Several thousand years ago, God protected the Jews against a plague in their time of need.
The Corona virus is the biggest threat to Christians and the white race the world has ever seen. God will protect you and he will stand up for his believers.
Please, remember to paint your doors and stay inside until the plague is over. God bless you and God bless your home.
Several thousand years ago, God protected the Jews against a plague in their time of need
Other urls found in this thread:
G-d only protects his chosen people.
goyim who do not accept servitude to His people are doomed to eternity in hell
the birthplace of christianity and the wreckers of the Temple is now in throes of agony
a clue for the perplexed goy
I'm been think8ng of this more and more. Does it need to be the main door into my house, all doors into my house, or just the door into my firstborn's room?
I see you are actually making a common mistake. You are confusing God with the Jew-god Yahweh. Long ago, the Jews changed the name of Yahweh to God when they invented Christianity and today's informed people are well aware of this. Godan ( God ) is one god among many others in the polytheistic Germanic pantheon. God is not a title, it is a Lombardic name of Godan, or more commonly, Odin. The Jew-god Yahweh is the bible god and the name of the god that applies here. It is important to understand the difference. The Jews took this measure to eradicate the native Germanic religion by tricking the natives into signing over their souls to the Jew's god. Today's deceptive Christians continue with the Jew's tactic and persist in using God's name to fake being white, which is quite deplorable. Christians are cowards who won't even call their god by the name that Jesus would have used ( that's assuming that he was even once ever real ).
we christians are going to paradise if we die, so we dont fear anything
espacially some wicked memeflags
sorry schlomo, you belials killed your own messiah, now we are the chosen people
we even are allowed to call him our father
the old covenant finally ended when you stoned stephen to death, after millennia of warnings and corrections by yahweh
join the new covenant if you wish: choose christ
>trying to assert some disconnect between the old and new testaments
Fuck Israel, hope the Arabs fuck it up
They painted their doors with lambs blood because it was pre-incarnate. Now we have Jesus.
To a Christian who reaffirms and secures your beliefs this makes sense, to a Hellenismos this makes you sound insane.
when the old covenant was severed, ended, they were no longer the chosen
as Christ said:
"Behold YOUR temple is left unto your desolate"
the Father had left the temple, the people, the nation
>G-d only protects his chosen people.
You're right : he does.
Lol. That wasn’t God. Jews made a blood pact with a desert demon called Yahweh. They ritualistically slaughtered goats/lamb, smeared the blood on their door frames, and summoned the “angel of death” to genocide the first born sons of their racial enemies. Then they annually celebrated the occasion for thousands of year till this day.
the new testamant makes clear who God's chosen ARE
Yahweh is the Father, the ancient of Days
but good luck if you think you are remove Him from Christ, to disentangle the 2 testaments of the Bible
So we should paint Jew blood across our doors?
His chosen people didn't choose you Rosenberg
grace through face and not race makes you a child of god
3 branches become 1
>that gibberish horoscope continent wide strokes nonsense
side have left this brane
Again. Yahweh might be the God of the Jews (a demon) but I can assure you, Christians don’t worship the same God
>the white race the world has ever seen
What about us latino Catholics? What makes you think jesus and God only loves white people? Jesus loves everyone doesn't matter the race.
thats funny because Christ called him Father
you're a convert. ashkenzai jews are terrible khazarian larpers that nobody likes.
>Chosen friendship ended with the Jews, white people are new best friend
Christians, not white people
G*rmans were living in mudhutts and having sex with beasts when christianity was invented , jews didn't even know they existed lol
shut up mulatto half breed.
Ok normie, Vikings are Germans, vikings conquered all of the East, Russo destroyed Kiev the Jews base, Germans conquered the Jews main home land, KHAZZARIA.
Da jooos? Or the Israelites?
i confess to our almighty God, and to you my brothers, that i've greatly sinned. in my thoughts and in my words, in what i've done and what i've failed to do. therefor i ask our blessed mother Mary, ever virgin, all the angels and saints, and you, my brothers, to pray for me to the lord our God.
4 more weeks of lent, brothers. stay strong.
>God protected jews
What makes you think the God that has made christians the servile subjects of jews gives a flying fuck about the goyim cattle?
Keep on praying for protection my dudes. Gid bless you all, even the Canaanites in this thread LARPing as God's Chosen.
Ten centuries later you inbred idiot
+ Kiev a jew base hahahah wtf ?
t. synagogue of satan
Judeans and Israelites. Not Israelis. Even the shitty plague rats won't go so far as to call themselves Israelites because they won't cross that line, since they know they don't belong to the tribe of Judea. Ethnicity = / = converts. Not the same.
Jews weren't a thing back then you imbecile. Learn the etymology of the words you're using.
you are doing it wrong
doing great until you started praying to something other than God, namely the dead and then heavenly beings
you do not pray to other than deity
and there is only One
nice reading comprehension retard
I am pretty sure that this time around its either krishna, or the demigod kek that may offer such protection.
no i checked, he also addresses what i mentioned
It's a destructive semitic desert demon. I would strongly suggest not to worship him.
try to justify supplicating/appealing to unseen beings other than the Lord
actually, shartmutt, jews were considered middle eastern BVLLS
we converted white women en masse, outraging eternally cucked euroweenies
>Believes in Jew nonsense
Go fuck off Jew worshipper. Fucking low IQ moron
so you choose death
it is your prerogative
Let's talk about the bible for a bit
1) First off the bat, never mentions historical facts like arctic animals, dinosaurs, fauna of the Amazon
2) Instead explains in great detail how the arc of the covenant looked like. Inside the arc (made of gold that the Jews apparently hauled all the way from Egypt) allegedly 10 commandments directly from God which Moses carved on stone tablets. No historical evidence of this remains whatsoever. Only ever mentions animals known to the people of Levant at the time. Talks openly about incest and giving away their own children for rape to save their own sorry asses.
3) The bible is full of stories of a tribe of liars who valued gold more than essentials for survival like water and food, completely ignorant of the outside world, not ashamed of pedophilia, incest, selling their children who they have already mutilated and sexually abused, as sex slaves.
They make niggers and gypsies seem honorable in comparison.
Remarkably similar to modern day Jews such as Jeffery and Harvey and the Rothchild family.
It is not G-d who protects these people, it's the goyim who protects them. White people specifically, have tolerated and forgave niggers, gypsies and jews for thousands of years. White people truly are the holiest of mankind. White people who had no reason to show mercy, treated the evil jews humanely and that is the only reason why jews are still around.
Is it now? or are you seeing what you want to see? It's very simple if you had the eyes to see and ears to hear.
The bible says the people of this world are blinded and fooled, for satan is the god of this world. Jesus Christ when He was about to be crucified said that His Father's Kingdom is not of this world, and if it was, His apostles and followers would defend Him and prevent His death. So you can see quite simply how there is a disconnect between the material god and the Heavenly Father whom Jesus Christ, Iesous Christos, belongs to.
This is what people who rely on their pastors to guide them will never learn except from those pastors who have given up their reliance on money through the congregation's offerings and tithes. This is what Christians who trust the kikes will never learn. For how can the spiritually blind lead anyone except into more blindness?
>Several thousand years ago, God protected the Jews
There's no way to verify that though.
>Hur dur if you don't believe in muh Jew God, you picked death
Go fuck off you delusional Jew worshipper.
"do not make my Father's house a den of thieves"
>i am the way the truth and the life
>Delusional schizo chants his Jew proverbs
Go Christcuck. Don't spread that bullshit here.
Esau, thou art hated by the Father
>G-d only protects his chosen people.
on that we are agreed Esau
we will remember you
The plague was brought BY GOD you retard. The whole point of Passover is to celebrate God murdering Egyptian babies while PASSING OVER Jewish homes and sparing Jewish babies.
Christians are so fucking ignorant of their own Bible.
ha ha ha the sky wizard will save us!
Please do this,, please ritually kill some sheep and splash blood all over the place.
Viva the lultz!
>i can escape gehenna
cool story shizo
kek whiteoids absolutely btfo
also this is Yas Forums kike faggot
we wipe our asses with your low tier rambam bullshit
you faggots are just going full moses of crete
and its going to end the same way if not much worse
> i can save myself
>Hur dur you iz Esau
Wow jew worshipper cope. The dishonesty of Christcucks to try and hold on to this Jew cult. Christcucks need to go.
Shut up faggot show us your flag
>destroyed Kiev the Jews base
i'm having a tough time. just need people to pray for me. i thought other christians would understand. i'll keep looking.
how can you be a Christian when are sending your prayer to places other than God?