How much clean water do you have left Yas Forums?
How much clean water do you have left Yas Forums?
Two large rainwater tanks and a swimming pool that could be used if I get desperate.
I’m cool daddy-o
You can always drink the yellow one, aussie here told me its actually better
Appro 25,000lt (give or take)
+10 000 cubic meters at least.
i have a zero water pitcher an 10 filters each filter last 4months
around 68 liters.
65 gallons
At least 800 gallons, but it needs to be filtered.
I've got this thing in the sink that gives me infinite pure water.
unlimited. I have a swimming pool, an electric still, and a wood fired still.
nice trips
A whole fucking water table with a manual pump along with an electric pump. Fuck of normies with your tap water.
The farmhouse next to me has a well, and both our houses are on a small freshwaster stream. Hopefully will be okay for a few months.
>highland scotland
Well water master race.
About 34 gallons of drinking water... have a rainwater barrel that's about the same volume that I'll fill with tap water the second anything rustles my jimmies
i have well water
feels good to live in the country
if your rainwater tanks total 5000 liters you are me.
15 gallons jugged.
I have a whole house filter though so as long as it keeps flowing im not worried.
I have a camping filter and a lake behind my house.
Do you think this is enough OP?
I have a pond that holds about 15.000 Liters and a water filtration system
Imagine living in such a shithole country where you can't drink water from the tap.
Tap is a luxury that won't last forever
>imagine not being prepared for that
We have so many many easily accessible clean rivers and lakes in Norway that we would be fine even then. Though I see no reason why keeping the water system into homes going wouldn't be a priority in most cases.
I live 5 minutes away from a river that's reasonably clean so infinite water.
40L ready to drink, but I have access to a stream so I can filter and boil as much as I like once I get things setup
I'm good
that's about a 2 year supply of toilet paper you greedy bastard.
I have a gaping anus, back off
got rid of all the baking soda I see
also panic prepper fags
A hole well full.
Look closer you massive faggot
panic prepping this much
calling other people faggot
120 gallons
I have a spring and it never dries up
480 billion cubic meters.
I got all the clean water I want
a whole private lake
Two 4,000 gallon tanks, 2 reverse osmosis systems, and 2 wells dug into the aquifer system. Wbu?
30 gallons and a bottle of bleach.
I have enough
Dude the Oder river runs past my house. I'll just drink it like a fucking chad. Wont even boil it first.
These are the benefits of being too far away from the cities to be on the water main. Get yourself some wells faggots
theres a lake nearby, i got a reverse osmosis filter, a life straw and a rain collection array
water is not an issue here
> Unlimited tap water
> 2x 15 L under my bed, as a security during these Corona-times
> 53 x 33cl light soda cans
> 16 x 50cl light energy drinks
> 3 packages of water filtering tablets
> 2 water bottles that filter any water to become drinkable
I have an endless supply of tap water and a kettle.
I’m not sure how big the aquifer I’m does into is. For all intensive purposes, infinite.
an entire aquifer
The water table is 20ft and my well is 334ft. You tell me senpia.
I've been prepped since you were sucking on your mom's tit
My family's got a well and a water purifier, serviced by our own pump powered by solar panels.
There are benefits to my dad having been a prepper for years.
30 gallons.
>How much clean water do you have left
Are you kidding?
Preplet here, at what point should I start boiling my tap water?
>No box wine
Amateur fucking faget
preppers dont buy bottle water.
join the 55 gallon drum club
at least 5 gallon jugs.
good luck storing bottled water long term
enough plastic leeching to turn you into more of a tranny
all your shit is shiny and new, lol
Hehehe, me too
I have two of these.
Why does ireland have their own flag but not you?
a whole well full
I have a ceramic filter and a water stream ion my private forest land so pretty much infinity clean water