Coronavirus is decimating israel
>containment measures are failing
>the staggering number of infected keeps climbing regardless if quarantines
>shabak spying on people to enforce quarantine
>mass arrests, raids on quarantine violators and people still keep doing it
its heading in a bad direction dudes, i've had my emergency food stockpile in my bombshelter that i've kept up since long before corona and when my workplace puts us all on leave im going in there but i think the country is gonna collapse all around me.

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I sincerely hope you all get wiped out.
That's revenge for killing my Lord and savior


Based Xi saving the world one step at a time!!!!

its a nothing burger, dont worry about it fellow jew

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is he gonna use this to become dictator ?

herd immunity

In the end... it appears that communism will really save the world even if not as expected...


This thing seems to only effect the enemies of Christ.

you are a fake nation propagated by the ZOG. you deserve worse than that

pay denbs


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Never forget the six million

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>its heading in a bad direction dudes
>its heading in a bad direction dudes>its heading in a bad direction dudes>its heading in a bad direction dudes

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I'll never forget the 1,000 Israeli's who died from the coronavirus.

>Corona kill six gorillion Jews
Based Winnie the flu making fiction a reality!!!

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>This thing seems to only effect the enemies of Christ.


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Good. I hope y'all die, you cursed motherfuckers.

Looks like it's payback time for poisoning the wells

Nobody will cry when the Palestinians come kill you all until the last because Tsahal will have completely collapsed


you'd like that you filthy kike.

oh my vey, let me suck on your schlonghead and get all of your shekels on my huge nose.

We will hear and read for eons about the brave jews who perished in the coronashoah-virus.

To mention deaths of other races shall be deemed an anti-semitic.

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please stay safe, fragile little jews

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Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.

>virus designed to kill asiatic hordes
>kills asiatic hordes

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Quick use Zyklon B on yourself fellow yid.

build fast jews, or you won't have much time to play with your last temple

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>Coronavirus is decimating israel
And thats a good thing

Should have got bigger face masks.

yay! remember schlomo, if you aren't part of the inner circle you are just cattle like the rest of us :)

>jewnoses are too big to fit in standard gas masks

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shoahna virus

>endless threads asking "why no videos of corona?"
>pops up like clockwork, from israel

it all makes sense now

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Breaking news! Israel demands reparations for the coronavirus, they not sure from whom, but they on it.

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Jews getting jewed. ((They)) know this is nothingburger.

>Jews lock themselves in a concentration country and gas themselves
Why did Hitler even bother?

>staggering number

there are 300 confirmed cases
what are you talking about

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I don't get this type of shit... It's not even funny, just misinfo for the sake of misinfo.

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Isn't 300 Chosen equivalent to like 300,000,000 goyim?

thats insane dude it was 70 a few days ago, all their measures to block it failed

Kek will reach 25 million before the end of the day

more than a dictator,, he's going to be the messiah.

Watching Israel descend into religious madness is going to be funny as fuck.

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>Europe and the US get hit the hardest
Really makes you think

Holy kek

wasnt israel covid free not that long ago?

haha you kike.

Brother, it breaks my heart. We hope we survive this one.

Yahweh is protecting us.


Jesus doesn't exist, neckbeard

>dead jews were the virus all along

Have any terrorists barged into crowded areas coughing to try to fuck with people? If not, Mossad could give in a shot in Gaza and the West Bank, it could fuck their morale.

1 Thessalonians and 2 Thessalonians are two different books, kike.

LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>its heading in a bad direction
You sure? sounds pretty BASED to me.

are you fucking retarded or something? it has an incubation of what, two weeks? it was obvious it would reach hundreds by now.
the aim is to keep it below 1000000, not below 500

Unironically good luck, fren

>Yahweh is protecting us.

That worked out soooo well against the Romans didn't it?

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that illegal
no, containment is failing
goal is to keep it as low as possible and lower than 1 mil is definitely possible. the whole point is to delay spread until we have vaccine.

Livemap says 255 cases 0 deaths
How accurate is it?
Is it worse over there?

There really are so many hypochondriac Jews out there. I could see this thing running a train on certain semitic minds.

>Jews realize it's just a fucking cough
>ignore panic theatre
>ruling Jews mad
good for them

Global interconnectedness is a bitch

In your face terrorists.

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Beautiful. Brave Warriors of Israel defending their lands against the invaders...

good yair. you're a fake jew larper so ono one cares

its 298 confirmed cases, contaiment isnt working even with all the snitching and arrests.
army is cancelling weekends at home to isolate soldiers and the government is paying to take over a bunch of hotels to house patients when hospitals are overwhelmed.

You don't exist


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accusations of what?

You goyem are so idiots.

6 gorrilion*