Curfew and business closings

>All casinos, restaurants, bars, movie theaters, nightclubs, performing arts centers and gyms must shut down at 8 p.m. Monday and will remain closed until further notice in New Jersey, New York and Connecticut

Obviously unemployment numbers are gonna skyrocket, but... aren't a lot of these businesses going to, well, go out of business? We live in such a tight margins, just-in-time model, that you know these places don't have money stashed away for something like this. Am I crazy, or is everything hosed? What's it gonna be like picking up the pieces after everything is said and done? I'm sure somebody's set to make out like a bandit, buying assets for pennies on the dollar, but this seems like a huge fucking wrench being thrown in our society. What the hell are they thinking.

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South Jersey here. This is fucked up. How does the government force a private business to close?

ask them

ayyyyyyy just lost my joooooob


It's actually more than that. They're saying non emergency travelers are to be off the roads at 8pm.

cant have shit in Detroit

That's fucked up. Hasn't happened in KCMO yet.

Stay strong brother. Be conservative with your food and hygiene supplies.

I actually called my gyms, they're closing at 8, and my gun shop. They're open, but don't know how long NICS will stay open in Trenton.

Lol fuck Murphy. Dudes a literal cock sucking faggot. T. South jersey

Riots when?

fuck NICS and gun laws those wont apply soon enough especially if boog begins

I always wondered what the tristate area was referring to. Thanks for the pic

NJ is already broke as it is. Now add the hundreds of thousands on unemployment for the next month. This is so fucking stupid.

I have enough ammo for now, but I wanted to grab a new boomstick before shit really hits the fan.

Friend of mine lost his job yesterday. U-Haul is trying to reduce personnel as much as possible.

When my bank account hits zero even if niggers aren't looting i'm about to start looting

>Lose job because of Virus
>Still gotta pay utilities and rent

The fuck?
Jew's are gonna pay my man
Wall streets going up in flames

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>recommending a statewide curfew

Nothing. I still have to work tonight god damnit

My sister and my friend in Delaware are out of a job for now as paraprofessionals who work in schools.

They Keystone State shall hold the line! We must not give into the insanity and panic of our insane New York and New Jersey neighbors! If anything, now is the time to reclaim what is rightfully ours!

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AFAIK, the curfew is only a strong suggestion. Obviously going to work and buying food is essential, but there's no way to enforce it.

Please invade, I'll be here sewing your flags in secrecy.

ayo haddon heights boi here - you were def at GSB a few hours ago fuck off alex

Sorry, user. PA too.

All this shit is just the government suggesting to stay home and so on. They have no way of enforcing a fucking thing. Fuck this state and fuck Murphy. I still have night shift and as far as I'm concerned, if I still have to go to work, its not an emergency. If the fucking Dems didn't try to slip some hidden shit into the bill, we'd already have a bill that would pay people 2/3rd their normal pay while they're out of work. But nooo, gotta try to slip funding in for fucking planned Parenthood in a bill meant for financial relief.

Central Jersey reporting in btw

Sorry, Bellmawr standing by.

am i safe in Monmouth Beach NJ?

Honestly if the utilities go down, cops don't really respond to shit other than straight up shootings. And even then they usually book it away if it's out of control. Never forget that cops DO NOT have an obligation to the people. Their monicker of "protect and serve" is to the state. When Sandy hit and my power was out for near a month, looting, robberies, and assault were rampant. My neighborhood only got through it because my neighbors and I set up barricades in the roads and put loot/shoot signs up.

This shit is unconstitutional.

Do not comply.

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I can't wait until that faggot is up for re-election. He's getting booted. Nobody likes him and I'm pretty sure he only got elected because of his last name. Regardless, I'm ignoring him. Going to keep living my life as a I please.

NYCanon here. my job has enforced a stripped down skeleton crew for the forseeable future, from a crew of 16 people down to only 2 people in the store at any one time to "limit human contact". because of this, everyone on the roster now has literally only one day of work for each entire week, at only 4 hours on the day, because that is the new max payroll.

this is fucked. in b4 get out of NYC and all the other usual bullshit. if this is happening here, then the rest of the country is uber screwed.

My wife and kids are scared to go outside now because the fucking news and cock sucker governor are fearmongering the shit out of people. I went to Walmart at 6:30am before work to buy groceries because people are chimping out over bread and toilet paper. Meanwhile I'm over here like thisisfine.jpg

you are correct. an employer cannot suddenly reduce scheduled hours out of the blue without notice. that is what they are doing, and blaming the government. we will all be getting back pay for this bullshit one way or the other.

>we will all be getting back pay
If your employer still exists by the time this is all through.

that, unironically, is also a concern. they've been talking about closing down the store for some time. i won't say where i work, but it's a failing situation. sadly at this rate i would make more per week on unemployment than from what i would get working at my job. ain't that a bitch.

Nassau county user here
I work in fastfood, the boomer management still have me work same hours like normal, they put up a new hand washing instruction sheet is large print Spanish next to the normal washing sign that has eng &esp. only precaution cause corana.

pray for final victory anons.

>self centered jew york dominates coastline of 2 other states by calling itself tristate area

i'm shocked this thread is being slid, this is important life changing shit.

To me, the tristate area is Jersey, PA, Delaware.

This directly effects millions of people economically. I want to think there's some magic plan in place that when this unnecessary scare is over, we will be alright, but the unemployment and ruin of small business will take years to overcome.

Upstate NY user here. I'm fully in support of this Reich

They don't care.

>They have no way of enforcing a fucking thing.

Fines to businesses that break the mandate.


This is gonna lead us straight into communism

> have a bill that would pay people 2/3rd their normal pay while they're out of work

we already have that; it's called unemployment insurance

PA governor isn't going to use law enforcement to force compliance by businesses, but I bet that changes in some instances.

He has repeatedly said he will not order state law enforcement officials to enforce the closures — instead, he said, he expects “self-enforcement.”

I know people who already filed because they were laid off today until further notice. There's a check box under reason for layoff that says Corona virus. The repercussions will be long lasting.


>This shit is unconstitutional.
>Do not comply.
Don't plan to. Just filled up my gas tank for some late night street fun.

The Rust Belt Alliance needs to be centered around the Great Lakes. Yes, that includes parts of Ontario too.

That's because that is the actual Tri-State area. New Yorkers just get pissed whenever their not the center of attention, so they try to push that Tri-State refers to them even though they know it doesn't.
Back when I was in the Navy, I was station in upstate NY. Ballston Spa to be precise. Citizens there were fine hardy folk. Good and based. I'd be proud to have them in Pennsylvania. For now though, all I can do is make you an honorary Pennsylvanian.

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That would be pretty tricky to do. Pennsylvania is already pretty big.

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Southern California Indian casinos not shutting down for Corvid-19.

"Because the casinos are on sovereign tribal land, the county can’t order them to close, ", said a Riverside County spokeswoman .

>gotta have a wawa

I live in jersey and been looking at getting a gun permit here but i read i have to go ask my police department. Did you have to do the same? How hard was it?

Unironic question. Where does the Governor get the authority to close a private business? Does he have the power to fine these businesses, and if so, what statue?


emergency powers. this is just like the star wars prequels.

I actually don't even ever see any Wawa around where I am. Sheetz and Rutters are the big 2 after the fall of Turkey Hill.

So this was the area the mad scientist from phinnius and ferb wanted to rule?

Are you saying we're going to get Star Destroyers user?

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desu hopefully shit would be badass

Its a process but not impossible.

You can start at your local PD to fill out an application, but in the last year or so, they direct you to the state police website.

You fill out all of your personal info, a questionaire if you're a criminal or terrorist or not, provide two non-family references (they will be emailed a short questionnaire), and pay a $50(?) Fee. In about a month, you'll get a firearms purchaser ID card.

Also, whenever you buy a handgun, you have to do this process everytime, for every handgun (unless you're buying an entire collection), and only one handgun every 30 days.

Once you have the permit, you can purchase long-guns anytime.

During every transaction, the FFL will run your shit again through NICS in Trenton at the time of purchase.

I live in south jersey and there's at least one or two in every town. Gas stores and small stores.

I guarantee they will stay open. And diners. Because where else do cops eat?

So, does the virus wake up at 8pm or something?

Either shut everything the fuck down or don't. This is exactly like the plastic bag bullshit they conned us with last time: oh no, your carrier bag is killing dolphins and sea turtles, but hey, pay us 30p for it and it's fine. Fuck dolphins anyway.

This is horseshit chaps, it's got fuck all to do with any viral outbreak. They are crushing their competitors and will swoop in with a monopoly post-"pandemic".

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>Unironic question. Where does the Governor get the authority to close a private business? Does he have the power to fine these businesses, and if so, what statue?
He doesn't.

There were powers allowed to the governor to stop the spread of contagions, but when Christie quarentined that african ebola doctor lady a few years ago, the powers were overturned in court and the lady left quarantine like 3 weeks early.

So he doesn't have the power, not anymore. Thanks Obama.

I'm curious if they will they mandate that gun stores close. My local FFL has a fucking snake wrapped around an AK 47 in their logo so they better stay open and take my money wither way.

Sovereign, eh? Fine, if it's a separate country, we need to quarantine people returning from Tribal space for two weeks.

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