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this is the proper response: "it's essential to my lifestyle, now fuck off."

This had better mean I get to work from home

PA is so very corrupt especially because it's a Masonic stronghold. Tom Wolf is being investigated by the FBI for corruption. The most corrupt state!

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>Wolf instructing the sheep into their pens.
Kek is with us

This is what will be left open by 5 PM. THATS LESS THAN FOUR HOURS

Forgot pic

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There's a really neat looking blue lodge near me, its really bright blue, but it would look better if it were on fire

what're all the nigs going to do in about 2 weeks when they demand their welfare checks and various other free shit?

Mass riots are 100% imminent. Look out for niggerdelphia streams it will be horrendous

the press conference is super vague. He said non-essential stores. What about offices? Nobody can get a straight answer from the state

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LOL, it shuts down all small and family run businesses, but leaves open walmart, cosco, big pharma, etc etc. For most small businesses, being closed for a week or two means bankrupcy.

Wolf is a faggot

Does this apply statewide or just eastern PA
t. Western PAer

Philadelphia nigger chimpout incoming

My work said they are staying open. Lol. I’m going to sue them if I get sick

It’s statewide

Western PA here. Yes

Business owners across the country are going to ignore these orders, governors have no legal authority to impose them and no ability to enforce them. What will the penalty be?

All commerce is essential to the business, fuck this authoritarian over-reaction. The flu has killed nearly 20,000 Americans since October.


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>tfw i work at a pharmacy


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717fag here, its true. We are corrupt as fuck.

public parks stay open? I got nowhere to go.

I make good money

Pennsylvania is governed by
Canis lupus americanus?

They're only closed if pigs dont catch you there.

no alcohol sales is gonna push everyone overboard

Hope you nigga's are strapped.

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Not anymore

>he thinks having a license means anything in this state

How will you sue anyone or spend money if you're dead? This is assuming society is capable of providing you a justice system or economy within 18 months.

nothing, because they will still get the money deposited in their EBT card as usual

You’re ignoring the giant masonic temple directly next to city hall.

LOL who the fuck put a fucking wild predatory animal in charge of major decisions

Buisness as usual here in west PA

Kek fucking got me sockcukkka

Gas stations are staying open

it's midnight, not 5pm. Not sure where you're getting 5pm

Agreed thats how Trumpanzee was elected. Corrupt Pen state!

cant buy hard stuff at a gas station in PA. Can't even buy a case

>De facto prohibition

We really are living in the roaring 20s aren’t we?

You can get beer and wine at grocery stores, state stores will be shutting down though.

If NC adopts these same restrictions, I'll still have to work. Fuck me.

Grocery store manager here just call me sgt major from now on faggots.

Where can you buy any alcohol in gas stations? Here you can get it in a few grocery stores but that's it, and that's relatively recent, within the last few years. I really doubt they'll shut down the wine&spirits stores. Maybe I'll go buy a few bottles of cheap vodka since iso is impossible to find and not even drinkable in an emergency.

Philly is 5PM

Most things close around 5 pm anyway. I saw that number somewhere but I also saw the midnight one too.

The South. It’s a wonderful place.




God I miss drive-thru daquiris. Why did I ever leave Louisiana

Absolutely this. The laundromats, veterinarians, and daycares may protect several small business owners, but pretty much everybody else is completely and totally fucked.

Some Sheetz have six packs now

Someone told me they are shutting down wine and spirits in PA. It’s going to be a dry quarantine.

blame the quakers, almost everything wrong with this state was originally their fault.

Eastern side of state for now

That's been PA standard for like 40 years at least.
PA is a weird state, but the boonies are nice.

>tfw sheetz started implementing beer sales years ago

Yeah homey tomorrow night they close. Supermarket beer and wine are it. Time to brush off some old Ben Franklin booze recipes...

So which wolf was it?

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Fuck em.

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Just was told via email that this applies to locations with 50 or more people only atleast at my company

Fuck, I thought I was posting the gay wolves.

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Sadly, you can only buy beer and wine. I live close to morgantown wv so I can hop over the border if I need the hard stuff.

The only bad thing about PA (besides the minorities) is that fucking lottery groundhog.

Attached: Dick wolf.png (245x242, 14.45K)

You can still order online from the state store and have it shipped to you.

Well shit. I made that original image like 4 years ago, there's been a lot added to it.

what did Gus ever do to you, you bastard

Seems like offices and factories are unaffected

Why are you surprised?

Fuck that kike.

>Not mentioning the Philadelphia Ruben Sandwhich in the pic


Dumb ass is going to cause riots!

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RIP gamestop

PA was a culture shock coming from Virginia where 24-packs and shit like 4Loco is sold at 7/11.

PA is ol' boy corrupt as fuck so you either buy beer in cases from distributors or 6 packs from bars. IIRC even grocery stores can't sell 6 packs but might be wrong there.

We make our own alcohol in Pennsylvania.

They closed all the parks in Bucks yesterday. Not sure about other counties.

Thanks. Just checking since my wife's company and my company havent said that they are closing. Im a government contractor so I'll likely remain open but hers is nonessential.

Some grocers have been starting to sell beer and wine. Giant in particular has been adding them. It's only 6 packs, 12 packs, and ferries though, no full cases like a distributor sells.

Grocery stores can sell six packs now but you have to buy it from a separate register, and only two at a time. They finally fixed the distributor nonsense though, you can actually buy a six pack and a case at the same location now. Hoorary!

We got the Ital-flu.
>15. 3. 2020; 20.33

>Z njim začasno prepoveduje ponujanje in prodajanje blaga in storitev neposredno potrošnikom na območju Republike Slo-venije, kot na primer nastanitvene storitve, gostinske storitve, velnes storitve, >športno rekreacijske storitve, kinematografske storitve, kulturne storitve, frizerske storitve, kozmetične storitve, pedikerske storitve, storitve iger na srečo.

>Prepoved ne velja za:

>prodajalne z živili vključno s prodajo kmetijskih pridelkov na kmetiji,
>prodajalne z medicinskimi pripomočki in ortopedskimi pripomočki
>program vrt in kmetijstvo v prodajalnah
>kmetijske prodajalne
>bencinske servise
>dostavne službe
>trafike in kioske za prodajo časopisov in revij
>druge nujne storitve za zagotavljanje javne varnosti in zdravja


>It temporarily prohibits the offering and sale of goods and services directly to consumers in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia, such as accommodation services, catering services, wellness >services, sports and recreational services, cinematographic services, cultural services, hairdressing services, cosmetic services, pedicure services, gambling services.

>The prohibition does not apply to:

>grocery stores, including the sale of farm produce,
>medical and orthopedic stores
>program garden and agriculture in stores
>agricultural stores
>service stations
>delivery service
>traffickers and kiosks for the sale of newspapers and magazines
>other emergency services to ensure public safety and health

Gotta condition those kids to want those scratch off tickets.

Grocery stores only work half of their usual hours.

We are fucked, aren't we? This is the start of martial law and fema camps.

Keep on scratching....

Gus is a tranny faggot racemixing piece of shit. Lottery tickets are a worse Christmas gift than socks.

>grocery stores
only places essential to the government officials

They sell the equivalent of 30 packs.
Grab a 15 pack of Naddy Daddy. 8% so it's like 2 beers in one

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but user, he's the second most famous groundhog in pennsylvania

>but you have to buy it from a separate register
>and only two at a time


Locations with 50 or more people they need to be under 50

DNC is trying its hardest.

It's pretty stupid to ban gathering over 50 or even 5, yet still allow hundreds to wait in lines at grocery stores.

Very much so.

Is it safe to order food or is it not worth it?

>hardware stores
Why would that be essential?

Gus deserves to be tossed into a roaring fire. Sick of his annoying faggy voice on commercials during muh flyers and iggles games

Also scrape and pork roll

Corona delivery aka doordash

I liked the old animatronic Gus. the CGI one sucks


It's literally only a ban on Trump supporting small business owners.
All the franchise (((stores))), are being left alone.

I need bolts mother fucker!

i dont have a license because i dont need permission to carry a firearm. It is my right.
t. been carrying in baltimore for 10 years

More like TastyKek, amirite?

Not who you are replying too but I have 7 tax stamps. I am not gonna end up losing my shit over a fucking 20 min hassle in my state. I agree with you and fight to make it honored as a right but I ain't risking shit .

Here not even car repair shops work, so if you car breaks down they know we are self-reliant enough to fix it ourselves.


No, it's just the DNC trying anything it can to cause a depression.