If you are a capitalist, then you deserve this.
If you are a capitalist, then you deserve this
i know i do. i saved up for like a decade to buy in,
>unemployed parasite larps as a do-gooder
you know if you dont like it in a capitalistic country you can fuck off to north korea
Based trips of truth
>>unemployed parasite
This is a NEET board, normalnigger
pol is a neetboard
pff not if i see an "hey pol whats your job and how much money do you make per year" thread. where the average Yas Forumslack earns 200K at least ...
SOON, thank you comrade corona
>one thread of anons LARPing
>majority of threads being about comfy NEEThood
Shut the fuck up kraut
Yas Forums is being raided
Of course commie cunts are happy the market is crashing. It's not like commies work, make money or have jobs anyway.
>working for Mr. Goldenstein
In 3 weeks I buy in again.
National Socialism is the best system.
Wtf i hate trump now
pepe the frog looks silly with a big grey beard!
Time to buy. If you want easy money nows the time.
If you are a commie, then you deserve this.
>self employed and own small business
Oh no no no I make my own money! When the bread lines come, you get a front line pass to eat the corn out of my shit faggot loser.
There is no buying in this time, the scheme is over, like all pyramid schemes it eventually collapses, you missed your chance.
And you deserve a helicopter ride.
Fuck of commies
>implying a Jewish financial system of funny money and fractional reserve banking is anything like the free market.
>implying systems of protection for Jewish investors and Jewish banking cartels is anything like the free market.
>the stock market is for ever gone
>the kikes are not going to pump it up again
what ever man, stay poor
>Tfw I inherited properties and I get to evict more nigger tenants
There's no better feeling than watching a fat black single mom cry and plead for you to cut her some slack when you deliver that eviction notice. Everyone should experience this. Its a great feeling.
I do cut white tenants slack and help them out though.
I only believe this if you show me where the elites are taking the money to.
If not, elites do have the interest to keep the scheme going, buy in more for the cheap and repeat 10 more years of prosperity
You are extremely based.
you don't make your own money, your workers do (unless you make your own shit in which case ok)
>There is no buying in this time, the scheme is over, like all pyramid schemes it eventually collapses, you missed your chance.
Actually believing that this crater won't be just yet another long forgotten, ultimately meaningless event with the passage of time
Hell yeah I deserve the 1K I just made in the past 24 hours from day trading airline stocks
so communism fails on a regular basis and capitalism fails when theres a global crisis? Sounds about right to me.
America hasn't been capitalist since 1918
there isn't two equal crisis.
This one is different from 2008's because of the fact that there is a health concern related to it.
There is also no workaround of the fact that 1st and 2nd trimester are lost and the redness will increase with earning releases affecting more the companies that need workers to be on the field to produce something.
This is a different crisis, and I'm afraid it might be a bigger one, specially because we were still holding to temporary solutions from the last one, there is very little margin to help the situation.
Finally, all crisis are new opportunities for the hungry. If you are young, have a little money on the side and no children, you will prosper
you will have more rights in China and North Korea. There is no law keeping you from claiming asylum in either of those countries, you should go live the Utopian dream!
Capitalism has no relation to globalism, which is the root of all modern illnesses. The golden age of the nuclear family was capitalism, pure and simple. Then (((they))) subverted the moral/economical model through CORPORATIVISM which naturally led to globalism.
What commies declare to be capitalism is actually globalism. Ironically enough, commies also push for globalism on the very same breath. Socialism is peak corporativism; thus, it's finality is globalism.
None of this is confusing. You understand this. The only difference is whether you're coping in cognitive dissonance or not.
>capitalism during a pandemic is as bad as communism all the time
Capitalists are doing this so they can buy at the bottom and own more after this crisis.
>This one is different from 2008's because of the fact that there is a health concern related to it.
The health crisis being the mental heath of people like you who think this is an actual physical health crisis?
why don't these companies have 6 months of emergency savings
>When you praise struggles in a capitalist system while advocating a proven failed ideology that's brought nothing but mass death and misery to the entire world for centuries.
I know that for most rational, sane people, it's very difficult to comprehend that ignorant retards of this dangerous magnitude even exist, but it's clear to see that they in fact do, and proclaim their ignorance loudly in their desire to enforce it through violence and radicalism.
Just remember that there is no lower life form than the commie liberal. They are complete failures of human beings; literally the scum of the Earth, a cancer and blight on all of human civilization, and they WILL BE remembered as such.
>If you are a capitalist, then you deserve this.
It originated in a Communist country and will destroy the last commie holdout in existence that matters in the slightest. China won't recover from this: the entire planet hates them now and they're burying people in mass grave pits while lying about the numbers. We can literally watch them do it with satellite photography.
Communism is no better than Capitalism. They are two sides of the same Jewish coin. Two branches of controlled opposition fighting each other at the behest of international banking Jews. The only thing either ideology or their conflict with one another has resulted in is more dead European Christians and more power to the Jews. They are both working exactly as intended. You're a brainlet for not being able to see the puppet show for what it is.
Checked and based
If we were communists we wouldn't even be able to prep. Go fuck yourself, retard.
Communists released this virus.
I fucking hate you idiots.
sóyboys are a product of capitalism
Death and starvation are products of communism and socialism.
this is what Americans actualy believe
Are you young and healthy?
News flash, your health is not the issue.
You getting infected and infecting older and weaker ppl is the issue.
>There's no better feeling than watching a fat black single mom cry and plead for you to cut her some slack when you deliver that eviction notice. Everyone should experience this. Its a great feeling.
>I do cut white tenants slack and help them out though.
I work in property management and you are so fucking full of shit you retarded NEET lmao. You would be sued to oblivion if you even did this once you fucking faggot. You WISH you were a based nigger evictor.
Good times create weak men, yes.
>prints more money
>but muh inflations
companies and banks do have legal reserves, but they aren't worth shit compared to how much cheap debt in the billions of dollars they have accumulated throughout the years to fund their operations as interest rates were kept very low, and as you can see once a shake up happens to the world economy that causes demand to drop, their sales plummet, so do their profits and revenues, suddenly they can't pay their debt payments anymore and have to be bailed out by the government or go bankrupt
and now retards are cheering for 0% rates when it just means even more cheap debt, literally adding gazoline to a fire
Notice "equality" is never about them improving their own lot in life but only ever about stealing everything from everybody who is more successful than them. Somehow thinking that if we hit some global reset button they'd wind up on top.
>sóyboys are a product of jewish propaganda
Still better than Cuba, venezuela and china
In capitalism your poor if you're dumb in communism your poor because the state Rob's everything
>incurred by the STATE
>you know what will solve this right!
What an absolutely hilarious lie and pathetic forced meme. The basedboys are the 100% perfect product of a decades-long leftist propaganda campaign of racism and bigotry to emasculate western men, destroy the family, and subvert and destroy western culture, the same culture that created the most powerful societies, military, and economic models in human history through intelligence and willpower.
The s 0 y numale bugman is the absolute antithesis of everything western civilization, independence, and free markets have ever stood for—it is submissive, insecure, and conformist to the extreme; it is emotionally and psychologically compromised to hate its own nature and reject its own identity, and it has demonized individual success in favor of group failure to correct imaginary wrongs its been told it has committed.
It is, by definition, a slave.
(((Capitalists))) are fine with the crash, they will just pass the losses on to the taxpayers, buy a ton of shit when it bottoms out, and become even wealthier thanks to daddy Trump.
The people who will suffer because of this don't own stocks and many aren't even capitalists.
Maybe they make 200k a year in neetbux, kraut? You don't know their life. I don't make that much though. I make a jillion zillion in neetbux, lounging all day and night in my 1337 gamer chair until my ulcerated flesh melds with the supple black and red leather, rising up more and more everyday in this society in which we live, lording over my personal empire of pissbottles and cumsocks while my broken-spirited mother tends me like my slave. But you wouldn't know anything about true comfiness, you dirty turksucking kraut cuck, now would you?
leftists would send them to concentration camps or gulags
>leftypol spam thread
>n-no, you can't trade on the stock market and become rich
>you must starve!!!!