>Coronavirus: Downing Street to give daily TV briefings on outbreak
>Coronavirus: Germany latest country to close borders
>Coronavirus: Downing Street to give daily TV briefings on outbreak
>Coronavirus: Germany latest country to close borders
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Wtf we gonna do lads
Thought the reinfection in Japan was a hoax?
gunna be a shit year tbhq
Who's ready for /comfy/ working from home?
Also some bed time reading lads about the CC Act:
imagine her posh sounding oof's and ahh's as you pump her posh fanny
Currently it's just advice, yes. Not enforced. Give it a week, I reckon... He mentioned upcoming measures to enforce the oldies don't get social contact. I imagine those measures will be extended to cover the rest of us, after they're in place.
I've been WFH for the past 6 years
If we all sing out our windows everything will be ok, i'm sure of it
should've listened to nick griffin desu
this wouldn't have happened
Even in jest, you have an ironic good point.
Corona causes economy to fuck up
Lefties seethe blaming brexit
When will this happen?
‘Without drastic action the virus will double every 5-6 days.’
Here is our drastic action:
every hour of every day since this began over on cif
Boris looks a mess, the lad looks like he's just walked in off the street.
He just wants to be back hosting have I got new for you
Anybody else here doesn't have a girlfriend?
Feels particularly depressing at the moment.
Damn, last thread stopped before I could get a reply.. Was Boris's press statement, with "dont go to pubs, work from home" etc an actual lockdown or more like a 'please don't' ?
What was the gist of it?
he hasn't picked up his guitar in months. they broke him
So when are they cancelling everything? Can't be fucked to go to Uni.
Hard Brexit preparation certainly in terms of the food have left us as one of the best prepared nations in Europe.
alone in the fallout ;_;
>more like a 'please don't'?
It was this. He said he wouldn't make it a legal thing.
Hope you've all got plenty of baked beans lads.
Now's the time lad. Panic shagging will be happening soon enough.
Corona causes brexit delay
Conservatives spaz out and blame it on the left/Corbyn
When will this happen?
100% there will be riots in london and birmingham when the government locks down.
Lads what does boris know?
Looks likes hes aged 10 years in a week
everyone itt
It's pronounced si-stem-ick
>pls don't
>stay in
>we're not going to make it illegal or anything just be grownups and stay in
A girlfriend wont make you happy.
No need for riots. Jsut go have a few bevvies in Trafalgar square. Not like they can arrest everyone
>lots of cases being posted here since january about reinfections all over guangdong japan and hubei
>serologists saying they dont know which protein causes the immune response and if there is immunity or does it cause ADE
>200 strains
can we herd immunity?
>chief medical officer : i havent seen it
top tier british research here 10/10 fucking retardedry
looking at that texture wasn't their a "baked beans" walkers crisp flavour decades ago or something ?
We'll start incell terror memmeing
Definitely will. Threat of death gets the juices flowing, instincts telling you to propagate.
However, I imagine it's double trouble, twice the risk, getting stds and a virus. Wear all the protection.
>dont go to mass gatherings
>its just advice though no enforcement
>whitty says research says mortality rate is less than 1%
>research actually says italy is 6-7% , china was 3-4% iran is 4%
what fucking research is whitty doing
I think it was beans on toast flavour.
have all the trip fags died?
woah woah woah there are OTHER coronaviruses?!?!
How many times will we have to do this?
I just wanted to know, as I have a parcel being delivered to the pub by the canal. Thats the only time I'll step into a pub, don't worry.
For years now jews have been demanding that various things be shut down, especially the internet, so as to combat all the “hate” and “anti-semitism” running rampant. Now they have the excuse to shut down almost everything – the economy, public gatherings, internet sites they don’t like, etc. – all under the guise of fighting the coronavirus. Many places in the world are already under martial law, which is the ultimate shut down.
If there is any reality to the coronavirus, and it’s not just a combination of the regular flu and 5G, then it is a bioweapon brought to us by the same people who unleashed the StuxNet computer virus on the world. They appear to have been planning this all for a long, long time. They can use the Coronavirus as a scapegoat for the economic crash, so that people don’t blame the (((bankers))) like in 2008, as they make out like bandits.
They are running the old problem-reaction-solution model to further their agenda once again, but this time it seems like they are going all in. They are creating incredible chaos in order to institute their totalitarian order. This will give them the opportunity to finally get rid of the pesky first and second amendment in America (along with other rights) and remove the last vestiges of freedom remaining in other countries around the world. They are playing for keeps.
If things keep going according to plan, everyone will need to be injected with a vaccine and microchip, just like in Bill Gates’ ID2020 program, or else they won’t be able to get their food rations. Everyone will be on lockdown, food and supplies may have to be delivered by Amazon, robots will be rolled out in a big way since they cannot be infected, and no one will be able to meet with each other to discuss the situation or protest. We will be isolated, making us all sitting ducks for the neo-NKVD, which could easily take out all of the political opposition to the jew world order without much resistance.
So we are supposed to avoid social contact but colleges are still staying open? How the fuck did they work that one out?
nice bait
had a few before
nothing more depressing than getting pussy everyday but wishing you was single because women never shut the fuck up
i always thought depression was for fags
but by having a gf, she gave it to me
that fucking negative whiney fucking bullshit
you're better off than you think trust
ever woken up and had your gf punch you for cheating on her in a dream?
grass is always greener
yeah there was lad, monster munch too. wasn't too long ago, this century at least
based and ickepilled
That's because civnat mongs have made Brexit about free trade and economics instead of an ideological battle like it originally was, all because they didn't want to be be called nationalists or racists. It's lolberts/toryshitters own fault for being thick fuckheads who don't understand politics.
Looks like I'm gonna be working from home lads
>research actually says italy is 6-7% , china was 3-4% iran is 4%
Death rate probably is pretty small considering there are probably fuckloads of people out there who caught it and passed over it without knowing. The real problem is gonna be when hospitals get overcrowded and old people start dying because there's not enough shit for them
His eyes are rolling into the back of his bonce on tv right now mate.
So, how do we get herd immunity if every cunt's hiding under their beds?
working from home was cake today, watched 6 episodes of Hannibal and went to get a subway.
It's a vicious cycle.
> need pussy
> get gf
> get pussy on the regular
> get space intrusion and time sucked away
> need space
> ditch needy clingy gf
> enjoy space
> need pussy
Quick recap on This guy. I missed it.
Boris can just use this an excuse if the economy does tank and brexit is to blame. For him this whole thing will be a godsend.
Chances of a universal basic income?
What about Korea and what research are you talking about spending 20 seconds on a live website?
I imagine a lockdown to just be a few police officers and Nigerian rentacop guards pathetically trying to convince everyone to stay inside and everyone ignores them
Can have my fat fucking missus if you want mate.
I mean looting.
Mate, gas didn't, ovens didn't
>Kike reptilians are resilient creatures
Oh shit Boris is telling us how to self isolate and to wrap the dead up in binbags sealed with selotape and place them in the street until the military can collect them
Looting what, there's nothing left
poor boris
biggest budget ever is totally forgotten about
PCOs are all fucking scum
>meanwhile in my locality
>If you suspect that a member of your household has the virus, please stamp repeatedly on their head until deceased and wait for the military to collect their body. God Save the Queen.
what the fuck, Boris?
Keep calm and..... I can't be arsed to take any decisive action. Basically.
can't have riots if there's nothing left to loot
>self isolate for two weeks if you have so much as a cough
>you can go outside and exercise though
>obviously dont go to pubs, but we wont close them
>schools still open
So the agenda 21 vampire theory is right then, they want us to ask them to do something about this non event.
And before you lose your lid, have you got PROOF OF DIAGNOSIS and what strain do you have. But literally zero people are able to answer this question because it really was just the flu, and nothing burger shills were using reverse psychology all along
And dont think i forgot about the constant U turns. Why did you allow people back from china to begin with if there was ANY chance this is SARS 2?
post links
Fuck off normalfaggots
HuffPost baiting
PM going to give useless waffle responses
Anybody remember that lad who posts here a lot who works as a regional manager for a bunch of care homes?
Bet he's having a nightmare.
Get yourself a long distance relationship. Best of both worlds
it's live you spastic
based tories trying to kill off their voters
Encouraging to see so many epidemiologists on Brit/pol/
One of us he is
>Likely not, but
to kill off you racist white old voters so next election we can get in and ruin the country more hehe
Corona hysteria will be over long before December 31
Got a fucking sore throat boys. Feeling run down. Feels like the chills are on the way.
Probably just still under the weather from sat night. Probably just a regular cold or something.
been here longer than you
you might wanna try r9k
When are they cancelling everything
Oh would you just fuck off tripfag what makes you special
Why do people doing sign language always look like they're making fun of the retarded
Assuming we base it off China's faked numbers of 5% death rate (and ignore Italy's rising death rate) and assume our NHS can handle the strain of millions infected, somehow...
That works out to 1,980,000 dead. 2 million dead.
fuck off newfag tourist
Watching the conference and I'm a bit behind. The Mr Burns lookalike keeps emphasizing that we're in for a long haul. How much food should an individual have on hand? And with each conference showing the government spokespeople looking more and more concerned are food redeliverys to supermarkets even going to happen in a few weeks?
I've noticed that, never THE nhs, always ARE nhs
Probably been here longer than you. Imagine defending a tripfag.
but no study so far has even accounted for asymptomatic spreaders as counting so again, what research is he talking about
because korea has one of the best healthcare systems and they have the army out there disinfecting the streets. even in europe, italy has one of the worst healthcares but still many times better than the uk's nhs. if we are 3 weeks behind italy but with a worse health system, it will be worse then 5 or 6% so how can he say it's under 1%.
the research for those percentages is out there.
School user in previous thread.
I'm in your borough I think
They're translating how retarded the speaker is for us
fuck boris and fuck the government.
I dont vote the system is rigged lol
Im not particularly racist either.
I like the coding aspect and the possibility one day people could engineer good viruses instead of well this. (See red dwarf, luck virus)
>source: my arse
She was miming putting a noose around her neck and slashing her wrists so I don't think its good news
It's true though, singing strengthens the lungs nicely.
Bet none of you guys even growl like an animal all the time.
Kek I know and everytime I hear it it reminds me of this place and Are Nige etc
Got a phone call from my dentist surgery today to tell me that my check up on Thursday is cancelled because my dentist MAY or May not have coronavirus she asked me if i wanted to schedule for next monday. Told her to phone me back in 6 months lol
imagine slipping that down your chaps eye and giving it a full pump
>i-i've been here since 2015!!
fuck off tourist, shit/pol/ has always been a haven for boring average untalented tripcunts.
I find it hilarious how Whitty looks like a reanimated corpse.
how many of you faggots are going to be working from home? will mr noseberg allow you too? i hope not. I work from home and it's comfy precisely because nobody else does.
>please work from home, if possible, but if you don't want its also fine, it's not a legal thing or anything.
Thanks bojo I will be sure to do my supermarket shift from home and I definitely will not cough on every shelf in the store
you thinking of adding some girth to yourself lad?
There's a bunch of countries where the death rate is less than 1%, South Korea in terms of testing per capita has one of the highest testing rates and it's something like 0.6%.
probably why the Bible tells us to sing praises to the Lord
God wins again