/rg/ - Raider General - Fuck the preppers edition

When shit hits the fan, us raiders are going to be looting and destroying cuckshelters and preppers

Hint: go on Craigslist and find some people who are selling survival items, note their location and keep them in mind for when your gang of raiders rolls up on them when the grid is cut

Your toilet paper isn’t gonna stop us

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Actions have consequences

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Just topped up my ammo bag, chaps.

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I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn’t believe

>not burying most of your shit

Buy ammo. Form a defense/town militia. Let's do this fellow Yankees!

Fuck your chimp outs.

Coastal chad here.
Will steal boats and raid from the safety of the seas.

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This is all I've got for boogaloo mutt friends. I wish I could own an AR. Feelsbad.

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Just don't try that in Michigan. To give you an idea of how based the state is, we have a law that specifically prohibits the seizure of weapons during times of marshall law

keep raiderposting bait on /k/loadout threads

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Why don't do both? Prep to make an empire in the world that's about to come

Cringe larp

You're not gonna last long. You should have just prepped and fucked off.

Op fucking kek..your already dead

Michigan also has a history of shooting looters, the crime rate actually went down in the 1960s when the police (illegally) went on strike because all the white men got their guns and hung around drinking on the street all day ready to shoot niggers who tried anything.

>Basement dweller lard-ass thinks he can mobilize a raider group
>Will actually starve to death along with his family due to the threat not being preppers but military forces threatening to shoot him if he comes out of his quarantine zone

What about accepting that nanny gubbermint won't help you. Buy some canned goods and a gas mask instead of larping.

Why do you post fon Ungern? We has a god of death an war

Practically no one in my state owns guns. Just a bunch of liberal boomers living in mcmansions just waiting to be picked clean.

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A true hero would also wage war on information

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How many men should be in a standard raiding party?

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It's surprising how many times the last thought that goes through a criminal's mind is "this is going to be easy"


>1 post by this ID

prove me wrong. rich liberal boomers + nogunz = easy targets

The flaw in your theory is believing a rich person when they say they have no guns.

You don't understand my area

Glory to the khan!

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>/rg/ - Raider General - Fuck the preppers edition
lmao...you internet tough guys are hilarious.

>1 post by this ID
what a shill.

Get a van, attach an angled pvc pipe to a muffler. Back the van into a known prepper house, pvc pipe through the window. Van in neutral, brick on the gas. Surround house and wait for preppers to run out or pass out and gun them down. Alternatively, you can torch the house and pop them when they run out but you risk burning up the supplies. It takes a long time for a building to burn but you won't be able to see shit when the smoke will be so thick that you can't see your own hand if you put it a foot in front of you. Risky, you would need a way to extinguish the fire but it's quick and low effort. You can use chemical weapons, chorline gas is easy to make, same idea as carbon monoxide poisoning.

If you know how many people are present, and if it's just one guy, you can set up an ambush for when he comes out of his house in the morning. He'll be easy to pop with little to no risk. Doesn't work if it's more than one guy.

Under no circumstances do you bust in and room clear. That's a good way to end up dead. Leave that for the niggers to do.

You're a dumb faggot with a false sense of security. Have fun getting smoked out of your house and killed on your front lawn nigger

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you will be giga chad in a country where you need a license for a butter knife.

> That moment when a "raider" realizes a millisecond too late that he's fish food.

The dude thought that robbing a cell phone store was going to be easy. He was casual about throwing the bag on the counter. He thought he was a tough guy when he turned his head for just a moment. And when he turned it back, you can see in his eyes that he knew he was about to die.



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>be liberal "hippie"
>promote disarmament
>secretly armed because you will have the upper hand

No, you are too naive.


Careful some mormons are extremely militant.
Then theres people like my family we all live with in quater mile of each other. We have our small town locked down. So... I am sure raiding some half dead urban fags will make you feel accomplished though.

I'm going to love raiding,

>be retard
>think up "smart" idea
>clumsily try to back up van with pipe attached to window
>muzzle flashes
>pop pop pop
>dead retard in front of window
>free van delivery service to preppers

yeah, good idea cletus

>when you overdose on LARP

make sure to write your name on the collar of your shirt so we know where to mail your balls back to.

Sorry about the head, that will be on the front porch as a warning to others.

Can confirm
I've been buying and stocking up on tiolet paper for decades. Sold my gold ND silver long ago and guns and boating are a bad idea so no guns either. Traded my ammo for shitpaper too years ago. Don't have any food stores cuz my wife's son needed a toilet paper fort so we could play together in the yard and have a structure in case of storms or raiding parties like yours

We will have to be in a grid down situation for months before "raiding" becomes a thing and even then it will only exist in pockets and never become widespread.
Only the very best 5% of raiders will last more than 2 weeks before getting capped.
The only significant "raiding" anyone will see is gangs of nogs breaking into store fronts in a desperate rage. Everything else is a larp.


I think it would only take a week or two. Once the electricity is gone, so are the grocery stores and the ATM's. People will start running out of food quick.

But you are correct about the rest. As soon as the power goes out, we enter into rooftop korean mode, where anyone who steps on your property is fair game. When that happens, 9 out of 10 raiders will never make it to your front door.

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we raid while we say stupid shit on the radio

Based prepper, can't wait for these retards to run into the traps I've place around the woods.

looters welcome!
first one is going to be a medium+ ''raider steak''

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Bring a range finder. You'll need that

I like how he put the last 15 rounds in the nigger's ass.

If you can get intelligent individuals together with experience in firearms and urban combat scenarios raiding has the potential to be very successful.

best meme, remove yourselves from the genepool limpwrists world will be better after you riddle each other with bullets and coof

>TFW you live in a gated community.

>he can't use kentucky windage
never gonna make it

You won't when you're bleeding out on someone's porch and they later stick your head on a pike as a warning to others

raidposting is a meme retard don't have a stroke user is still your friend in the happening

OR IS HE???????

>windage is distance
You never had a chance to begin with lad

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I'm coming for your TP UUUUUUU I'm gonna steal your TP.

Based Unberg. Death to the reds.

Look forward to seeing ya bubba!!
Here I thought meal deliveries would have ceased and I get meals on wheels right to my place.
Make sure you eat a lot between now and then so you're nice and plump,ok?

I have 650 rounds of shotgun ammo. I'm ready for you guys.

ive had booby traps around my property even before corona virus was a thing and i'm fucking armed to the teeth. ive got hidey holes, steel plate shield and night vision goggles in my closet.

looting is such a absolute fucking mistake anywhere but democrat cities in this country. rednecks were killing niggers during katrina like it was deer season. most of the people here think most Americans are larping but they just have no fucking clue how EAGER some of us rednecks are for shit to happen.

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Where my raider bros at?
Where do you stand on cock and ball torture just for fun?

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Naw. No one will bother. Everyone who would do that sort of thing will just become a scavenger. There will be abandoned property full of stuff all over the place. You can avoid conflict. Much more reasonable risk/reward ratio.
At some point you're gonna have to bite the bullet and just work for your keep like a normal person. No one wants to go around and risk getting shot by people who did nothing wrong to you.

It won't get to that stage because they trying to contain it. At best we'll get the odd nigger riot. And they want your white womens not your toilet paper.

My ammo is reserved for niggers.
If I have to waste it on faggots like you than I promise it will be neither quick or painless.

What're the best places to start raiding?
>asking for a friend

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A broad head through the gut is a bad way to go

Lower middle class white leftist neighborhoods. The type of people who would have a stocked home but no guns.

Those houses are also a hotbed for aids

An interesting scale...
> poor .... guns but no food
> lower middle... food but no guns
> wealthy .... both guns and food

>He doesn't know that Kentucky Windage can also be used to adjust elevation

>go on a 20km ruck
>20kg in the ruck at least
>take whatever gear you are planning to wear and wear it
>think about how you feel after having just done that

If you honestly don't think you could win a fight after that level of exertion against someone who has been sedentary in their home, with years of supplies, it's because you can't. Being a raider is going to force you to be nomadic, because if you hunker down in the same place, people are going to exact revenge. Just because there aren't laws, doesn't mean there aren't protectors. So, here are a few pointers:

>Always have a few people at least, the more the better.
>Someone you like in your little group is gonna get shot in the face. That's just how it is, and it's a lot more likely with the choices you are planning to make.
>Set up camp before doing a raid, get some food and rest, and don't bring all of your gear with you on the raid.
>Don't bother fighting if you aren't sure you can win.
>Don't waste your time on the little guys. I don't care how tough you like to pretend to be on the internet: Shooting a desperate father trying to protect the last can of beans he has to feed his starving daughter is going to get inside your head, or the head of your men. Do it too much and the guys who aren't fucking sociopaths will murder you in your sleep for dragging them through hell on earth.

Also you are only going to live until 35-40. I wouldn't do it but, good luck.

I can smell your fear from here Mr. Hardass.
I think isolated preppers would be fairly easy pickings. Just pop them from a fair distance when they wander outside.

How many people have you killed?

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I'm really going to enjoy raiding the homes of progressive whites.