Willing Test Subjects Get In Touch

Contact us.
Fully confidential.
[email protected]

Attached: Galaxy-867b350e-1a21-4864-b168-32b99d2a4160.jpg (720x1280, 81.77K)

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/[email protected]/

Serious people only.

What for

Testing for what?

Please get in touch.

How much?

Please get in touch

The only thing that's gonna touch you in your life time is your uncle lol.

Get in touch with my balls lmao what are you silly willies up to now?

Serious people only

Get in touch, [email protected]

What if i don't have an email?

Then you are not a compatible subject.

>bong flag
>portuguese email
>phone wallpaper from zedge.net/wallpaper/867b350e-1a21-4864-b168-32b99d2a4160
Fuck off with your ARG bullshit faggot.

Thank you for cooperating all.

Serious people only.

Eat a dick LARPer.

Serious people only, you seem incompatible, thank you for not wasting both of our time.

bot post, or troll? or a malicious actor looking to give poltards neurological disease for shits and giggles.

Don't bother, anons.

Attached: ARGfag.jpg (1068x551, 82.89K)

Real people, Real entity, Looking for real test subjects.

I'm absolutely going to be wasting your time cunt. I've got five separate emails and you'll never know which is mine.

Assignment Terminated.

gee, I don't know about up or down, but I sure could tell ya how many ping pong balls fit in a Boeing 747!

Yeah, that's kind of implied innit, daft cunt.

Get in touch, [email protected]

Explain how you know who he is through an anonymous image board.


All assignments are unique.

Just as unique as your cheap whack-off of an ARG.


Attached: RenderedImage(1).jpg (343x69, 28.2K)

Incompatible, we have many other test subjects who are willing.

Then explain what this is about cunt.

See ARG LARP faggot.

>Don't waste your time. It very much seems to be a play on


which was an "art project" tricking people into thinking they were being recruited into being spies. Seeing as this is a fellow bong I'd hazard the guess that's it's a channel 4 hit job.

Are you implying they're going to dox everyone that emails them?

Who wouldn't? Newfags willingly will.
Nobody even uses vpns

Not psychic m8 . I've just got qa good gut and the similarities between this and the vid I linked too are already quite high

Doxing isn't a option, we are fully confidental and will never ask for anything personal, your only correspondence with us is over email. We will not ask you to do anything uncomfortable

Whilst we are aware of neurocam, we aren't affiliated with them in anyway, nor C4.

Please get in touch we will happily discuss any concerns.

uh yeah why don’t you get in touch with deez nutz you spastic

Attached: 71FA7730-885A-4B58-9959-859AD785E013.jpg (640x638, 69.11K)

So you're a different artist trying to waste our time?

Sucking hot shit out of this cute guys asshole

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then you'll pay us £ ?

We are not artists, we are doing genuine research, if you aren't interested please do not contact us.

Stop me you floppy cunt.

Please get in touch if you wish to discuss.

I'm not giving you an e-mail if I'm not getting paid

This is the beginning to the next black mirror episode

For what nigga?

I see that the Ayy Lmao's haven't learned how to communicate like a human yet.

Thread Theme

Attached: ayy lmao roflmao.jpg (618x611, 43.71K)

Please get in touch, you can use a burner email if you like.

give money cash only then ill hapilly give all my personal info

We have had unprecedented responses from willing people, a year high. Thank you Yas Forums.

>19 posters in this thread
unprecedented responses

you're a good kid user.

Attached: 1416198467795.jpg (782x788, 320.63K)

Thinking we only had one thread, incompatible.

Link previous ones then, LARPfag

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/[email protected]/
Where are the other threads fag?

If you cannot find, you are possibly incompatible. Thank you

Oh wait, possibly that it got 404'd due to incompatible mod.

*deep breath*
