>maybe 2-3 weeks away from half the world being unemployed
how the fuck can we avoid socialism now
>maybe 2-3 weeks away from half the world being unemployed
how the fuck can we avoid socialism now
based. fuck you, pay me
I woke up this morning to a news report that almost all businesses in my state are shut down until further notice and a text from my boss saying they're shutting down production.
Luckily I saved a lot of money and my roommates are preppers but it's still pretty shocking. I thought my boss was joking at first
People have to work for socialism to work. They also typically have to be white.
If it solves the problem, why do we HAVE to avoid it?
you saved the thumbnail. here's the larger version.
everything is getting shut down in California except my wife's work apparently. Her kike boss who runs a wine tasting room is defying orders and is keeping it open and wont let anyone work from home. I told her to just fucking quit it's a sinking ship anyway.
>implying socialism is a bad thing
Imagine being poor and voting republican?
by making sure it's national socialism
This will only make us stronger.
There are silver linings to the corona virus:
Americans learned that we are dependent on China for 90% of our generic medicines
We see how much of our economy has been outsourced
Forces older Americans to realize how unhealthy they are
It is revealed just how fragile the financial sector's Ponzi house of cards really is
Shines a light on China’s horrific animal abuse
Highlights how useless professional sports are
Brought awareness to how many really die during flu season
Exposes politicians that politicize public health and the scam artists that price gouge
Forces people to stay home and to take stock of their emergency preparedness
Correction of the stock market/price discovery
Decrease in gas prices
Parents are forced to spend time around their own children.
Make us more resilient and self-sufficient.
Increase our appreciation for brick and mortar minimum wage grocery store workers that are giving their best effort to keep us all fed
The EU is exposed as the unelected, self-absorbed globalists that they really are.
People finally realize that government is really not equipped to help everyone and basically you are responsible for yourself
Stay safe, count your blessings and be American and look out for your neighbors.
Population is not ready to become NEET.
There will not be enough rope for the amount of suicides.
You know it's bad when conservatives trying to pass basic income shit
$1000 NEETbux a month for every American citizen.
Fuck you socialist faggots it's about to become easier than ever to start a business. Put on your suit, give the bank teller a firm handshake and solid pitch, then out you go with a $50,000, 2.0% APR business loan and a market begging to be expanded into.
If you don't believe in NEETbux, in Universal Basic Income, you are a slave and an anti-American faggot. You have no American spirit in your bones if you don't support money/capital for all.
i knew being a neet would eventually pay off, but now all the wagies are benefiting. NOT GOOD!! very disrespectful
Embrace a third position, fren :^)
My wife works at a hospital—I am a NEET boy toy.
Any conversation about the American spirit is for Americans only
>how the fuck can we avoid socialism now
pick-up a rifle, and make the commies fight for what they want.
she fucks nigger patients. trust me.
This. Textbook creative destruction.
Fiscally far left, socially far right is the only sensible political position.
>mfw this starts a commie revolution
Maybe gesara is real?
NazBol with eco fascist tendencies is the final political position.
let everyone starve and die of coronachan in the streets?
Tired: Green New Deal
Wired: Plague Socialism
We need socialism to make all the shelves as empty as the tp shelve.
This. Some kind of neotribalism, it would be so comfy.
Now everyone gets NEETBUCKS and we prosper. World of eternal NEETs
Lol normies literally don't know how to keep themselves entertained at home alone
The age of the NEET is upon us
>believing in universal basic income
imagine being this much of an idiot
It won’t be that bad. Think of it as a vacation. Things will pick up soon enough.
It's getting bad here too. The economy is arguably worse too. Every since this virus hit the job market went to absolute shit. I'm a NEET with absolutely no money or prospects and its about to hit the point where I'll have to steal food. I've got 1 or 2 days left before it's my only option unless they government gives us all neetbux.
it's just mittens and it won't EVER fucking happen
Socialism can work if it's just white people working for a common cause. You can't have niggers and spics constantly subverting your efforts though.
Capitalism was bound to fail because it eventually destroys a nation.
Go to a charity?
>Death is an acceptable alternative to socialism
this. suicide rate will go up
>give the bank teller a firm handshake
Good job ya midwit, you might've scored a loan but you've also just secured your inevitable corona-related death because you failed to understand social distancing.
all countries are closing borders except third world shitholes , every nation is on its own already
what else can it become ?
Trades are an essential service, you want water and power you gotta pay.
Socialism relies on taxes. It isn’t my job to support you, it’s your own job. If half the population can’t work, fuck em, were overpopulated anyway (especially in China, India, and Africa).
No. They don't help single men, only single mom roasties.
>everyone except Walmart employees and gas station clerks will lose their jobs
You fuckers make fun of us every single day. Now we’re the only ones who will make it through this Great Depression
>t. $16/hour shelf stocker
I have always had nothing for respect for service and retail industry workers. Dealing with customers is a plateful of shit that I personally cannot handle.
>half the world being
thats now how society works.
How can you people be so bad at understanding the basic concepts of reality.
Jobs isnt something that is created by the 1% out of thin air.
How could we afford it? The lesson needs to be that true savings is what matters not chasing profits on the market.
>They also typically have to be white.
The real reason it can't work in America
Reject coronavirus. Begom NEET.
Hospitality industry here
We just laid off 1200 People across 20 states as of an hour ago
I work for postmates and caviar. Feeling the same way. People are all greatful and what not right now its insane.
>ywn have a big assed hospital gf to support you
why even live...
You can wait, like a simp sheep for the govt in your area to tell you what to do, or you can just start doing what you need to do to be prepared, no fucks given. Socialism is only necessary when nobody will do anything of their own free will, aka slavethink.
Fucking kill yourself you mouthbreathing retard.
Die DDR hatte auch Grenzen und war trotzdem kein NS. Ebensowenig wie Venezuela, Sovjet Union, Kuba, China und viele andere Staaten nebst den genannten. Schwaches Argument.
was meant for:
By having the history of every socialist shithole on the internet and by having 80+ iq
>never outpaces inflation
Enjoy never retiring
Food is the easiest thing to steal. It's also based to steal from jewish globohomo corporations, unlike stealing from people which is niggerish. I haven't paid for groceries in like two years. You can go to grocery stores in nicer neighborhoods which usually don't have security and have multiple entrances that are far from the registers, bring one of those reusable tote bags and just walk out the door after you fill it up. If you're going to walk out with a shopping cart just make sure you walk it through the registers or the self checkout area first, most places now have carts that the wheels will lock up if it passes through the exit doors without first passing through the registers. Good luck bro don't starve and don't listen to people that tell you to go to charity, you will get shit food at charities like disgusting canned whole chicken and old ass bread.
Save your whole life but the saving mechanism is inherently risky, retire, life savings gets wiped out.. fix the inflation and these other isuues will be corrected.
>Save your whole life but the saving mechanism is inherently risky, retire, life savings gets wiped out.. fix the inflation and these other isuues will be corrected.