This is just the beginning, capitalist scum. It’s your fault for putting trust in a system as chaotic and anarchic as a free market. We are about go through through the Great Depression x10.

The working class people will have it the worst. But the system must fail before people start searching for something better.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>something better
Fascism, the only solution to anything.

>This man boldly assumes he's going to survive this year

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Retard detected,

Fascism will favor the corporations over the working class. Trying that in a collapsing economy is a death sentence for anyone with a net worth under 1,000,000.

Cope. Drumpf bailed out all his rich buddies and gave them big packages. I've given up with right wing politics honestly, it just consists of helping the rich and making the poor even more poor. Same shit happened here in Canada, they gave all these big companies huge packages thinking they would hire more employees and it would trickle down, instead the companies continued laying off employees and pocketed the money.


I can survive anything, because I am strong. I’ll wipe my ass with a wet towel.

You were all warned long ago, but you didn’t listen.

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>Trying that in a collapsing economy is a death sentence
>Hitler rose to power after a German economic crash
>first year after rise to power
>created 6 million jobs
>recovered from great depression

Fuck society, fuck the economy, fuck the money, fuck the ideologies, fuck the market.
Glory to the new dawn.

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Low IQ and LOW ENERGY post.

Face it op, you're a raging commie retard lmao

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90% of “fascists” don’t even understand economics or how an economy would work under a fascist system. Under fascism, corporations and the government merge together to beat down the working class. Every time.

Hitler was not a fascist. He was a national socialist. He actually helped the poor and the nation to rise up. Fascism, like under Pinochet or Mussolini would not do that.

The economy of Nazi germany is best compared to the economy of Denmark or social democracy countries today.

Socialism is unstoppable now. All these crusty "small business" boomers are about to go broke.

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They are nearly the same besides economically wise, don't act they are entirely different.

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>billionaires are hurt by this

No, Hitler was an economic centrist. National Socialism will interfere with the economy when necessary.

Fascism is both culturally and economically right wing. Fascism will protect billionaires. National socialism will not.

They are very different.

Favoring the working class over all other facets of the state is dysgenic. Democracy is garbage and the working classes are only good for labor, not statecraft or governance.

You know what Fascism leads to?
Getting raped by Soviet Soldiers.

>National socialism will not.
They will, it's just they aren't allowed to hurt the nation and people.
>Hitler was an economic centrist
So was basically every historical fascist.
>Fascism is economically right wing
It doesn't have to be, but it can
>They are very different.
read pic

>the best friends of the central bank will have to eat sandwiches

PFFT HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Yeah, okay user, whatever you say

>working classes are only good for labor,
And labor is entitled to all it creates.


And what political ideology are you then?

you're not gonna do shit


>Every Fascist was an economic centrist
Wrong. Pinochet, Mussolini, and most other fascists throughout history have favored protecting business interests over the actual volk. Hitler was an exception.

Pinochet was literally put in power to protect business interests and destroy communist movements. That’s why ancaps worship him.

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Ok, Pinochet wasn''t necessarily a fascist. Stop trying to create infighting between Fascists and National Socialists, they are identical in following the eternal truth. Ancaps don't have the monopoly in favoring pinochet since he was a dictator. Mussolini OWNED the business, he was a corporatist, if the business "control" the people, then ultimately, he still leads the people, because he decides what the businesses do.

Do you know what corporatism actually is?

>they are identical in following the eternal truth.
What truth? Having a white ethnostate? That won’t matter when you’re dirt poor and the gap between the rich and the poor is ever widened. It won’t matter when you spend all day in a factory losing fingers to the machinery.

Not, there exists no entitlements.

The problem with white nationalists is that they define the world by race instead of class. There is nothing wrong with this in full, but there is when they are economically illiterate and race is the only truth they recognize.

That won't be a thing because you seem to think the only solution is class struggle while I believe in class cooperation. Again, the only difference in National Socialism and Fascism is economic policies that fit to the nations history and culture.

Why not?

When your labor produces wealth, are you not entitled to that wealth? Labor is entitled to all it creates. You are being stolen from. Surplus Value.

Class falls below race in importance evry time. All class based movements devolve into racial tribunals because "working class" and "labor" are concepts defined by other non-economic identities that have more influence over how people engage in economics and why they engage with it.

Do you know what Fascism even means? there is no divide between the people, they are ONE.

kill yourself and make the world better place

Attached: Hippy.jpg (600x849, 111.54K)

>the only difference in National Socialism and Fascism is economic policies
Yes, and those policies are important.

Attached: Occupy_Democrats.jpg (640x640, 47.29K)

But in the end both systems' end goal is class cooperation.

imagine how bad your ideology must be if even the worst stock crashes in capitalist countries won't lower the quality of life there to a point where communist countries start to look good

Is that how you were created or are you just that salty Turk again?

>Entitled to that wealth
No, the apparatus for you to create that wealth is not yours, and thus you are to give up a section of that wealth to the those who made it possible, be it the stste who uses force to create those conditions, or your boss who provided capital at their expense to engage in the practice if business. The working class is a section of the state, and should be taken care of, not paraded as the head of the state. The nation is a body, and parts of that body must know their function.


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>Do you know what Fascism even means? there is no divide between the people, they are ONE.

>it’s ok because the capitalist owns the machinery where he uses his labor
I would like to liquidate the capitalists as a class and have all private property (including that machinery) be owned by the collective of the workforce. Can you not imagine a world different to this one?

There can be no class cooperation. There can only be tolerance. The existence of the capitalists as a class is defined by the surplus value the laborer creates. It would not exist without exploitation.

>your labor creates 100$
>you only get 20$
>it’s ok because the capitalist owns the private property where you work
The solution is collectivization.

>corporate fascists cry in pain while stabbing the capitalists in the back

there fixed

Said jobs are through forced mobilization with long hours and shit pay (yes, the aryans). No such thing as a miracle. Just plain forced work from jews and germans alike (the former got it worse ofc).

Or we could just use a gold standard again and the economy will be more rigid.

>hurr durr I go in and punch cards all day, where's my money bitch
Surplus value is the wealth owed to the owner of the business who invests heavily in its operation. It's a fundamentally different type of work than the "working class" and thus is justly compensated differently.

Why so afraid to name said billionaires, /leftypol/ turd?

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Everyone of you retards that types like this are the biggest faggots on the planet
>inb4 "yikes" "cringe"
How much fucking estrogen did the jews put in our food supply where all of you faggots write like teenage girls

>I would like to liquidate the capitalists as a class and have all private property (including that machinery) be owned by the collective of the workforce.
natural hierarchies would keep re-producing themselves even if you did that. you're young, you'll learn that there are deeper things in life than class.

>imagine being this devastated because Biden is going to be the nominee

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>Can you not imagone a world different
I can, and attempts have been made that have failed, as a result of the working class being unable to govern. Party elites had to be installed in these positions of power because the masses were so incapable, and when the masses attempted to remove them, yoy got Kronstadt, the removal of mensheviks, girondines, etc.
>Class is a result of exploitation
The existence of civilization is based entirely on exploitation as well, exploitation is inevitable and can be used for beneficial purposes.

The capitalist class includes both Jews and Whites, it does not matter to me. By liquidating the capitalist class in its ENTIRETY, you are automatically eliminating the Jews who privately own the banks and media.

Basic income. Pls make it real. Unite Europe and US into 1 supernation and make basic income

This post was probably written by a self hating piece of shit

>I can, and attempts have been made that have failed,
State bureaucracy has been tried, yes. That’s not what I’m describing. I’m talking about syndicalism. In fact, there will still be a free market, the difference is that businesses are no longer owned by private entities.

>be owned by the collective of the workforce
So my pajeet and nigress coworkers can screech at the top of their lungs, and they have equal say as my manager? Fuck that, I prefer hierarchy, ideally with a competent white guy on top.

>The capitalist class includes both Jews and Whites, i
Doesn't explains the disproportion, does it? Also explain to me why EVERY SINGLE LEFTIST MOVEMENT is financed by the same billionaires you supposedly hate.

Attached: ((((((Billionaires))))) literally fund ANTIFA's propaganda outlets.png (667x967, 132.72K)

Natural Hierarchies do naturally form, but they are cemented only by governments defending privately owned institutions. If businesses are collectivized, then the “leaders” of this hierarchy would come from a mandate of the masses rather than a boot from above.

>Not real (insert ideology)
Because that ideology cannot exist. Even fascism has roots in syndicalism from Mussolini, he rralized that a system such as that does not function outside of a nation-state system with common identities shared between all classes whithin it.

If businesses are collectivized, would the native workers (whites) vote to have themselves replaced by third world immigrants? Would they vote for their own jobs to be moved overseas? No, that decision is made by the capitalist.

Ok retard

Go buy a lemonade stand and file for an LLC with a unique name. There, you are now a capitalist.

Fuck off while this class bullshit. Class don't real. Race is only real.

Like I said before, the masses are not fit to govern, and their hierarchy wpuld be bo different from now. Democracy is demagoguery, and only weakens the state as a whole through bureaucracy.

>No, that decision is made by the capitalist.
And could have been stopped by a fascist state. Faggot.

>George Soros
Neoliberal billionaire trying to replace pro worker socialism with identity politics bullshit.

>Doesn't explains the disproportion, does it?
All capitalists are the same. They act in their own self interests, just as the proletariat should act in its own self interest as a class. This is class consciousness. It does not matter the race of the capitalist, even if Jews make up 70% of them. They must all be liquidated, the entire class.

>hurrr I refuse to recognize any ideology that is not popular
And for the record, syndicalism is a very popular ideology that has never been tried.

>he rralized that a system such as that does not function outside of a nation-state system with common identities shared between all classes whithin it.
Of course, I’m not calling for the end of the nation state. Anarchists are retarded. And the syndicalist state will have a common identity based upon eternal revolution of the proletariat.

>he thinks corporatism means favoring corporations
kys leftist ignoramus


Both systems would stop it, the one I am describing and the one you have chosen to follow. The difference is my system has more benefits than yours, and you have chosen for it to come from above rather than below.

>Neoliberal billionaire trying to replace pro worker socialism with identity politics bullshit.
So now ANTIFA is le not real gommunism?

Attached: ANTIFA trannies make almost 4 times as much money as Belle Delphine.jpg (1063x986, 95.72K)

Why are lefty memes exclusively terrible?
>haha he rich me draw as pig hehe GOT HIM
Corny, cliche, and unoriginal. I think leftists lack any original creative thought.

>thinks billionares arent making money on the markets downward direction
Wew lad

>Eternal revolution
People dont want eternal revolutions, they want stable homes where they wont be slaves to urban underclasses. Hence why the last guy advicating for such was purged from his nation. The proletariat is only one subsection of a state, they are not rulers. To give them the reigns of power merely means that the whole nation would immediately fail to function as other identities assert themselves due to the new refimes inefficiency. The middle class is the supreme tool that can provide incentives for the proletariat, whilist retaining some forms of control of the MOP through systems like stock options, or even Mosleys system. By attmepting to destroy all other classes you destroy the nation as a whole, and make these people you rely on enemies.

Says the man advocating for licking the boots of every worker.

>So now ANTIFA is le not real gommunism?
Well, most of them are just neoliberal tools who care more about identity politics than actual class struggle, but there are a few actual communists in there.

Do you know what COINTELPRO is? The CIA infilled many communist movements and subverted them from within to focus less on class struggle and more on trannies. But then again, I don’t care about antifa, and I have no relationship with them.

>not real communism
There is no real communism. Communism is a very broad term and there are many ideologies that label themselves as “communist” which is why so many of these people will say “HEY! Those guys aren’t real communists, I am”