They’re seriously considering giving all Americans $1,000 a month now to help the economy with this situation.
Everyone stop and apologize to Andrew Yang now
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fuck yes neetbux
Fucking idiot dem primary voters didnt see how good he was
But who's gonna pay for it?
But I supported Yang
I don't think neetfags should get it because they aren't effected by the virus anyway.
Sweet weasel words lol
Cool, they can send that along with my VA check
yang will
Yeah probably it’s just a good way to stall social unrest for a few more daya
The new $2k tax imposed to pay for the $1k bailouts
I thought that was Based Wayne behind Trump, and was moderately disappointed. Trump should bring Wayne in as Acting Chief Something Officer.
But it wasn't a bailout.
They can give millions in AID to other countries that squander it. They can afford to help their own citizens. Any American that is ok with giving millions in AID and literal TRILLIONS on black projects of the Pentagon, but cries ' but Socialism' when it comes to our health and wellbeing are absolute brainwashed morons.
Yang was a manchurian candidate working for the CCP, same as that chink in Australia. Think about it: if you wanted to destroy a country, run a candidate who promises gibs direct from the treasury to everyone.
>But who's gonna pay for it?
Wall Street, if they know what's good for them.
They are more or less doing something similar to that in Belgium. The government is paying 4000€ a month to each restaurant that fully closes.
Emergency socialism will just become socialism
If Trump does this do you all think his approval rating will skyrocket or what? Imagine if he raises it to $1,500 or $2,000? Guaranteed re-election. And plus if the death toll is kept at a low and a vaccine comes out soon. Dems are fucked!
Oh so NOW you're OK with socialism.
How do you spend it if you're in lockdown and most businesses are closed?
>They’re seriously considering giving all Americans $1,000 a month now to help the economy with this situation.
It will be the new gold standard money, just watch.
This Corona virus thing is the perfect time to move on the shadow government, the deep state and the bad actors.
Also the perfect time to say "FUCK YOU AND YOUR USURY BASED SYSTEM FED!" and switch up/back to the gold standard.
>Shilling for gold
Sorry lad, bottle caps are worth their weight in diamonds.
What is the caps to TP exchange rate?
30 caps = 1 TP roll
Everything else about Yang was totally retarded. The UBI thing is alright if it's just white people getting it
That was Bernie's plan. I'm rather sure the Rothschild banking jews will need to pay for it. After all they are the ones that decided to print out 1.5 trillion on Friday and then lower interest rates to 0.0%.
So Trump plays their game back and floods the people with money, then when the banking jews become more and more fucked he switches up to gold standard and you watch the fed and the rothschilds and the shadow government go down burning.
Thats only enough for one day
bruh what do you think national socialism was/is?
Who cares. Free money nigga. Well for Americans. Not you Mohammad
This question has no meaning anymore
Ins't 1 cap equal to $1?
the problem with Yang was never the UBI, it was that he's a cringe redditfag
Rino Mittens is considering it and 1000 bucks isn’t going to do shit
the way that Democratic candidates were rapidly dropping out in February/March makes you think that they knew what was coming
there was no reason for Andrew Yang to drop out so quickly. There was no reason for 4 different major Dem candidates to drop out in 5 days.
They knew they had a limited window before Coronavirus
Fake and gay
I mean direct inflation is better than propping up failed banks, but it opens up the huge can of worms of everyone just voting for their funny money. Blacks already do that which is why they are so loyal to their party, but when everyone gets money then there is no point to democracy anymore.
>borders closing
>hollyweird shut down
>progressive cities shut down
>and now this
How did he do it?
$1000 would make a world of difference to people right now you idiot
They tried this shit in 08 and the markets still crashed.
>posting a low iq meme when he thinks fed buying bonds is tax payer money bailing out companies
>be Andrew Yang
>run on a single issue that never gets taken seriously
>campaign fizzles out without you winning a single delegate
>Donald Trump hijacks exact same issue at a crucial moment
>gets reelected because it's so popular
lmao I don't think I have ever seen a politician get cucked as hard as Andrew Yang.
>Emergency socialism will just become socialism
Good capitalism has failed
not white-house but Mitt back-stab Romney recommended it. White house will have to consider it, but i have doubts. Again if US wanted to stop giving corporate welfare we could be getting couple k a month.
Fucking cringe and bluepilled
1000$ is nothing
We should be getting a million dollars
I would rather Wall Street and Israel have it
i'm sorry, what? which 'socialist' state has that on the right as standard?
lemme guess, muh scandinavia, right?
Praise kek!
$1000 will buy a lot of guns and ammunition.
Fuckin helll gimme the cash!!! Perfect timing, would help us all with general expenses to get through this nightmare
If there is a six week lockdown coming, yes for sure it would help the day to day pay to pay people.
My buddy was laughing at me, started prepping 4 months ago, heard we should start prepping here on Yas Forums I didn't believe shit was going to happen because it never actually happens but never hurts to be prepared. Just every time went shopping bought a few cans of stuff and non perishables. Only thing I didn't think about was shit tickets, I have 12 and a half costco rolls left and can't find any to restock with.
And I forgot my point.
I hope Trump makes it so that only American citizens get the $1,000. We could mine some tears again.
>daily mail
kys faggot
Tons of people are out of work
>They tried this shit in 08 and the markets still crashed.
Thinking the average working person or neet gives a fuck about the stock market.
Man for the jews who run the show to even consider giving the american people money must mean we are in bad shape.
This isn't socialism, it's emergency measures. You are the same kind of silly person who thinks that he can get away with calling everything he doesn't like "capitalism" I reckon.
China, Mexico, and Israel
the federal reserve
this is communism
>$1000 will buy a lot of guns and ammunition.
1 mid tear gun and a lot of ammo
I can't wait to get Trumpbux and Trudeaubux
The closest apostles of Jesus were Jews, user.; that means whatever you're talking about is something good.
Whites of course.
That's 300,000,000,000 down the drain.
Or two low tier guns and almost no ammo
The USD is dead so why not?
Put the $1k directly into btc
In C*nada it will be called Justinbux for "just in time" ,-)
It would only cost 350,000,000 to give everyone a million dollars. I think our government can afford it.
This. When Bush did the stimulus thing he made us declare it on our taxes and we ended up paying it back through our refunds.
This. Seriously just buying votes at that point to supply the new permanent welfare queen underclass. All they have to do is convince white niggers how easy life can be and to put aside his redneck pride and it’ll be the commissar Cletus and Jamal meme.
kek this is exactly what we should say to any democrats who ask.
>1000 in cash
You mean the stuff that trades hands daily and gets dirty? Perfect viral vector
The fed already did that trying to puff air into the collapsed lungs of the market.
Yes if you don't account for Canadian inflation.
this is the only way trump will win 2020
not even memeing
Humanity first, amen. Do the math! Did the math.
white people aka the beautiful ones.
Imagine thinking trump has the best interests of the American people in mind
Yang has no ties to China
Andrew Yang is a CNN Shill. Doesn’t believe in that UBI Bullshit
Romney in Yang hat... go...
Currency devaluation.
Yang's parents are Taiwanese.