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still what they are doing is no penance for literally causing one of the worst pandemics. Fuck chinks to hell.

fuck off chink

Yeah. Funny how we helped our Native American friends with those blankets too long back. Good to see the circle of friendship is completing itself


“Those Asians“ are the ones who brought it here in the first place.

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It’s not all Asians ,china is not all of Asia stop being assblasted Chang we all know the japs and gooks don’t care

>get coronavirus equipment from coronavirus patients and masterminds
yeah, good luck with that

I would rather die then touch those filthy fucking chinkypox shit

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>chigger has explosive diarrhea
>it gets everywhere
>causes pandemonium
>hands me a tissue
>”saved yo ass, why*e boi”
Wow, thanks.

>putting the wuflu directly onto your face and huffing it in
No thanks.

Asians are the most racist towards other Asians


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>create virus
>sell shit to defend yourself from the virus
>yeah we chinks saved your whitey ass lmao


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>setting your house on fire and then offering you fire extinguisher at 'friendship' price

And white "people" wonder why we hate them

Perhaps refrain from eating vermin in the future and we can all avoid this. It’s not that hard

Our fucking companies have gone full tilt with the globohomo agenda and outsourced all production to Asia. After this crisis I'm already seeing both Republican and Democratic politicians saying how stupid and shortsighted that policy was, and hopefully they will change the laws to prevent outsourcing critical goods to foreign countries going forward.

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>start disastrous fire that is destroying shit
>dude wtf is your problem why did you do this?!
>uhh have you maybe thought YOU started this?
>here, let me help you put out this fire, whitey
>thanks for helping put out this fire that has spread outside your land

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Not gonna thank a nigger who called an ambulance for me after stabbing me you fucking leaf

When I say Corona, you say solly. CORONA

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like pottery, fuck off chang. You disgusting insects should have never let it get out of China

Fucking kek talk about a Trojan Horse. I love how Chinese filth are manipulating this to try and get people to forget that they were the originators and they're so desparate they're piggy backing off retarded American leftists because ORANGE MAN BAD. fuck em all

Good. Hate us and gtfo of our continents. Go back to China where you belong. Enjoy.

Cope harder Dong Wong. You make our country objectively worse. Most chinks are only in it for themselves and the only reason there's no more space in your motherland is because your culture is garbage.

No one likes you, not even poos

Directing hate towards Asians is wrong, directing hate against Mainland Chinese people, perfectly acceptable, they are Yellow Jews

>Be the most repressive regime in human history
>Censor the media and freedom of speech
>Remain communist into the modern day
>Declare no more term limits
>Build islands in the China sea to claim contested land
>Put Uyghurs in concentration camps
>Harvest the organs of your own citizens
>Spread a global pandemic and underreport numbers of the virus

“Guys, sTahP beIng rAcisT to tHe cHinese, tHey’re hElpIng Us, thEY’rE thE gOod guYs.”

fuck off chink

>Engineers pandemic
>heres a mask bro

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Yea I’m not taking shit from a chink, they caused this shit and their gonna fucken pay.

are these free or is it just another shipment as usual?

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>A fucking retard said something stupid.

Great thread OP. You’re a certified faggot.

kek this dumb cunt probably thinks they're sending this shit over for free out of the goodness of their hearts. Greedy chinks are probably selling this shit for a massive markup because they know we'll pay it.

Who do you think buys all his shit?


So Wang, why you in a white country? You are a lateral leech.

>bring chink virus to the rest of the world
>take your countries supplies that they have been making for decades
>Ship whatever is left after they steal them all
>See, the asian people are the best people!

Pure PR. Remember when China donated a ton of food too Africa while China had a famine going on? Kys OP you retarded faggot.

>what they are doing
literally just jack ma. wouldn't be surprised if he was one of the very few actual altruistic billionaires, unlike bill gates and elon musk and bezos

it's pretty cucked to think that this is anything but a huge money channel for them. the cumpanies are making bank atm

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I am grateful for our chink frens. We couldn't have done it without them.

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What are you going to do about it little bitch?

You hate them because they are upset over the disgusting Chinese habits, culture, and government keep dragging the planet into the shitter?

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Guys, I think we've seen this before.

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>And white "people" wonder why we hate them
Lions do not concern themselves with the opinions of sheep. See you soon.

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fuck, I realized too late that this is a slide thread

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If anyone wants to understand Chinese culture, how they are basically insectoid Jews, read this book, "What's Wrong With China" by Paul Midler. His "Poorly Made In China" is also a good read.

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Chinks are natural cucks it's in their DNA


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they're probably laced with the virus, fuck chinks, ugly fucks.

Cope harder chankoro!

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you are what you eat.

>spread a virus globally
>now you owe us a thank you racists!
I'm starting to think asians are worse than niggers

Call you a chink and watch you cry

How does this bring the dead back to life?

>And white "people" wonder why we hate them

Then why the fuck are you even here

This is now a First Nations appreciation thread.