Pothead had coronavirus for over a week

>pothead had coronavirus for over a week
>he's been sharing joints with someone who's infected
>still went to parties, uni and met with friends
>didn't tell anyone because
>well, like, I wasn't TOTALLY sure if I have it so I thought I should wait til I'm sure
>and, like, it's kinda embarrassing so I didn't want anyone to know
I fucking hate potheads

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Pothead here.
Fuck off you self-righteous schmuck.

3 weeks clean of weed (ex pothead) here
quit coping and wrecking your soul and mind klaus. My life in 3 weeks has already changed dramatically in terms of mental state. You're destroying yourself with that garbage

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I dunno. I went on a 6 years vacation from weed, and my life was still shit and my mind was still a mess. Now I'm back on weed and it's still the same, except that now I have fun for a couple of hours while high instead of being miserable the whole day.

Mmmmkay faggot, I’m a real pot head and I ain’t trying to share a joint with anyone. I’d give them a pre-roll before I share my own.

that's the most pathetic thing i've ever heard. You sound like you feel real sorry for yourself user, I pray that you find mental peace another way someday.

Perhaps it is not weed alone that is your vice, holding you back from self improvement.
Think on this matter at length.

Careful bro, I always get this uppity and overconfident, calling my stoner friend / family junkies when I'm sober for 2 months, but it'll get ya.
Remember this post when you relapse again, good luck bro.

Congrats bro. Best decision you could have made regarding the drug

Dude you gotta replace smoke with something else. You cant just quit and expect life to be awesome

oy vey

Then stop taking ibuprofen and acetaminophen asshole, they're literally poison to your liver.

And that's why weed is bullshit, most people smoke that shit since being stoned lets them get complacent with the crap in their life that makes them unhappy and want to fleetingly escape via pot and other drugs

The real reason all drugs should be banned and their use severely punished is because it always make their users huge egocentric assholes ready to backstab even their family for the next dose.

Beer bug is going to cull the millennials and the boomers.

Gen X will rule.

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last time i quit it was for 6 years, and doing it this time is for a job that randomly drug tests and i was ready to be sober again. I also don't drink so my willpower is a bit higher than most. I want this job because it doubles my current income and honestly won't need to go back to the mary ever again. I feel your sentiment tho

Du bist ein wertloses Stück Scheisse. Dreckskiffer geh' sterben.

At least now that user has the presence of mind to attack the problems in his life that drove him to smoke weed regularly

What? I'm saying that weed is not harmful. It's not the cause nor the remedy of suffering. The only true danger of weed is that it will tempt you with other, actually harmful drugs.

What are you on about, baka? I didn't took it for more than half a decade and my life didn't change.

it is harmful tho, to your mental state and motivation. Especially if you have mental disorders that already ail you, in my case I have bipolar type 2 so that shit just wrekt my mind.

I think that's also why many places are legalizing weed, they'd rather have the proles just get stoned all the time rather than question anything let alone contest their fucked up lot in life because "ZOMG 420 Blaze it!!!!!!!!!"

It is, whether or not you're willing to see it.

Every other form of entertainment or recreation can fill the same role.
Still, nobody should be using weed more than one to two times a week, tops.

Meh I haven't smoked for two weeks mainly because it made me anxious. No biggie don't smoke that much anyway and I take time off all the time, sometimes for years.

post proof

No kidding your life didn't change if you only stopped smoking and did nothing else positive for yourself.

I guess it's still useful as a social marker of extreme failure.


I've gone longer than 3 weeks without weed and I still consider myself a smoker
no withdrawals or anything because its not addictive

i'll grab some more once corona-chan has finished her rampage

I'm not smoking til US goes into full quarantine. Don't need to go down a self perpetuating cycle of paranoia right now.

But once shit is shut down and I'm comfy watching movies with gf I'll be fine.


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No my dude, what was harmful for my mental state and motivation was the hell on earth that was my life. Waking up just to suffer is not healthy.

But I do grant your point of being dangerous to people with preexisting mental issues.

Like I said, it's not the cause of my deplorable life. Take my scientific experiment as proof.

Empty words, Anons.

I had a neighbor friend that was schizophrenic but had reclaimed his life thanks to a good mix of Rx who went off the rails harder than he ever had thanks to smoking weed and drinking. He stole another neighbors car as they all went to the store hoping to calm him down and he lost his job and got expelled from the college he was enrolled in. Good stuff that marijuana, no?

Die you fucking dirty hippie

drinking is fucking stupid
who would intentionally make themselves sound like a slurring retard with a KNOWN addictive substance?
you can't contribute to the GDP if you're under the influence

Yeah it's not a unique phenomenon to weed but it is a regular constant for heavy users, probably also why wax and dabs are so popular now. Imagine being that much of a weedfag smoking it doesn't even fuck you up anymore?

I never thought smoking weed made your life bad, what I was saying was you didn't bother to fix problems in your life since being stoned was faster and distracted you from the problems of your life


fucking Retard, theres shitton of articles linking Cannabis use with adverse effects on your brain
are you one of those dede weed npcs or fucking what ?

how do you even get weed in iceland

Yeah, we agree. Weed is a quick, easy to get escape from your life's problems. That's why I will never support its banning, since it's just dealing with the symptoms and not the cause. Instead of taking weed away from miserable people, why not stop what's causing said misery?

Cope harder you dirty wook. If weed had any major pharmacological promise you can bet your ass the drug companies would be the fastest to process weed and market it morning noon and night to every demographic and illness it would help by taking. IDGAF if you want to smoke weed all the time but acting like it's this miracle plant that cures AIDS and shit is a pretty corny rationale for wanting to be high all the time like a degenerate.

Yeah no.....

>Your friend was schizo
>Blames weed

Makes total sense....

I got to 5 days 5 hours and caved.

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DESU i was fine until i started dabbing, that shit has made weed do nothing to me.

I literally use like people would have a beer, on occasion but dabbing ruined it for me. Totally shafted my tolerance.

Weed is no more degenerate than anything else, abusing anything is degenerate - using with restraint is literally fine.

Why can't people just use it recreationally? It's always either none at all or all the time. Imagine if alcohol was treated this way. It's dumb.

What you mongs don't realise is that weed makes mundane shit seem enjoyable, I don't watch telly or play videogames unless I'm stoned, and most of it is just shit otherwise
It's just another thing people use to fill the hole in their life in a modern existence
Ignorance is bliss, and you can make yourself blissfully ignorant pretty fucking easy with drugs, which is why most British people hammer alcohol (and cocaine) every weekend

Ahhhh the eternal jew

keep poisoning your mind, junkie piece of shit.

You shot your tolerance up.

If you abstain from 75% THC and drop back down to 25%, it might take a few days, but you'll start feeling it at 25%.

Welcome to the world of addiction.

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Is that a pothead thing to do or a dumbass thing to do? There is definitely overlap lol

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Stay strong mate.

Go take your nigger drug to Reddit

It's a dumbass thing to do.

I stopped sharing pipes/joints back in 2015.
2012-2014, I would share at every college party I went to.
Thankfully I never picked anything up.

I had that idea that most OCD stoners get to run the lighter over the upper port mouth piece - it probably didn't do anything.

Best way to quit weed is switch from smoking to edibles - once on edibles lower your daily intake over the course of 3 to 4 weeks.

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FPBP & /thread

False. Weed makes you immune.

You came with some gay elaborate story just to say you don't like weed. Geman autism at it's finest.

>3 weeks clean of weed

I haven't more than a week without weed for 23 years or so

Stop being sanctimonious when you were a full blown degenerate 3 weeks ago

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Oh yeah? I quit january 1st and haven't noticed jack shit in improvement.

herd immunity

>being mad about a scenario you made up

And also no difference except that it was nice being high again when I smoked up again 2 weeks ago.

>unless manufacturing said drugs would lose them 1000% of profits from their current drug lineup

Too stupid to post.

Theres a line between enjoying some pot and being a wreck. If you smoke when you wake up, if you smoke every day, if you spend more than 50-60 bucks a month on weed really, you're doing it wrong. I know a ton of professionals in their field who smoke and I know a ton of normal people who smoke. The difference is the professionals do it on week ends or literally take a few rips off a bowl a night or two a week and thats it. They don't need to smoke a blunt to themselves or smoke dabs because they haven't fried all their receptors with repeated abuse. I don't completely blame all the normies and others who have fallen into it though. For many of us the whole "pot is harmless" narrative was pushed pretty hard and it's a lot worse now than when I was a kid, even though we actually fucking have the data now to pretty conclusively say what it does and doesn't do. Don't be a pot head guys, it's okay to enjoy some weed but don't be a pothead. If you have cancer or something whatever do what you need but that shit ruins lives, and then people becomes too fucking stoned for ten years to realize the damage. Wake up one day wondering why they're there.