard

nah, virus need moisture and warmth to survive, she'll be alright

Chances of people actually staying locked down are zero. It's gonna be hilarious when suburb shitskins start pillaging Paris.

Putain, he done it.

I think all whites and asians will follow it. Ar*bs and blacks, not so much, especially with ramadan next month

>He went full retard
he was always a retard

Dwarf faggot with giant ego wants to look tough.
He's so pathetic.

please don't surrender

I don't speak frog, what's the problem? Isn't it good that he's doing something against the crisis?

at least they will get money from the fines they'll issue

Isn't he always retarded?

I hope so much to see Paris under fire, i will watch it from my countryside


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Someone invade France and Germany please. Give him a proper reason to say they're at war.

>implying shitskins and niggers will pay anything.

he's half assing everything because "If I do it right I will be like LEPEEEEEENNNNNNN".

What good ? He just said "Don't go outside, but you still can go for buy food and work"
He didnt even close our border.
People will still go out as always.

All EU shills like Macron and Merkel care about is keeping Schengen running and borders open. If a bunch of boomers die, so much the better as it lowers healthcare costs. You are cattle to them and they would rather import 18y/o sandniggers to replace the dead white boomers.

This is actually a pretty good resume of the situation. I'm supposed to work in a Seveso site but nobody cared to make me the necessary papers. French administration to its finest.



No. You can still go to Menton but the nigs will rob you on sight

closing borders for trade won't help

German media reporting that he declared a shutdown, the border thing is weird though, even Germany is closing its borders

Here is the issue, pic related.
Beside that its good mesure that should have been taken earlier, he could not do it due to political pressure from other parties.

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You really think open borders are about trade Hans? They're still open for trade, just not people. But the EU wants people because they want to lower wages to compete with the chinks. Immigration is all about lowering the paychecks of native wagies due to competition with desperate migrants.


ooh, mon dieu

What you are witnessing is an act of psychological warfare by TPTB. Make no mistake. This is a take over of whats left of your liberty on a false pretense.

only a shitskin or a communist could start such a stupid thread
kill yourself Ahmed

Germany and Italy closed border to France, im not sure about spain.
So France closing border is kinda irrelevant, people just like to complain, its a national sport, thats why we love France.

you have stong comprehension problems
time to kill yourself for being a fucking liar

>Cant go outside and meet people law
My neet law is born

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He said that french haves to stay home and not leave, but it's not like Italy and spain, police will not control and not give fines.
French people will keep going out for sure, Mcron just talked 15 minutes for nothing.

80 year old wife crumbles to dust

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What is a joke

There is going to be fines and control tho, he is the president its not his job to explain that.
The government will do it.

fuck off macron

>he doesn't read books

He is european leader

you can't go full retard if you are already there

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