My first meal in self-isolation. Do I dare call it based?
My first meal in self-isolation. Do I dare call it based?
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looks good to me. I started my first day of self isolation with baked beans and sausages
Looks like shit but I would eat it 7/10
>eats the tendies and fries at the very beginning of isolation
dude what are you going to have to perk you up once you get cabin fever?
Good job user
Needs some ranch but overall looks like a complete meal.
not as based as mine gwailo
where's your veggies son?
Are turds?
Need to see the drink before I can determine if this meal is based.
10/10 for british food 2/10 otherwise
I'm eating the same thing, based.
Tits or GTFO
>eats the tendies and fries at the very beginning of isolation
>dude what are you going to have to perk you up once you get cabin fever?
Right, exactly. He should still have fresh food to cook, since it's the first day.
thank god mum went to Iceland :)
>Needs some ranch
America was a mistake.
you gonna die nigga
Only water I’m afraid. I’m on a diet
rate my first day in isolation, Yas Forums:
>chocolate cereal
>chocolate cereal
>a pack of sausages
>not making it from scratch using dried bat penis
Eat your fresh food first and eat enough vegetables for your vitamins and minerals
>United Kingdom
>Fried Food
literally disgusting. If you like deep fried food over the age of 12 you are repulsive.
Also have fun with your bowel cancer, non existent gut flora, acne, and general inflammation of your digestive system.
disgusting, this is how you die from the virus
Ok. 8/10. Definitely based
6 chicken strips ! man you're hungry
>greek yogurt with blueberries
>steel cut oats with hemp seeds
>two sole fillets
>steamed broccoli
>bowl of soup
>2 pieces of toast with 2 poached eggs
>steamed green beans
I’m eating it whilst watching tv like a true LARPER
>ranut ja kalapuikot
Sometimes I feel
Like I don't have the virus
Sometimes I feel
Like this is the end
But the city I live in
The city of Wuhan
Quarantined I am
We're all gonna die
Can't drive on her streets
'Cause my neighbors are Asian
Can't walk through her hills
'Cause walking's been banned
I hear someone sneeze
And the plague is now airborne
I never worry
Now that is a lie
I don't ever want to feel
Like that bat i ate
Take me to the place I love
Bat soup sealed my fate
I don't ever want to feel
Like that bat I ate
Take me to the place I love
My fav'rite bat soup place (yeah yeah)
It's hard to believe
That the flu comes from bat soup
Now I cannot leave
The quarantine zone
At least I have bat soup
The city's best bat soup
Hungry as I am
We're all gonna die
I don't ever want to feel
Like that bat I ate
Take me to the place I love
That bat soup sealed my fate
I don't ever want to feel
Like that bat I ate
Take me to the place I love
My fav'rite bat soup place (yeah yeah)
Ooh no (no no yeah yeah)
Love me some bat soup yeah yeah
Under the bridge downtown
Is where we catch the bats
Under the bridge downtown
They grow up nice and fat
Under the bridge downtown
The cleanest, sweetest bats
Under the bridge downtown
My fav'rite bat soup place (yeah yeah)
Ooh no (no no yeah yeah)
Here I lay yeah yeah
Here I lay
Based on what?
Where are the baked beans?
Good job user you must have finally earned enough good boy points from mommy.
banana and cereal with yoghurt
fresh mango and 2 slices of my homebaked bread
Dutch potato / vegetable / sausage dish
I'm going to be eating shitty dry rice in a month or so lmao
Sounds good user!
where are the turkey drummers and hamwiches
Are you 12?
based, Red Hot Chinky Peppers are my favorite band desu
carbs are not based. carbs are why your degenerate island race is always importing shitskins to do the heavy lifting. you should've been mercygassed.
> day 13 of self quarantine
> break into bean ration and open a tin
> someone outside my house shouts “ oi bloody ‘ell gavna this bugger is eatin beans”
Chips are made from potatoes, potato is a vegetable
I’m a 19 year old man child
Reminder to avoid curries and mexican food. Don't burn through that TP hoard.
Are these small cutlets user?
I'm having corned beef, tonight.
4 meals?
What are you, a Hobbit?
I cannot go another day of not going to my fav brunch place and getting my $28 avocado toast
>potato is a vegetable
Any meal you make for yourself is a based meal.
I've already got oatmeal coming out of my ears... but it has such good macros
Why are you self-isolating? Do you have the virus? I've been told to keep going to work and shit
me too senpai.
>toast with Vegemite, a Greek salad
>bowl of black bean, mushroom and tofu soup.
>what the fuck is supper?
>small bowl of beef ravioli with feta and anchovies
get Yas Forums then get on my level.
>pretending you havent been living in self isolation for the last decade
>solanum tuberosum is not a plant
i get hungry every two hours
Parents show symptoms and probably have it. That’s means I’m more than likely too have it but I’m 19 and im not showing symptoms but I can still infect others
what do you learn at school? Breakfast Club?
tofu eating faggot, how are your man tits going onions boy
>m not showing symptoms but I can still infect others
>I can still infect others
go to London. wtf are you doing here?
I hope you live forever then lmao checkmate
NEET meal 101
You have cute leggies thou ^^
yawn. every vegan i meet is another that i want to set on fire but that doesn't mean that a plant based diet isn't super beneficial with regard to fitness, energy levels and sleep and a stack of other usual criterion which you'd have to google to understand you chubby nothing.
jesus christ you pathetic loser
Instead of fries try rice+basil+chopped tomatoes in it.