No Such Thing As Gay Gene

So since there's officially no such thing as a "gay gene", can all you niggers and faggots that are obsessed with saying "TRAPS ARE GAY" stfu and just admit that sexuality is a choice?

I mean, it's only logical at this point.

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Yeah, it’s obviously learned. Like half of this website is attracted to traps now including me. Hell, I’m attracted to twinks at this point. Like literally everything else, sexuality is a conditioned response with the neutral state being heterosexual. Funny how we can essentially prove that IQ is mostly genetic but it doesn’t get the light of day but no gay gene isn’t even talked about. Homosexuality is conditioning or a mental disorder.

If it's a choice how come I can't choose to be straight? I tried so hard yet i'm still a faggot and denying it over and over just makes my pee pee sad.

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there isnt a specific "gene" for a lot of stuff
think of it like a critical mass of synergistic genes that, in this case, leads to expressions of homosexuality when environmental conditions are met
also considering epigenetics
its a dishonest clickbait title and im not gonna bother reading it because we already knew homosexuality didnt have a specific on/off switch
most credible theories atm are the ones i mentioned

I have the same problem, but with Blacked.
I think we’re just cursed to be freaks forever.

Straight is the biological norm. Conditioning can make you attracted to fucking birds or something.

nothing else to say really

"Ganna and his colleagues also used the analysis to estimate that up to 25% of sexual behaviour can be explained by genetics, with the rest influenced by environmental and cultural factors — a figure similar to the findings of smaller studies."

Explain this then.

Don't compare our curses you fucking retard, I will find my prince charming and live happily ever after, you will get a fat wife and then watch her be fucked by a nigger and raise her nigger child, kys.

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Sup vaush. Literally how do you remember to breathe?

Shit man thats like a baby redpill
Any reasonablele man knows fhat even without research

But I wasn't brainwashed or molested or anything.

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It’s literally 80/20 like everything else in nature. Intelligence is 80/20 in favor of genes like everything else. This kills the blank slate brainlet.

What the shit are you talking about freak? Straight men like women, not traps and twinks, you're bisexual you retard, and bi trash needs to die.

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Except sexuality is 75/25 in favor of learned behavior.

just because it's not genetic doesn't mean it's a choice. early childhood experience is the most likely influence imo

I wish there was a gay gene, I'd pay so much money to have it eradicated.

Have you considered seppuku?

Yes because heterosexuality is genetic nigger.

What shows heterosexuality isn't learned as well?

Why would I? I'm a happy disney boy constantly singing and dreaming about my american prince charming, who's rich and handsome, and will come rescue me from this shithole and take me to the USA where we will marry, I'll get a green card and we'll push jews inside wells.

Plus I'm a christian and suicide is a sin, and honestly, suicide is too mainstream, specially here in Uruguay, it's the country of south america with the most amount of suicides despite being the first one to legalize weed, gays, trannies, wamen's right, etc.

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Because humans are made from genes and you are alive right now, complete dipshit.

Its really neat today how you can choose to be mentally ill if you want

Except electroshop therapy never worked you know?

Gays tried to pretend to be straight or be forced to be straight through conditioning and IT NEVER WORKED OUT, why tf do you think after that that you can easily brainwash us?

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Gayness is caused by child abuse and absent parents, usually fathers. Eliminate that and the gay goes away.

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Literally every gay man was seduced by a pedo or an older buy when they were underage. The only people that crave dick in their ass are people who were raped into it as youngsters. This is absolutely how someone becomes gay.

Nothing is a choice since free will doesn’t exist, especially on large scales. The environment has made it so that more people are conditioned into being “gay” or whatever meme they think they are.

because God gave you over to a reprobate mind

Yep. Truth is all people are innately attracted to the opposite sex and it is a much healthier sexuality that leads to love. But when people get raped as children their sexuality gets perverted and they become gay.

sexuality is learned, i.e. people who get fucked in the ass at a young age or exposed to pornography at a young age will have fucked up sexuality. There's a genetic component because some people are genetically more open-minded about that sort of thing, or easily influenced by social pressure (autists)

Instinct? If a male doesn't fuck a woman there is no baby, same as your stomach makes you hungry, gays also feel the need to have kids, we're just too disgusted by women to have them with them.

How tf are you even going to consider heterosexuality is learned when without it animals would die you retard.

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>Uragay is actually gay
wew lad

So SJWs are right that sexuality is a social construct and has no biological basis?

Stop watching porn

Because my peepee gets hard when I see tiddies, but not when I see another peepee.

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There might be a difference between the expression profiles of homosexuals compared to heterosexuals. I never actually believed that there was a magical gene that can influence behavior to an extent that you can have different sexual preferences that are different to your opposite sex. It might also explain why bisexuals exist as well.

>gays also feel the need to have kids
ok groomer

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Sexuality is mostly social.

Gender is completely 100% genetic.

>If it's a choice how come I can't choose to be straight?
You can chose to only have straight sex and restrict your fetishes to wank material.
>denying it over and over just makes my pee pee sad.
You get far less shit on it too, so it's not like it's all negative.

>gender is genetic

This. There’s a correlation with porn use and homosexuality

People can have the weirdest fetishes. Homosexuality is just one the most common ones.


I never said I was gay. I'm married to a female...I also just happen to like Futas.

Same thing happened to me, will nofap fix my faggotry?

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It's more likely that faggotry is a response to loneliness than it being an uncommon genetic condition. It might prevent suicide but it also signals weakness in the practioner and can make them targets for human predation.

Only when I get a boyfriend so instead of jerking it to incest gay porn I can jerk off imagining him fucking me.

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Sorry you got molested bro. But even if your brain can’t be unfucked from that you can still live a celibate life

no shit, God made this clear to us thousands of years ago

It's just like any habit or addiction, but it's a particularly strong one. You can get over it with God's help, but you have to put in the work.

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>gay gene
that's not how any of this works.

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Brain damage isn't a gene either, yet, people don't choose to be brain damaged.

>world is ending and you’re still talking about faggots
Holy shit talk about rent free

Are you a male?
>yes user
Do you want to have sex/be in a relationship with someone that is also a male?
>no user

Okay then.

Are you a female?
>Yes user
Do you want to have sex/be in a relationship with someone who is also female?
>No user

Okay then.

Now what?

>You can chose to only have straight sex and restrict your fetishes to wank material.

Are you retarded? "Just keep being gay but call yoourself straight!", you do know calling yourself a king doesn't make you a king? "Oh I'm the best acrobat int he world, I won't show you anything though cuz i'm in acrobat celibacy haha but believe me!"

You just want me to be gay but not have gay sex, you're being retarded.

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Yes. Uncle Snuffy must've titilated you by diddling your balls as a kid but you don't remember.

The expression profiles of all people would still show some level of heterosexuality, just as all heterosexuality expressions would still find some level of homosexual expression. It's simply the way children are socialized that makes them lean towards being actually homosexual or heterosexual.

Most disorders and diseases have no genetic basis, it's a smokescreen that conceals the true causes of disease to some innate flaw that can only be managed via expensive proprietary medication. Chronic disease is caused by environmental and habitual stress, which damages the metabolism and thus the weakest parts of the body are first in line for deteriorating.

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If its a choice then you have no rights to it faggot

There are gays who started straight and became addicted to sexual promiscuity and taboo, and there are gays who are braindamaged because they were molested as a child. The former is choice, but almost impossible to stop once its begun. Youre basically a heroin junkie. The latter was not your choice. You have a mental disorder because you got diddled by your uncle. Youre fucked forever.

a classic

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It's because of epigenetics. Female brain theory, literally affected by the amount of testosterone the fetus' growing brain is affected by.

You know... You might be onto something, like, when I was a little boy I would watch disney princesses and barbie movies 24/7, and when I say 24/7 I'm talking about how I would finish watching the little mermaid, and then put it again and again and again NON STOP.

Always had a crush on the princes but the first time I can assure you I was a faggot I was like, 6 or 7 years old and my mom was watching a male stripper dancing naked, he was super handsome and swole and I hid under the bed watching it too AND IT WAS BEAUTIFUL, in the end he just ended up naked with his dick covered up in cream.

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>lifelong monogamous faggots
That's why you should just stick to fantasy, because chasing this unicorn in reality will just end in tears.

Biological children are the only thing which can somewhat reliably create lifelong pairbonding.

>Most disorders and diseases have no genetic basis

That's a complete and utter lie.

>US flag

>Right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

>Shawn and Logan wish to pursue happiness by being in a loving relationship with each other



Being "born gay" was a discrimination defense tactic of the 90s. I don't need to justify my love, even if it is a choice. My attraction to other males, however, is out of my hands. Can't help if guys make me hard. Can't help but bust a fat nut when someone dicks me down.

What're you gonna do about it?

Homosexuality is not a choice.

It's a sin.

>It's just like any habit or addiction, but it's a particularly strong one. You can get over it with God's help, but you have to put in the work.

No I can't, I hate women, I hate everything about them, vaginas make me throw up and thought of them bleeding makes me want to go in a rampage to have all women burn.

I am gay, I was born this way, I'm a based homofacist and I'm gonna have lots and lots of gay sex with my future boyfriend wherever he is and we'll beat up other fags and women and muslims and jews.

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Sounds like you're attracted to men because you want be closer to your mother.

because you probably had a mom that really wanted a daughter and instead she had to settle with making her son gay. That is 100% what happened to my cousin who was very cool besides the fact he was a red hot flaming gay. Currently he is dead from suicide, and I blame his mother. A perfectly good guy that was groomed into being a fag and now he is gone.

So it isn't "natural" to be gay, then. Thanks, study. Now I know that faggots choose to be faggots and that it is a mental illness rather than something they are predisposed to according to their very being. It is no longer the same class as race, instead, it's the same class as being a heroin addict. I'm comfortable mass executing people that choose to become scum, I'm not as comfortable mass executing people who God/nature ordained to be how they are.

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The whole point of indoctrination is that you’re unaware of it. The reality is that you’ve been fed and have internalized pro-queer propaganda your entire life.

>actual faggot

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try to assert that focault is not demon possessed

i mean actually really truly under complete control of a fallen angel of the Bible of the God of Abraham

I never was molested, or at least I don't think so? It could be I blocked the memory but all I had was a father who would spend 24/7 playing World of Warcraft and would make me go shoeless to school and have all the other kids bully me because he had to finish the raid and couldn't help me find them.

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God can help you with your psychopathic tendencies too

Because modern men don't get girls so you hardwired homosexuality into your brain

Name them. GWAS come up with incredibly weak results. Even when you can provide evidence for X genotype being slightly more prone to Y disease, all this amounts to is "don't feed dogs chocolate".

So is wearing clothes of mixed fabrics, shaving your hair, and a bunch of other stuff.

Oh and do you work on Sunday?


Oh no I hate my mom cuz she never left my dad and allowed him to beat me up. Weird train of thought, one would think I am looking for a paternal figure in another male and that's why I feel attraction to them and rejection towards women.

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I don't know if im a woman or a man, can someone tell me?

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>sexuality is a choice?
if you get abused repeatedly as a child and are more likely to be gay because of that it isn't a choice, it's something that happened to you, if you are exposed to estrogenic petrochemicals and are statistically more likely to be gay because of that exposure, that isn't a choice, thats someone who victimized you

Why would you want to be straight? Being gay is the best thing to happen to any man.

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I know gays that are not cheating sluts exist out there, I just have to find him, if I exist then someone else have to exist too right?

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Sounds like your mom watched male strippers in your house and probably fucked your developing brain up in a myriad of other ways.

How is it an addiction? Are you saying that if most men were to try gay sex that they'd prefer it over straight sex? If not, then it isn't an addiction.

take roids
You will still like dick, but vagina seems much more desirable than before

so... none of the 5 are markers, how about combinations of these 5. it's gotta have a genetic predisposition element somewhere, even if the nature of it is complex.

>Literally every gay man was seduced by a pedo or an older buy when they were underage. The only people that crave dick in their ass are people who were raped into it as youngsters. This is absolutely how someone becomes gay.

What about dykes? Fun fact: The Vagina Monologues, the so called Bible of Feminism, supports dyke women raping little girls - its fans got a guy fired from his job when he called 'em out.

>abusive parents
>mother watched softcore pornography targeting women around children
>the son is a fag

WOW absolutely no correlation.

Every single disease and disorder? There's far too many. Most are absolutely genetically driven. Disorders, especially are nearly 100% the cause of genes, since their disorder stems from a mutation of a gene.

its result of prenatal development in most cases

Get disciplined

>stfu and just admit that sexuality is a choice?
It's the wrong choice. This proves that sexuality is in fact a mental illness since it derives not from something innate to human genetics, but instead a defect in the human brain itself present in homosexuals.

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it would be fucking hilarious if you are racist towards niggers

Oh no, my mom and dad are super homophobic, I remember asking my mom what aids were and she told me "what gays have, get away from them" and neither of them really liked letting me watch barbie movies so I had to watch them while hiding.

2020 and she claims to be tolerant and stuff but she founds out one of her coworkrs is a dyke and tried to get her fired and get the other teachers to beat her up.

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So being gay is mental disorder?

This. OP is clearly mentally damaged because of abusive parents. Mom wanted a daughter and dad was never there.

You think I'm gay because I don't understand women? Dude... why tf would someone want to understand women you simp fuck, women are worth nothing.

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You’re just a faggot in denial.

Say what u want about dads but single mother households always negatively effect youths. Look at black America

Too bad your dad wasn’t gay.

You know what? It was actually classified as a mental disorder once upon a time.

there is no such thing as choice
it is environmental conditioning caused by capitalism

I kinda think like that, I hate women and men are the most beautiful thing there is in the world.

But being gay is turning mainstream and what before made me fail special now makes me feel like anybody else, and despite it being mainstream I still haven't met a single based gay, never had a boyfriend, etc etc.

This was the year I was finally supposed to get a boyfriend and fucking Corona had to happen to stop me from meeting a charming prince.

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Some men have to suffer with women so that they can repopulate.

>so is wearing clothes of mixed fabrics
specifically mixing linen and wool, not just any fabrics.

>had a shitty childhood
>is a faggot
>thinks women and therefore children are worthless

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>Why would you want to be straight? Being gay is the best thing to happen to any man.
No it's not.

t. been on both sides of this fence

It is a choice. I have a childhood friend who went through a phase. And his dad not only beat the shout out of him, sent him to military school too. He was about 14 and looked like a girl until his dad beat the testosterone into him and the faggotry out he is married and has three kids and works with me so I know for a fact he's not fagging around.

>Oh no I hate my mom cuz she never left my dad and allowed him to beat me up. Weird train of thought, one would think I am looking for a paternal figure in another male and that's why I feel attraction to them and rejection towards women.

Hmmm, so you turned away from women because they were powerless to stop your abuse, but your mother, who was infatuated sexualized males turned into your own infatuation as a way of trying to distance yourself from your father and reconcile with your mother and gain her love and protection.

I know for gays it's mostly true although I was never molested.

But for Dykes is 100% like that, a man touched them or broke their heart or was absent in their lives so now they hate all men and despite hating other women they are too proud to come back crawling to he dick they thirst for so much.

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Now that the dust has settled, can we finally go back to putting fags into camps and sterilization programs? They rape and molest kids, threaten the world by spreading easily containable diseases like aids, and their freedom is correlated with Civilization Collapse Disorder(CCD). It's time for the world to step up, man up and do what it takes for the children and public health.

I am not a lab rat you can test your theories on and think my brain is a simple as a monkey's. I have a nice ass too.

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Everyone knows this.
You become gay by being sexually abused as a child.
That's why so many more black people are gay than any other race- the neverending rotisserie of strange men that carousel through black women's homes while they're """"raising"""" their niglets invariably sexually abuse the children, leading to an epidemic of faggotry in the black community.

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yep, that's what they've done. being a woman is now a social construct but being gay is genetic. also, they pretend that they are tolerant because they're okay with homosexuality but they're actually not because they won't tolerate homophobia. there's been an inversion of values over the last 60 years and what's funny is that people defend these new values as Western ones. it's really been an utter joke and suggests that faith is a lot more important than reason and that people fighting on religious issues is a lot saner than some midwit atheist might want you to believe