What the fuck is going on in France?

What the fuck is going on in France?

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big boomer population

I can't wait until cityfags and african leeches are all gone. Thank you Corona-Chan.

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They have the black plague from rats on top of Kung flu.

>What the fuck is going on in France?
Young men couldn't help but go out and "increase their viral loads"
They're french, you see

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For the thousand times, france test only the very ill, me and my familly are infected but not ill enough to be tested for example. The number of death is began to be big because the number of infected is in reality already catching the italian ones

algerian niggers

Macron just declared people must stay confined in their home and must limit their déplacement to the strict minimum. Shit are going real.

Stay safe, frenchie.

Nothing just nomal colape of the medical system you do not transport people from one region to other to get the respirator thing.

I more concern about my Germany this fuckers just do the same thing they did in the camps back in WW II "oh he do not die from overworking himself but from his heart problems..."

Thes same now the fucking docs do just write something down so they do not have some extra work with the dead body ...

The more realistic number is the death one. If you do the math we have probably more than 10 times german cases.

we don't save boomers, that's all

germany is older than france

Actually France is relatively you compared to the other euro states

french don't take showers nor wash their hands

the situation is bad in France at this moment, rats everywhere

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Get some vitamin C user and stay safe.

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??? why for ??

> do the same thing as in WW II

edgy, are you 12?

With the shortage of tests, I find it hard to believe they're wasting them testing people who die from "other" causes.

Yeah absolutely true.
Like the headline "Woman with pneumonia gets coronavirus positive baby"
Diese Penner!

No hygiene

>death one
the deaths per case or death per infection?

lol they aren't lying about the number of death

it's "free healthcare" in action, hospitals always understaffed, doctors bailling out to the US for better pay and to avoid the shitshow that is france and of course the waves of niggers living in appartments not giving a shit and still visiting the local voodoo to heal themselves

Didn't you see the Yellow vest protest this weekend?

but but muh universal healthcare!

Love how all you universal healthcare freaks shut the fuck up the past week because America is doing better lmfao

Where do you live? Does the area have 5G Internet?

He’s got a point

Shitskins getting infected. Most infected city is a 80% muslim one

Nothing, shut up

no the thing is the doctors here in Germany state the last thing that did kill the patient not the deseas....
So the doctors do the same work exact as back in time.. so you can never get the real case number

A friend living there just told me in Paris you still don't control the flocks of people flooding the Supermarkets.

You get 300 people at a door of a supermarket and it's first come first serve. She didn't had a single fucking thing left when she tried to buy something.

What the fuck France.

The number of deaths is probably the main number to follow since testing practices vary a lot.

how does that even make sense? that would mean its a 92.5% death rate. lmao


no don't worry, we're still waiting for optical fiber in a lot of cities

At least now people are getting incentives to stay at home. You won't be needing to pay for electricity, water, rent and other expenses in these 30 days quarentene

Let the parisians die, good riddance if they are gone.

It is herd immunity three days later I guess.

They surrender

Only due to higher rates of immigration to off set the numbers
Germany has a very low one in comparison

>it's immigration
so what?


It's been more than a decade of destruction of our precious healthcare by the successions of differents presidents, facts are :

We have a very fucking dumb population
We don't give a shit of anything until it's happening to us (the individual)
It's been a long time riots haven't been heard and actions took by the politicians to improve what is wrong because money yu no
More over, shit pay, shit condition, nearly as much as 14 hours of work per day in average.
No improvements in the equipements, old stuff is used to the very destruction
Hierarchy doesn't give a shit, if they can make good numbers in their economy they get congrats.

This is becoming a fucking loopy land

I hope corona kills every nigger.
She is our last hope

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You are joking? We just got optical fiber in my 250 people complete rural place (on some remote island in western Norway). Feels good with 500mbps - compared to the lousy 20 mbps ADSL we had before.

Doesn't matter now I guess, because my country will be dead.

French blood is weak. That is all there is to it really

Says a monkey

The first people to get sick are the well-off ones who can afford to travel to foreign countries to catch their exotic diseases and then the friends of these well-off people. Invaders are a long way down the chain and won't get sick for another week or two.

sure you're infected

Good News in these dark times.

Socialized medicine

and? what numbers are immigrants not counted in?

Is it True Germany only reports death due to corona chan if the patent has not had any underlying health issues?

Nope. They even report the age and whether they did or did not have other issues.
Vorerkrankungen = underlying health issues

>rats everywhere
>in France
no shit there's rats everywhere in your smell ass country

Boomers only are dying so far

Holy fuck by now I Just hope the ADE and reinfection scenarios were only fear porn and arent True. Noone can contain corona in Europe

which is a sign of a shit healthcare system hence the deaths

This, i think i'm infected too.

jesus christ learn english you worthless frog bastard

>Holy fuck by now I Just hope the ADE and reinfection scenarios were only fear porn and arent True.
It's possible reinfections were due to different strains / faulty tests and possibly not even from COVID-19. It's still a shitty virus if you're a boomer. If it becomes endemic people will die much earlier and that country.

Tu es based et baisse, au meme temps.

J'ecoutais a l'elocution de Macron, mais ni ma comprehension ni mon francais en generale)
est pas parfait. Etait-il fache aux gens qui sortaient aux parcs et cafes hier, parce que ces gens s'agissaient contre (((la compte)))? Je crois qu'il a dit que les masques sont (((interdits))), et permets seulement aux gens (((essentiels)))?

Macron has no balls is what happens. Everyone expected full blown quarantine tonight but it was just some more masturbation.
Macron is basically some e-thot is what he is.

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All borders are closed now.

Germany closed its borders for us
Switzerland closed its borders for us
Italy closed its borders for us
Spain closed its borders for us

And the border crossing points with non-EU countries (that include those british retards) are also closed.

The country is sealed.

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He said, borders are closed,
The things that you just said,
No more taxes and shit for small businessmen,
And total confinement for 15 days for sure, and maybe more later.

il a principalement dit qu'il est negre et gay