What did Trump mean by this?

What did Trump mean by this?

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debt refinancing, he will re-value the USD (doubling it's purchasing power), and taking the debt down to 10 trillion.

DOW will unironically go to zero

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It means the money lost in the markets won't be replaced.

Stocks going to the fucking floor

He meant to instill confidence in the US dollar and his leadership.

He's coming across as nervous. He's doing everything in his power to stop the stock markets from crashing.

Holy shit I hope so. It means that the store prices will go down since you have more buying power.

Attached: It's the Jews..jpg (981x1798, 370.91K)

Time to sell the 25 year supply of toilet paper.

stocks hate deflation lol
funny money and inflation is excellent for the market


He means prepare for hyperinflation

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look at the value of your crumbs goys, not the jewish bankers who own everything.

It means he's a shill for banks

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When did he post this


Will my silver rise in price ?





He needs something to deflect from the stock market crashing.

He is such a kike rat. Trying to Weasley himself out of this situation. Stock market will not recover anytime soon if deflation is coming.

This man is actually fucking retarded.

Gold standard.

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Why do you Larp?

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Based and bankpilled

He didn't. It's fake

Trust the plan, man

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He's fucking burning it all down!

Fake tweet

You know what to do

Right, if I was from Reddit I'd be from t_d you dumb fuck

Kill yourself retard

wow. trump is literally an idiot. trying to polish a turd. at least he has figured out that wuhan virus is not a hoax

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Newfag, go look at posts from 2003-2004. Anons have always spaced their posts because many are students who got in the habit because of school.



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Deflation... your debts become harder to pay off.


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Holy shit, you have over 9,000 rolls of toilet paper? An average person uses a roll a day, you know.

a loaf of bread will be 1 zillion dollars

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>print trillions
>lie to goyim that it will deflate the currency
Wow nice MIGA

Prepare to party with the new 100 trillion goyrilla dollar

Because that's one of the main reasons the deep state kicked off the coronavirus panic in the first place. He's making sure that their plan won't work.

its fake

>stocks worth $500 when you bought them
>stocks now worth $5
Same stonks, so your dollar must be worth a lot more now.

He is fucking nervous. Can’t believe there’s people on this board who think the virus is some kind of grand plan by trump to arrest the elite.

R*ddit spacing faggot.

proper monetary system should have no inflation or deflation, the economy is basically one jewish trick.

This faggot gives me whiplash.

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>print trillions of dollars to keep industry afloat
Fucking glass Israel and Jew York already, what the fuck are you waiting for?

No it means its a time to hold dollars, not assets.

You know the fed did not just print money right? If the banks don't pay it back the bonds go back to the US.

those of you who fell for this psyop absolutely need to kill yourself

Liquidation of the Fed is here. Gold standard is coming.

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>He's doing everything in his power to stop the stock markets from crashing.
And this makes him a bad president how?

Deflation occurs when the economy is about to shit the bed.

This cocksucking bitch deserves every bit of karma he's going to get

And in the coming months and years, trillions will be printed.
Got gold?

>stores will rocket prices due to falling dollar value
..The jew always wins in the end!

I've been "reddit spacing" before reddit existed.

It's easier to read.

Fuck off.

It means he's being honest. No amount of money printing and bailouts can stop this. Politicians and bankers have been printing money since the 1987 share market crash. Game over.

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You can't double the purchasing power without reversing inflation drastically, and you can't reverse inflation by printing out trillions of dollars to try and stop the markets from crashing, and you can't stop the markets from crashing when people are being quarantined from a pandemic, dying from said pandemic, or simply have no job or money in the bank.

Damn, that's very good. Deflation is good and means you never have to spend money ever again.

He's only proposing short term measures that won't actually fix anything. Whatever makes him look good until the election

>you would never know what reddit spacing is unless you’ve posted a bit on reddit

Wow. So these redditspace crying niggers were the redditfags all along

What a surprise

ga terug

Trump wants to end the fed, he should do so while the iron's hot

What a mad man 20∆chess

Deflation is worse

>Dying from said pandemic


as a stock holder and a person who's debts are small it is a good thing.

its a fake tweet

I laughed and cried at this

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End the fucking Fed

The Boomer machine go BRRRRRT is actually a shredder and not a printer.
Deflation is and has been fucking needed, the last time the US had any deflation to speak of was in the 50s.

I tend to type long paragraphs. I double space anyway because that's how MLA works, but also it's easier to read online where formatting between paragraphs because most websites don't fucking let you indent between paragraphs.. Most people who took any form of typing and English class double space. Easier for readers to follow, easier to compartmentalize for the writer. Who here is retarded enough to believe this nonsense?

It also means existing contracts become more "expensive". Leases, rent, mortgage, etc.

Why can't I find this tweet?

It also means that people that don't have leases, rent, or mortgages just became richer. People who are leveraged get fucked too, which means banks.
It isn't real but I wish it was.

>Hurr durr I don't like Orange Man so I'm not going to like anything he does no matter what.

lol shills calling you reddit

I hope this is real. I'm a saver. I never wanted to gamble my earnings. Only had 3% in the market just in case magic happened. I could buy a house tomorrow with significant deflation. I also have no loans.

Deflation is based and only jews hate it

Im going to vote for him again faggot.

Link or fake and gay

Americans have tons of credit card debt, auto loans, student loans, and mortgage debt. Try telling them to repay those debts in deflated dollars rather than marginally inflated ones.

Anyhow, you CAN deflate the dollar while printing physical dollars. By removing digital dollars from circulation. Only 10% or so of dollars actually physically exist.

Bankruptcy is an option for all of those but student loans, and it should be for student loans as well.