Anyone else literally about to get fucked because of this virus?

Anyone else literally about to get fucked because of this virus?
>neet with no money
>virus completely shut down the job market, literally no one is hiring
>government money only for single mother roasties
>Same with foodbanks
>running low on the necessities
How much longer can you hold out bros? I've got 1 to 2 more days left before I'm going to be forced to do some shit I don't want to do just to survive unless the government gives universal gibs until this thing blows over.

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>some shit I don't want to do

I might have to robbing people.

>be me
>work in healthcare
>decent pay

>work in healthcare
>get sick

>do nothing

Good advice.

I guess one good thing about all this is that a lot of NEET niggers might starve to death

bad advice

If you've got functioning limbs someone can find a use for you. Volunteer to work at a food bank/soup kitchen in exchange for a couple of meals a day, even. Might be time to bite the bullet and git a jerb.

Raid life, boys.

The quarantine should last 3 weeks; which should be enough time to get some good bolt cutters and a rivet breaker. Hardware, electronics, honestly whatever suits your fancy. Make sure your face is covered, multiple gloves, shave, and tape the bottom of your shoes.

The nigs I know are legit ready for this. Cant let them have all the fun.

>>neet with no money
>>virus completely shut down the job market, literally no one is hiring

implying neet would seek job
kys useless piece of shit, at least rats will have finaly some meat

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We're really entering the raider/prepper paradigm aren't we? In a couple weeks we're going to have bands of raiders roaming the streets searching for unprepared preppers to raid.

paid to stay at home
comfy as fuck

>git a jerb
Just like niggers, NEETS are work averse

I won some money last year on the euro-millions lottery, it was only 360K but I have been a NEET since i left schol, was still at my parents, owned literally fuck all. anyway I went out and bought a small house for 170K, spent about 20K doing it up and furnishing etc, bought a small car and basically got myself where I should have been if i wasn't a lazy cunt, feels good.

Spent about 25 grand in feb on prep, had an oil generator installed, filled the garage with supplies and made the house as secure as fuck, nobody getting in here without serious equipment.

Point is i would have been fucked like you if I hadn't got lucky so I feel bad for you but I'm so glad I ain't you.

Good luck leaf bro

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>I've got 1 to 2 more days left before I'm going to be forced to do some shit I don't want to do
Worthless piece of shit

I'm a freelance sound engineer in the events industry. I have absolutely no income for the forseeable future and my tax year ends at the end of March when i will be liable for thousands of pounds of tax. I currently have only £2000 in the bank.

>If you've got functioning limbs someone can find a use for you
I've got a use for him. No limbs required.

Fuck you dude, you come try to deal with the shit I'm dealing with.

Thank you ausbro. Even if we die in the post apocalyptic world, it'll be as a truly free man for once. Barely anyone else in the last 400-500 years can say the same

I've got a second interview tomorrow that will mean a 20k raise for me, no larp. Stay salty faggot.

>virus completely shut down the job market, literally no one is hiring
Really? I've been staying at home for past 2 months and have got a call from temp just today asking if I'm available. Seems like demands are pretty high right now.

I live down the road from you.

>nobody getting in here without serious equipment.
We'll be seeing about that.

Expectus patronum

Not having a savings of money or at least a credit card in case of emergencies. You should always save and if you absolutely need to use a bit of credit to get by.

I am on payed leave for the next weeks...

Thank you Chink Flu

The US is gonna get NEETbux soon, why don't you pester Fidel Castro's son to give you some as well?

we got too cocky neetbros

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no events bro for 1 year, at least. legally change your name to Muhammad and they wont be able to locate you. they cant tax you if they cant find you.

looking forward to your visit, you better bring a JCB or dynamite.

It's Canada bro, just become a trans-roastie and get those sweet, sweet syrup shekels.

The question is whether to murder the people. I'm saying no at this point, but who knows what will happen??

I was thinking I'd totally-really-for-serious-this-time!™ get my life together this year/decade, buy a bike and join a gym with spring coming up, get Yas Forums and take some basic job stocking shelves overnight and maybe other jobs until I save enough for my own vehicle and don't have to use my dad's, keep saving until I could get my own place out of this shithole state and be Yas Forums and /fa/ by then, get in some IT cert studying and start climbing my way up.

Nope. NEETing it up even now and freaking out at my boomer dad for always going out for church activity bullshit. At least venues being forcibly closed is limiting some of that now, but if he catches the Wuhan plague and I don't have my shit in order by the time he dies I'm fucked.

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NEETS are niggers

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you are gonna get neetbux though. I'm a freelancer with literally zero protection from my own country and from my international clients. I'm literally fucked and I'm planning my suicide as we speak.

I can’t wait until one of you faggots tries this shit at my place in minecraft

They will be weak and hungry and predictable. Slings are easy to make and effective against a predictable enemy. Craft yourself a strategic defensive position like a turret and keep watch over your flock.

you’ll finally lose weight

I have four interviews this week. Then again I am a woman in IT and even in these pressing times they need more women in IT. I just say linked list or hash table and I swear people ask for in person interviews.

Work in aviation. Literally everyone is on meltdown mode because shit is being changed and canceled left and right. Everyone acting like the whole industry about to collapse

Git gud and become a twitch streamer
Or dont and appeal to a different crowd by doing the same.

When you inevitably get too much donate the rest to charity/doctors.

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>I'm going to be forced to do some shit I don't want to do just to survive
You mean work, you lazy nigger?

NEETS are niggers

Join him for church activities
Socialise with the good white christians
See of anyone is hiring, have quality wholesome time with your father before he is dead
Having something to do once a week will build you up to be able to handle a part time job

All industries are about to collapse


>fuck you got mine
OK, boomer.

If you were literally about to get fucked you would be out buying condoms.

Lmao just dont pay taxes or steal something and go to jail. If you dont get food there riot and found a peaceful nation on american soil after overthrowing the prison. Then wait for Russian/Iranian/Chinese support and fly into the twin towers. Its not that hard.

Fuck you beaner, you're part of the problem.

Pray after doing something
>Checkmate atheists

NEETS? You mean the fat troglodytes we find starved to death in the basements/waifu dungeons we've been raiding?

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Burgers are getting yangbucks UBI soon. Stay jelly leaf

Buck up champ

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I wouldn't mind the church if they weren't all kike-loving cucks, and I like that he gets some sense of community out of them since he started attending again some years back after mom died. I just really don't think now is the best time to be going out and socializing in groups, especially since we now got a confirmed case of the coronavirus in an adjacent county.

Can I bring my python into your javascript?

>literally about to get fucked
>canacuck neet
You are literally nowhere near getting fucked. Getting fucked is literally the last of your worries.
Your average canadian whore requires two cans of luxury soup, three for anal.

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you're too much of a failure to even do that retard

There are silver linings to the corona virus:
Americans learned that we are dependent on China for 90% of our generic medicines
We see how much of our economy has been outsourced
Forces older Americans to realize how unhealthy they are
It is revealed just how fragile the financial sector's Ponzi house of cards really is
Shines a light on China’s horrific animal abuse
Highlights how useless professional sports are
Brought awareness to how many really die during flu season
Exposes politicians that politicize public health and the scam artists that price gouge
Forces people to stay home and to take stock of their emergency preparedness
Correction of the stock market/price discovery
Decrease in gas prices
Parents are forced to spend time around their own children.
Make us more resilient and self-sufficient.
Increase our appreciation for brick and mortar minimum wage grocery store workers that are giving their best effort to keep us all fed
The EU is exposed as the unelected, self-absorbed globalists that they really are.
People finally realize that government is really not equipped to help everyone and basically you are responsible for yourself

What is your silver lining?
Stay safe, count your blessings and look out for your neighbors.

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The government will feed you eventually
For the simple reason that you fags will chimp out otherwise. Enjoy the NG deployment and stand in your breadline

thats why i told my family to buy bullets along with food
i pray they listened

Nobody wants your tendies, buddy. We're going straight from Walmart to home depot.

>NEET with no money
That's your own fucking fault. If you hadn't been a bum you could have worked and saved for these rainy days

literally get neetbux retard


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For things you have no control over, praying is all you can do

Nice read. might as well screencap

free gibs and quarantine sounds awesome!