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>WOWWWWWWWWW my kid is so smart they repeat my paranoid ramblings back to me take that DRUMPF

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lol what a bulllshit "my 10 year old told me that Adorno fundamentally disagrees with Trumps stance on how to deal with the combodian oil shortage"


And then everyone clapped

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ive never even heard a gunshot

>be american
>go to kindergarten
>get shot
>attend to school to learn
>get shot
>out to buy skittles and ice tea
>get shot
>go to cinema to watch a movie
>get shot
>shop at a mall
>get shot
>go to church
>get shot
>go to a nightclub
>get shot
>own a house
>get shot and robbed cause everyone's poor
>call cops for help
>you and your dog get shot
>run a marathon
>get bombed
>work in a tower
>get hit by a plane
>go on the internet
>get recorded by the NSA
>go outside
>get spied on by drones
>get sick
>die because you can't afford treatment

>my ten year old made Coronavirus antibodies in their ez bake oven

Imagine instilling so much fear into your child that they would react this way. This is a direct parrot of her mom's ramblings. The far left really does make the worst parents.

It's over for Plimpf

Then everyone clapped and cheered and I crammed a prize for best mom in my vagina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then I punched that nazi and told drumpf to stop!!!!

Americas future is bright with all those 10 year olds behaving like geniuses.

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>this is fake cause i want it to be fake
Lol is it hard to believe that children dont like being told theyre bound to be shot every day?

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What a hideous parent to tell their child they will be shot at school.
You’re more likely to die;
In a car crash on the ride to/from school
From second hand cigarette smoke
From household accidents
From the flu
Than becoming a mass shooting victim.

>sending your fucking kids to school
>in burgerstan
PTA moms should be executed

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today I was surprised to hear the trans story time at our local library was close, my two year old just fainted from relief in her crib repeating " stop don't touch me there, this is my no no square"

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And yet Canadians still flood America during the winter....

>caring about mass shootings
>ten years old
>not just landwhale mommies LARP


I completely believe that their psycho parents inundate them with paranoid fantasies and the absolute worst news

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My 2 year old son asked me today if now is the time to bomb the electric grid to start the race war and kill all the shitskins.

Caesar committed a genocide so large that the region of Gaul did not recover its population until the napoleonic age.

Truth. Just avoid high jewish population areas, and the kids should be fine.

>What a hideous parent
Parents dont have to tell them shit. They do shooting drills. They are reminded constantly. Armed and armored police. Every. Day. Of course no ones going to shoot them, probably. Maybe. Hopefully. Have you been in a school lately?

>we don't have to worry about shot at school for three whole weeks
yeah, totally sounds like something a 10 year old would say

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Thats a pretty dumb belief user. Like youre creating your own straw man to hate on.

>probably. Maybe

I am at 3 schools daily you fuckin moron. Its your goddmaned niggers causing all the fucking problems along with you degenerate leftists. You're also a little coward bitch.

>rage swich flipped
Oh. Im confused, so they are in danger from niggers? Just out of curiousity do the niggers have guns?

in today’s episode of things that didn’t happen.

also now you have to worry about armed raiders coming to your house and taking all your food and water at gun point, so really nothing changes

I just went through six months of her twitter. She never mentions marriage, kids, family life. It’s full of fake news reweets, conspiracy crap, and trump hate.
Doubtful she even has a child.

I don't need to create a strawman

If they are worried about their kids getting shot in school, they need to send them to a white private school or move away from the ghetto.

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Is it hard to believe that YOU may be the brainwashed zogbot? Nice b8 m8 breddy gr8

Courtesy in suicide is admirable.

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>Caesar was bad
>in godfather of western civilization and the most important man to ever walk the earth summed up with one word

And everyone clapped

Shit that didn't happen for $300

Adam Lanza shot kids in a rural, community. It isn’t even big enough to be a city. Sandy hook is a township.

Fuck off back to Twitter you giant faggot nigger kike

My 10yr old called your post gay and trumpish. Sobering af famalamdingdong.

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>Things that didn't happen

Verdammten Haider.

>things that never happened

My 10 year old told me that you need to get off of social media because it's not good for your mental health.

>i dont need a strawman!
>presents cherry picked anons with 10 year olds implying 20 people couldnt possibly have 10 year olds at the same time
Harder, yes.
Sounds like someone needs a quarantine project. :D im just kidding, youre great.

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White mass shooters are rare. Blacks mass shootings is a daily occurrence. The chances of your kid getting shot by whites is practically zero.

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I’ll take Imagjnary Conversations for $1000, Alex.


Imagine being a brainlet that thinks Sandy Hook is real.

Hello fellow redditors

This post will get so many up votes on leddit :D


Edit: Wow thank you guys! thank you kind stanger for my first gold :O

price of freedom, chink

Oh i cant imagine anyone would call this site "social"

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Don't schools get shut down in case of hurricanes and massive snow storms?
Sure its not nation wide but its nothing "unprecedented".
Does history for these people start in 2000s or what?

Terrible mother creates fear

>presents cherry picked anons with 10 year olds implying 20 people couldnt possibly have 10 year olds at the same time
That's not a strawman you retard, that's evidence

better to die from a 9mm freedom injection than communist viruses brought to you by the jews

God she sounds like a fucking awful mom.

Everyone and clapped then

This is america threads stopped being funny in 2016

i'll take shit that didn't happen for $800 Alex.

Welcome to American Leaf-faggot. Grow a pair or die.

So you kids is terrified to go to school because of something you see as a real threat, instead of taking them out and homeschooling or moving to a safer school you just keep forcing them to attend.

Isn’t that child abuse?

In other news:
>things that did not happen

Not women. Jews

kek literally this. That poor child.

>be Canadian
>cant afford food

>not two minutes later she makes a joke that has been on the internet since 2012

Mutts BTFO

>dying from 9mm
someone didn't take his shots as kid to build up immunity I see

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Dude had no idea what he was getting into with that one little tarp.

needs more jpg

> things that never happened

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Israel has no right to exist and all kikes will die. Also, the holocaust never happened but should have.

It really is when your school makes children fear for their lives and cannot make them feel safe.
There will always be threats out there, fear mongering and not taking care of underlying problems will always bring them to life.
Time to change the School you force your child to go to.

This kike doesn't have children.

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>things that didn’t happen

Wow, 10 years old and she has fallen for a meme already. Is she afraid to ride in cars too? 20% of all childhood deaths are from motor vehicle crashes.

Cool Story, could've used a crying arab taxi driver or something though.

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Fuck off Rebecca! He did't say that!

I hope your culturally marxist kike run shithole collapses mostly because it's a niggerworshipping kikerun degenerate weimar tier shithole with a hard on for the White race and partly because brainwashed cunts like this wouldn't exist or atleast be able to voice their programmed "opinions" in the society to come.

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>be Canadian
>let little girls in your schools get stabbed to death because your schools let anyone just walk in.
>let a rich greasy wop drunk behind the wheel kill an entire family and get off with a light sentence because he's rich.
>Karla Homolka. Volunteering in schools. 'Nuff said.
>Brett Mittelsteadt getting away with child molestation, driving victim to suicidal ideation.
>Russell Williams getting away with crimes due to ineffective courts.
>Sending an accomplice in a child's rape and murder to a "healing lodge".
>electing Justin Trudeau.
>Consuming every piece of American culture imaginable.
>no hawkey players even want to play for your shit towns.

Need we go on? Fuck Cucknada - worse than Sweden and UK combined.

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>It really is when your school makes children fear for their lives and cannot make them feel safe.

How's Letisha Reimer doing in her school?

You joke, but the Russians actually do this.

Got ourselves a certified sweety right here

And then Einstein stood up and clapped

Why do liberals lie on Twitter

>Things that totally happened

>sally kohn has an 8 year old son
Since when did this kike-dike reproduce?

you forget to add 'by a nigger'
you leaf fags are gettin sloppy

Reminder that r9k trannies did this to him

Redpill me on being 8 years old.

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>her generation defined by media hysteria of the week
yeah doubt it

>Be Canadian
>elect a literal cuckholded faggot who’s wife gets plowed by Idris Elba and contracts corona virus

then everybody clapped

And then everyone clapped

checked but you still gotta post tits, roastie

This this this. And let's not forget the "natives"! God forbid we ever do anything to offend them. Let's just let them kill and steal as much as they want. Fuck this country.

6 from the left and 4 from the bottom