This is how modern women view an unborn child now

What the fuck is wrong with the world? People are fucking sick.

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50 years of state enforced child murder will do that

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STFU faggot

The problem with "abortion" is how did you even magnage to get pregnant in the first place? Like, if you didn't want to get pregnant, why did you get pregnant? An abortion shouldn't be treated as a replacement for contraceptive.

>that argument

What are you even trying to do with this? Yes killing tapeworms is murder. Does anyone try to argue that it isn't? No one argues that it's wrong to kill tapeworms because they're not your own unborn children of the same species. They're parasitic worms. And of course now the liberal retort is "Well so is a fetus!"

Your unborn children are the same thing to you as parasitic worms. You don't deserve children, but they also don't deserve you.

>unborn children
What about the unborn senior citizens?

You misunderstand. I'm not referring to some untapped potential. I'm referring to their current state. The child in its current state is not yet born. The potential is tapped. Life is created.

It would be retarded to say unborn senior citizen, because it's only a child when it's yet unborn, in the womb. It doesn't because a senior citizen for at least 65 years after that, but you know that number's going up before we get there.

Parents killing their own unborn children is good though, because parasitic worms are bad.

Not an argument. Are you Russian, memeflag? If you have the right to do something, then you don't owe anyone an explanation why you do it. Russians always seem very unfamiliar with concepts like freedom.

At the end of the day these people are comparing unborn babies to that of parasites. For fucks sack we have condoms and the option to keep it in your pants yet this has to continue to be a thing to make arguments like this for?

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Abortion is caused by women being so animalistic they dont have the self control to take the pill before doing it raw either that or lying about being on the pill with a dude who has no condoms then going OOPS when they get pregnant. Force all women at gunpoint to take pills before they leave their homes to end abortions.

women can't handle responsibility and especially the responsibilities that come with freedom (moderation) so they shouldn't have right. Hell, most men can't handle, most men shouldn't have rights. Only those who can handle an equivalent responsibility to their freedoms and rights should have them

>I demand the right to control my own reproduction!
>Ok, here's birth control pill
>I demand more control of my reproduction
>Ok, here's the morning after pill
>I demand even more control of my reproduction
>OK you can terminate a pregnancy in the first trimester
>Waaaaahhhh I DEMAND even more right to "control my reproduction"
>Ok you can abort a baby all the way up until it's born
We'll be eating processed food made from human fetus by the end of the decade, boys. If we even make it that far.
"Women's rights" is a joke.

Yes but the pill is an evil upon society
It must be stopped (drops T levels, increases cancer in society)

Women are to politics what locusts are to harvests

>I'm referring to their current state.
You're not thinking clearly. Any child in its current state is already born. Go to Google images and search for the term child. How many fetuses show up in the results? Zero. Child is a misleading descriptor for fetus. But it is a great emotional euphemism. Emotional pleas are not arguments, they're fallacies.

Or the women could just buy condoms them selves??? They're only l I'll je a few $. Or just hold of on sex. I swear women always play victim before ever taking responsibility.

>Killing tapeworms is murder
Shut the fuck up you PETA faggot. Killing animals is not murder, it's just killing them. Is it murder when you swat a fly? Why limit it to animals, what about when you pick a flower, did you murder that flower?

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>It's not my child until it's born

And this is the point you will never concede and I will forever take issue with. This debate cannot go any further than it has already gone for the millionth time.

It's just a fetus bro. It's not your child. You're not a parent.

Women are subhuman they hate condoms like it raw thats why they always pop the pill despite STD risk.

>my body my choice
*half your body half your choice
If daddy doesnt agree then no abortion for you stupid bitch

Comparing children to tapeworms, yep, this image was made by a leftist.

The word murder triggers you so much that you can't be bothered to read further. I wonder why. Is it because you are an actual murderer and wish to refer to yourself simply as a patient or even a victim to avoid facing the truth?

Jews have taught them to hate the idea of having/raising children just like they've taught you to hate the idea of being with a woman. Just like they've taught you to hate your boomer parents, just like they've taught you that diversity is strength, etc.

Yes I am Russian. Having a right to do something doesn't mean it's a good idea. Most people are unable to use their "freedom" in a way that isn't self-destructive and relying on abortions definitely shouldn't be normal. It would be unethical and dysgenic to propagate "abortion" as normal as getting your hair done.

Why is this not an argument? I am not arguing against the concept of abortion or getting an abortion as a conscious choice. I am very much !pro-choice" actually, but as I've said before people are squandering their given liberties and acting entitled. What I'm hinting at is how this shouldn't be even a major issue.

You can't make this shit up wtf

Uh yes. Killing something else is murder. Not homicide but yes.

If the fetus needs to be within the womb to survive, it's still the woman's choice. At that point the fetus is no different from a parasite.

Once the fetus can survive outside the womb and grow to a normal person, that's when it is no longer her body.


Wrong, women hate kids because Chad doesnt like kids , everything women do is meant to get Chad fucking them and thats it they are the most selfish hedonistic subhuman scum that has ever existed.

Fuck off, Kike. Nobody's falling for your lies.

muh rape

Plz consider taking the room temperature challenge.

I'm glad we're not just asserting its status as a fetus as being somehow completely separate from it being a child. Making sure to draw the connection between your own offspring and parasitic worms really strengthens the argument being made here.

Single motherhood gets in the way of maximum sexual pleasure so they abort their kids. If you removed a woman's ability to feel sexual pleasure abortions would stop forever.

and then they say "wHaT aBoUt RaPe?"

This but unironically

Thankfully my doctor was redpilled and refused to allow circumcision on any baby delivered at his hospital
Found out later he "killed himself"

what about muh morning after pill

Murder is the unlawful killing of another human being. That is the definition. That is what separates it from the word killing. Even killing other human beings isn't always murder.

Explain how a fetus is any different from malaria.

Rape is not the main reason for abortions for women, often no reason is given most of the time meaning they do it out of pure selfishness.

>comparing a human fetus to a tapeworm
Hello Moshe, ready for nuclear fire?

Fear of responsibility. A modern virtue.

Kys fagget

Damn user...

Fetal cells have nuclei

Infanticide is trad. Get out of here with your modernist "save all the children" degeneracy

>You're not a parent.
I have a boy and a girl. But I haven't surrendered my ability to reason.

It’s genocide

You respond with "rape should be legal"

Great non-sequitor. First year English or just Jewish?

Could be prevented by simply going on the pill but WAAAH WAAH THINKING AHEAD IS SEXIST AND BIGOTED!

Funny enough it counts as double murder if you run over a pregnant woman so which is it

One can be prevented with a condom.

Thats just DNA though, not necessarily an indication of life.

Ignoring responsibility is LIBERATING though.

Raped (less likely)
Invested into some guy who ran away and now you are left with his parasite in your stomach (more likely for nigger fuckers)

so you're saying my dick can commit genocide?

This is a strawman designed to trigger the people who don't want women to have abortions, but can't muster a cogent argument to impose their populist morality.

Viruses are RNA you fucking retard

women dont even like sex as much as men do, men are the ones constantly pressuring them for sex. so why is it every man isnt carrying around a condom everywhere? why do they insist on the woman handling it when condoms are perfectly viable? it takes two and men are the ones constantly wanting sex, so men should be the ones using condoms religiously, and saying no when no contraceptive is available.

men dont do this though, they cry and whine for sex "just the tip ;;))" "i can pull out bby", then theyre shocked when she gets pregnant. sperm + uterus = baby you fucking mongs. dont ejaculate in a woman and there wont be any problems.

Homicide =/= Murder
Homicide is the killing of a human. That can mean legal or illegal. Murder is a legal definition meaning an unlawful homicide.
Abortion is only murder if it happens where abortions are illegal and the law prescribes murder as the crime for doing so.

Natural selection at work

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It's usually only disgusting cancerous white women that see it like this oh and feminists

My wad my choice
That sperm was in my balls forever you had him just for 9 months. I get more right. If I put a dollar in a vending machine that bag of chips is mine

It’s my money my choice. If u want the kid that bad be a strong independent woman and take care of him yourself

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>men are the ones constantly pressuring them for sex
Is that why women have made it law to mentally abuse men who dont have sex?


Sure. Liberals haven't been making the connection between fetuses and parasites for decades now. This is a completely new line of argumentation designed by an alt-right troll to undermine all the other much better arguments for abortion, which are:

Murder is to kill another human being, not communist.

Too long too gay didn't read.

The fuck does that have to do with abortion faggot

kek what

so i win? nice

i like to summarise my views on abortion with this simple sentence
>what race is the baby

How can embryos be parasites if you are a fully developed embryo?

the time for arguing is over. i dont give a shit what some bitch thinks about anything. i believe any woman who kills her own child deserves to be stoned to death while on fire.

>a tape worm is made in the image of God

Why are leftist so retarded

But children really will live to be old people one day. The “potential life” argument is shit because it can be applied to almost anything. Yeah you could “potentially” be struck dead by a meteor that fell from he sky three seconds from now but it’s still illegal for me to kill you.

there are so many things wrong in this tiny post