It's happening guys, Macron will lock down Paris in 30 minutes.
It's happening guys, Macron will lock down Paris in 30 minutes
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snake bus
rip france. lmao
He finally had enough of the arab takeover?
ohhhh commen sa va tro pétéééééé
green truck go honk honk
Wow,that's the whole of the faggoty french army on the move there!!!!
I wonder how all the enrichment in the banlieues will act
So the Paris Lock Down user was right?
remember that all leaks were true, even the roleplays ended up true.
pol parisians knew this before it happened.
last week there was a huge protest with antifa and pro-palestinians against the quarantines. this is why paris cant have nice things.
tanks in 30 min?
They'll surrender and break the quarantine the second the peasants start to rebel
Probably as you'd expect. And we will applaud this.
>military trucks going somewhere in a line
Let us know when French food starts tasting good, then we'll have a happening, because it means we are starving.
>1 post by this ID
Certainly a reason to be concerned.
>doing something good
KEK. Times has changed
based aquafresh
>need to prepare military in advance because they know they'll have to deal with dummies in their glowy coats otherwise
What's wrong with the French?
Don't take the mark of the beast when they start the New World Order
So much is wrong with them, you have no idea
these military convoys are being reported all over Germany too
>Let us know when French food starts tasting good
fucking kek
stick to medieval paintings and let us cook, you sub-german filth
Cheeseniggers can't even clear traffic for a military op. Their timetable is going to need a sitrep from Waze
I don't particularly enjoy rotten cheese, snails and other rancid shit. Even the chips at your supermarket are fucking horrible. They have goat cheese chips which taste like my work boots smell. Also why did you build so many depressing villages with about 10 gray buildings every few kms along one extremely long road? It was the most depressing thing I have ever seen. I bet the loafs of bread they have in the vending machines in those towns taste good, lol, you fucking pompous faggot. There is a reason Wallonia is the shithole and Flanders is carrying their dirty French asses.
What did he do? Everyone is quarantaned?
> 1 post by this ID
> 40min. passed
no habbening
OP delivered, not a faggot
They will soon be all over poland amirite
nah OP is right, Macron just finished his TV speech, army is to be deployed in the worse area of infections to help fight the corona virus.
This is concerning.
Unless it's Operation Ronces:
So, Macron just said that they'll use the army to manage the infected, that we're all quarantined, and that we'll be sanctioned if we get out without a good reason (buying food, doing a solitary sport, going to work if we have to).
Not the heckin Frencherinos!!!
Wasnt Paris on lockdown since 2016?
Jupiter has spoken.
Is this IMPLEMENT NWO time?
Psht ffs
Kek awesome.
I'm sure the feral sand niggers will care
All EU border closed, everyone thanks Corona-Chan for saving us from migrants
Repent in the name of Jesus of your sins, you still have time.
Based toothpaste
how will the lockdown go in those no-go muslim areas i wonder.
He's a jew
top snek
royale with cheese
we're next
> inb4 Krautsauce
NWO welcome to.
You westerns are fucked beyond limit at this point,even your army is full of niggers and loyal to jewish elites.
You can't even run to east because all East Europe close borders,kek
He's a Heeb, clearly not a jew. But it's still your soul.
Easy to convert no-go zones into no-way-out zones.
The faggiest Twitter act in France is linked, I see
every single restaurant you go to is french. every single cooking technique found in your 'dutch' or 'italian' restaurant is french. what you call food is in fact, french.
>muh snails
we literally have hundreds of thousands of different meals recipes and products. you can add up the entirety of the planet's "food" (save china) and france still ahs more than everyone else combined. I pity your juvenile palate.
shut up homo