The adenochrome theory is looking true. Why would he been tested if he has no symptoms? Hollywood is probably melting down right now.
Idris Elba positive!
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Oh no
This nigger is older than i thought
Give me a quick rundown on the adrenochrome theory and specifically how it is related to coronavirus
good hope the nigger dies
But blacks are immune
>Why would he been tested if he has no symptoms?
because he said he was possibly exposed to it.
Iirc he's in his 50s.
No u
and hes exposing that lady beside him right now?
He was banging trudeaus wife
He's black, not nigger. Don't lump him with apes. He's based.
>the freemason handler said I had the virus. so I must have it.
Adrenochrome is a potent drug that Hollywood pedos abuse. Its mostly made in Wuhan by harvesting it from the adrenal gland of sex trafficked children. Either accidentally or intentionally that supply has become contaminated and so world leaders and Hollywood elites are becoming disproportionately infected with coronavirus.
They imbibed ingested synthetic adrenochrome manufactured in the Wuhan laboratory because they ran out of kids to torture but still want to commune with Satan
>elites are taking parts of baby brains and eating them to get high
>Trump contaminates the baby brains supply
>all the birds with one stone
Thread theme
He was good in Pulp Fiction.
I think ive seen enough, the public cant get tested to literally save their lives but hollywood get tested before symptoms even show? Yeah its all bullshit.
Hasnt it been way over 7 days since the pope got it?
Its addictive, but the "elite" use it because it enhances them physically - its the consumption of blood or maybe specifically adrenochrome that keeps them young and vibrant long into old age. A literal fountain of youth.
It's manufactured in China. Many celebrities are all of a sudden ill (Tom hanks, etc)
Oh shit
>mutt's law takes 11 replies
dead website
special strain infects adrenochrome manufactured in wuhan, elite take it because these people are sick
when tested they are found to be infected with the strain only found in adrenochrome supplies, implying an adrenochrome addiction implying they've participated in satanic rituals to get it directly from kids during slaughter
>adenocrhome theory
Schizos from /x/ please go back and then kys*. Thanks.
*kiss your self
they're not even really ill. its just a show.
>He's based.
I've seen no evidence of this
Stop defending celebrities, Sanjay
Trump haters and pedos BTFO
What does this all mean?!
He's a pedophile
It’s almost as if...
Fuck niggers and fuck Jannies.
alot of hiv+ people are testing positive for it
i think its the same disease
oh no that suckssssssss
He's a nigger that stars in niggerkike movies like "The Nigger Between Us." Anytime Hollyjew needs a nigger to replace a white man they can count on Igibs Elba.
He was an asshole to jim he deserves it
>muh based celebrity
Retard. Just because he not being a nig nog and claiming benefits doesn't means he's based.
Hey, whenever a monkey puts up with good show, it's worth praising it. Nothing wrong with it.
Hope he gets well soon, i really want RockNrolla 2
The test for covid19 is not accurate and can not be used on peoples with no symptom.
>astrology tier bullshit by a leaf poster
who the fuck care of your opinion reddit
>The star will gorge itself on clay
Any clue on this yet?
Or possibly Turkey with this migrant push?
Repugnant post as always Sanjay
Calm down Jew
implying youre a faggot
>Yas Forums prophecy
>astrology tier bullshit
Gtfo newfag.
are you that faggot that comes on Yas Forums and posts porn ?
post the posts from yesterday that predicted this
You must be the maplenigger that posted it. I care that this board is infested by schizophrenics and retards. Or mostly faggots like you who are both.
>citation needed
i looked up adrenochrome and could not find a reliable source (not conspiracy nuts or random no body web pages) that had anything about it used for these things.
its easier to find dirt on jews than adrenochrome
Fuck you and your gay nostradamus shit you fucking retard nigger leaf, no one with actual information on this kind of shit speaks in cryptic riddles
> Lady
israel taking territory with clay soil, some people said golan
>muh schizophrenics
who the fuck do you think you're fooling fat mutt
you don't even know what that word mean you buzzword peddler normie just fuck off
no one the fuck care about your opinion nether
if you don't like it just close your eyes nigga
you're not trying to convince others you're trying to convince yourself
oh noe
not token black man
anyone but him
>black flag above the dome
The pope DID get corona and he' s gonna die, right?
who will be the next? b..bros
this virus works better than direct assassination
good thread on the Cannibal Ape Hypothesis
It seems ancient cannibalism lead to the babylonian mystery schools which lead to present day cultism
>stay home people and be pragmatic
>when a British nigger is more sensible than the British government
Take the meds user
RIP marshal pentacost. prob one of a handful based nigs
fuck off with your shitty low intellect meme
>muh take schlomo med
>I said respect my authority
slimy khazar
Kobe Bryant (the star) gorging (crashing into) itself on clay (crashing into earth).
Indeed. What's funny is they both should be taken seriously. Too many newfag mongs here now
post your chin and jawline with a timestamp so we know this is chad talking down to user and not some unknown wannabe jew
Adrenochrome is produced on a man made island in the middle of the bermuda triangle. 6 months ago chinese billionaires attended the man made island and sacrificed 200 white girls all from Serbia and drank their blood. They believe this ritual would grant them immortality. Once they returned home one of the Billionaires who shall not be named went home to Wuhan and gave a blood sample in the Wuhan center for diseases and they found out he had been infected with a strange virus. Long story short he died on the operating table in Wuhan. This virus came from a white girl from Serbia, you heard it here first folks.
It’s just pure cringe from Yas Forums retards with no education in science
Atleast he's loyal to its race and don't date coal burners
based 007 poster
user there's something in life that you should not touch it
Speak English you fucking snownigger retard. How long have you been off your meds? Starting to hallucinate yet? Seeing gangstalking reptilian demons in the kitchen sink? How much of your own piss do you drink daily?
>It’s just pure cringe
>pure cringe
not like anyone forced you to come on Yas Forums tho
you have the rest of internet to talk like the shitlord you are why not go on ratdit or jewbook where you belong?
Celebrities dont work daily, dont have to get up 6 oclock, probably no stress and they still look shit except when in movies wearing a ton of make up, I dont get it, how does adrenochrome actual help them? Also cant it simply be synthesized in vitro?
>dox yourself
Ye you'd like that wouldn't you schizo maplenigger
You're a fat idiot with a broken imagination.
Stop projecting your fanfiction retard.
You mean the bullerino, the heckin BBCerino
I’m surprised you took time out of your flat earth troll activities to post gay shit about a cannibal cabal
explains why those chinese kids get snatched up just like the dogs
imagine being a retard and thinking saying schizo give you some kind of superiority
>newfag can't into ID
imagine my shock boomer
That’s pretty fucked up. Serbia should be ashamed of itself.
Imagine the smell
Ok schizo
Abhe lavde jaana apni gaand marwa na
so original
you're such a unique snowflake
Who is this nigger?
if you have no symptoms why are you getting a test, wasting resources of people that actually need the tests, celebrity asshole cocksuckers
It's fear. They are feeding on fear. Magic Johnson didnt have aids and Tom Hanks doesnt have the memeflu. A coordinated attack of fear gets people panicking and you can buy all their stuff for cheap.
There's no actual drug. It's Loosh or fear energies.
Spreading this crap incorrectly is just another dimension of it
Hope it kills him, he is one of those "English are racist, everyone keeps the nigger down" types.
Fuck all celebs, literal cancer in society.
You know it's true and that's why it assblasts you so bad. You should be in an institution away from normal folk.
>Trump curse strikes again