What are your mental gymnastics for this one?
Let me guess:
>Muh jews
>Muh blacks
Corrupt old white men fuck you all day and you still lick their Boots.
Well Bootlickers?
she's right
that money goes nowhere
muh trickledown economics finally proven to be retarded
thats the price of free corona test :)
The US isn’t a country and never was. It was always a business
>what is a repo loan
Yes let's just let the economy crumble so retards can pay for one month of hysteria over a retarded ass virus.
Corona is going to start revolutions. These quarentines are also an effort to prevent assemblies. The bread and circuses are gone, and the normies will finally start seeing the truth.
It wasn't given to Wall Street. It was given to banks to keep them liquid and prevent a total collapse of the global banking industry.
Which would hurt normal people. A lot. Whether you like it or not.
Lol you wish incel, a month from now you'll still be sitting inside playing with your penis and crying on here.
this shit is unreal. I want kike blood on my hands
It's called injection liquidity into the repo market, not the stock market. Even if discutibile, these money will have to be returned.
hahahah! Look at those German Kebabs. Their smart economy...
That's not really different than now. Let the commies and nationalists fight it out, I'll go with the winner
eat shit you faggot trumpkike
it literally crumbled after the loan was taken
You dense motherfucker
fence sitters get the rope too
If they give $4000 to everyone, the banks would crash and the value of that 4k with it.
It literally would not be needed if our economy was not made up Jewish bullshit for the elite. You're basically saying it's nice they're trying to put out the fire they started.
It's money that didn't actually exist. If that money was to be given to citizens it would need to be actual money that comes from somewhere.
you're going to see a lot of kvetching in this thread
The FDIC insures all Bank deposits up to a quarter million dollars. The feds money printing power was meant to accomplish this. You fucking bootlicker. The only people this benefits and the only people who need to be afraid of this are individual entities that need to move millions of dollars per transaction. I.e. billionaires
Market crashed over 7% 30 seconds after opening.
All that money wasted.
can you explain that in a literate way or is "jewish bullshit" the best you can mange?
Mittens Romney actually proposed giving burgers $1000 during this happening to keep the economy lubed up.
you fucking utter dunce lol
Jewish apologists
>muh economy
Fiat fags are all bootlicking Jewish cattle
How much do a fucking retard do you have to be to not understand that the fed printing money to artificially up the market temporarily, let alone print money to give to people is an absolutely retarded premise.
>dude, just release trillions of dollars into the economy all at once, lmao
Why are communists this silly?
The 1.5 trillion positively affected the markets for just over 15 minutes before they fell right back to wherethey were. Nota commie, but that was a huuuge waste of money that would have been better in american hands than in Walstreets. Did you even watch the markets react or are you just assuming it worked as intended?
Doesn't matter. We're going back to the gold standard and global debt forgiveness
This but unironically
>prevent a total collapse of the global banking industry.
Why would you want to prevent that?
its short-term loans
imagine giving every american a short term loan of 4k, how much would you get back? half?
Yes lets give money to the rich. How else will they pay jose jalapeno to mow their lawns and care for his 17 illegal immigrant kids?
Yes, goyim. We must protect the poor innocent bankers. Even hitler knew that they should be cared for over the common man who merely works for a living
People who own money and pay themselves interest are the salt of the earth. Working folks deserve to die in times of shortage
A repo loan is not a bailout.
Fiat currency LITERALLY does NOT exist. It is in its name.
I'd rather they just use that money to lower my taxes, but leftists wouldn't like that since they don't pay taxes.
Its a free corona test + 1k leftover to prep cheapest food for a month for every single citizen
Corrupt old (((white))) men fuck.
ffs you're german. You know who the enemy is.
>we're gonna go back to the standard that was in place when the Rothschilds owned a majority of the world's gold rather than now when kikes own the majority of the world's paper money production
Ye instead lets give it to kikes so they upgrade from billionaires to trillionaires
It was always socialism for the rich, stupid peasant. You should've washed your hands like Trump told you to.
>Give tax dollars back to tax payers when they are most likely to dump it directly back into the economy
>Equivalent to giving money to kikes that do nothing but move money around
Ok boomer
If we had less niggers and kikes in government, this pandemic wouldn't be an issue because white nationalists would close the borders.
He's right. You're just a screeching nigger who doesn't understand how the economy works.
Imagine believing they're going to get any of that money back now. It turned into vapor the instant it hit the market
>It wasn't given to Wall Street. It was given to banks to keep them liquid and prevent a total collapse of the global banking industry.
Imagine believing what Wall Street & Banks say.
This country is fucked.
Yes. Why should wallstreet kikes get free shit but not me
Imagine a BBC in her mouth
>implying those repos will eve be paid back
roy, get back to work, bro
if it doesn't exist, what did i just use to pay for all these tasty flavor of the day pints of frozen custard?
I agree the banks should just be left to fend for themselves, however I don't think putting retarded old communists in power will in any way improve the situation.
Yes it does. I can go out and buy a soda with it right now.
>Implying the kikes are ever going to "return" free money
It was kikes stealing money from goyim and giving it to other kikes.
You mean it was going to crumble anyways and they tried to save it when the loan was taking.
how are they upgrading from billionaires to trillionaires as the market continues downward? their shares just appreciate regardless of what the actual share price is? what class shares are these?
Shut the fuck up you dumbass zoomer. Like holy shit, if you dump money straight into the economy you will cause a massive inflation
>imagine being this retarded
>reddit space
the state shouldn't hand out money at all, no matter to whom, because it can only hand out money it previously stole
>who doesn't understand how the economy works.
If it worked then why do we have to keep propping up the banks with their imaginary paper money?
>try to save it
it collapsed afterwards because of the manipulation that was taking place
would you buy shares when someone is LITERALLY manipulating the price?
grow up and get an economics degree you stupid faggot
money was made with the 2008 bailouts, right?
You fucking retarded or something you have white nationalist in office and he didn't do shit with the border.
and apparently, China is a bigger Corporation with a more autocratic communist rule that doesn't give any fucks at all about human rights + it has 5x the workforce the US does + many of them are healthier. I wonder when China becomes a USA shareholder and forces every american to work in Phone factories to make them suckle on Xis dick kek
Reaganomics has always been retarded, also called Voodoo economics. Everytime its instituted a recession follows and the poor and middle class get fucked
>the government is corrupt and only cares about Wall Street! Let’s give the government more control of our society!!
These fucking retards can’t put two and two together
Robert Kiyosaki said he got a 400 million bailout just for owning real estate, thanks to the loans he took.
Now he taunts that he's a selfmade millionaire when the gov literally bailed him out on his shitty investment in 2008
is this real?
no... the 1k is taken by goverment, and companies
The banks arent really stepping up to suspend mortgage payments
But do we not already misconstrue wall street as "The economy" and so is not dumping trillions of dollars into wall street the most direct route of dumping money straight into the economy and thus is not this exactly what you are saying we should not do and will thus have those same consequences you warn of?
david stockman is a bitch made nigger
>1 post by this ID
maybe the government shouldn’t be handing out free money to anyone at all
We're basically free range cattle.
i suppose a fucked up economy kills more than 4k per person.
The US could have used like 50$ to give everyone toilet paper, hand sanitizer, masks, and a rain poncho though.
This can’t be real
lol communists NEVER stop whining!
They sing the same song over and over again no matter what is happening in the world!
yes, at the time they even had retards on MSNBC agreeing with her
not the first time Jews making moneys on someones blood
>asking if fucking retarded people post dumb shit
are you new to the internet nigger?
>1 post by this ID
Typical germ
printing money isn't even working you retarded boomer lmao
i'm talking about gm / fred & fan
what are the specifics behind bailouts given to individuals? how does one qualify for a bailout simply by owning real estate?
don’t care. i want these people to suffer. go fuck yourself
You see, I give shit of what financial institutions do up until they get a bailout. Ducking no! You failed, you get to be sandfucked. Not others. Bring moral hazard back!
you'll probably have more than 4k suicides from this downturn
>It literally would not be needed if our economy was not made up Jewish bullshit for the elite
but it is, so stop whining.
>Waaah if we weren't on a boat we wouldn't need to seal the leaks!
Literally you right now.
Do you know what the rust belt is? Large part of the country that was previously the industrial center. When these factories closed down it became a depressed shithole of poverty. There's now a trend of chinese buying these old factories and the workers that used to staff them at $30 an hour with healthcare and other benefits now get to do the same job for like $10 an hour with no healthcare or benefits. The government has since destroyed worker's unions so there's no way to combat this without starting from the beginning. I love capitalism.
Fuck off kraut, and take your twatter bernigger goblina with you.
>muh communist
Why is it seen as bad when the poor take money from the government, but a virtue when the rich get bailed out BILLIONS every few years and nobody has anything to say other than "lol at least we aint commies"
Tell the rich to stop taking free money from the US government.
Still haven't seen a good argument agaist this..
Because of Keynesian economics. We don't *have* to prop them up, but stocks would go way down if we didn't. Most libertarians and paleocons advocate just letting the businesses fail for their incompetence. Keynesian economics is a Democrat policy. Also socialist planned economies are 10X shittier, so quit your bitching.
>you have white nationalist in office
LOL no, he's a Jewish nationalist (Zionist). You leftist retards just call anybody to the right of Hillary a "Nazi".
Fuck random nobody twitter threads and FUCK YOU OP
Both ideas are retarded.
So when this all blows over, we should just resume business as normal then, huh? Don't question why things are unless you're a commie! Hiss commie
they can print trillions and hand it to rich people. but if it goes to regular people "OH KNOWES MUH SOCIALISM~!~~"
>give me money cause I'm 30 and mommy won't take care of me. I'm a special unique snowflake who will change the world some day. Look at my collection of participation trophies. Waaaaaaaa
Spoiled white Bernie brats are pathetic. At least the establishment has clean boots since Bernie licked them so good
I'd rather give $1.5 trillion to bankers and billionaires and have $0.1 per dollar trickle down than $1 to a regular American
When did Trump become a white nationalist? That's a new one
>not realizing the repo loans are based on collateral that will be seized in the case repayment doesn't happen
>The US could have used like 50$ to give everyone toilet paper, hand sanitizer, masks, and a rain poncho though
How much does it cost to distribute $50 worth of toilet paper, hand sanitizer, masks, and rain ponchos to ever person in America?
Also, the border shut-down executive orders Trump did try to make got constantly gridlocked and shutd-down by screeching shitlibs/niggers in Congress; and leftist judges, especially in the 9th Circuit Court which is made up of West Coast judges.
So yes, it's you xenophillic faggots' fault.
why would they when they can take your house and give you nothing
Fuck corporate welfare
Fuck free gibs
would've been worse, you stupid fucks one to trade a single month for continuous livelihood.
giving everyone babies,kids,teenagers, and illegals all $4,000 wooooo
>ITT: Young dumbass people
Muhammad just be glad you live in a white country and shut the fuck up
How much does it cost to run a jewish world empire with military bases, state-enforced homosexuality and Glow-nigger gay-ops running all over the world? Gimme my TP, faggot.
about two fiddy
Aaaaaaaaaand it's gone
>more people who don't understand how the US monetary policy works
And people like you will wonder why someone is setting your house on fire while you sleep next to a pile of toilet paper.
>So when the boat stops sinking, we should just resume business as usual then, huh?
How about we avoid drowning first, then we can make long range plans, huh?
>I'm an accelerationist, I WANT to drown!
Why should anyone listen to the advice of a suicidal person?
>sharing the wealth in a time of major crisis?
yeah fuck that
the hilarity is you won't be able to compete with china in the future, in no fucking way, unless you grow your population into the same amounts as china did. You established a system that allowed irresponsible sociopaths to get rich, hollow out/prevent Worker unions and laws that'd guarantee everyone a better life. Maybe you guys need a basic income or something like that. in the future. When you cant dominate the world its better to find a corner and get comfy in there, Thats what many Eurocountries did. Germany is Nothing compared too the US in Size and Population. Same is the US compared to Chia. If you really wanna dominate China you should care more about closer relations with europe, which trump really isnt good at, since he represents everything many euopeans disllike.
>Gov't takes money
>gives money to the rich
Stop complaining stupid freeloaders
>socialism for rich
Do they even know the meaning of socialism?
Because of communists wanting to steal my shit?
Lol, what?
>stonks hysteria is more important than your hysteria
Boomers can't even come up with a good lie anymore.
Do you?
Is this sarcasm? Or are all of you really this tarded? The majority of the responses here dont seem sarcastic, some imma go with yall are actually tarded.
This is 1.5T of liquidity. It's overnight loans. They're paid back literally the next day. It is not a bailout. It is not long term debt. It is not the fed giving free money to Wall Street. This is banks borrowing from the federal reserve so they can lend to customers. Without it, banks wouldn't be able to lend at a time when customers need it the most.
There is a 500b QE program the fed announced yesterday but they get assets in exchange for the money they are spending.
The federal stimulus, which Nancy Pelosi is playing partisan politics with, is the taxpayers money (debt), and will pay for expanded medicaid (for uninsured anons), unemployment, and short term disability for hourly anons who get Corona.
fuck you nigger
you just know some hedge funds algo's are eating 25% of this printed money.
>instead of giving to people to buy food
and where does this retard plan to buy food when the economy collapses
More money than exists in the world.
>be that lucky guy who makes and sells overpriced wazoo consumer goods
>make billions of shekels
>be that dumbass that has a job a billionaire provided
>be that dumbass that spends all their money on cigarettes beer and overpriced wazoo consumer goods
>unironically complain about rich people on twatter
Corona-chan kill us all.
Nah because you're a nigger in a suit and pretending you're better for it.
>It's not a bailout
Faggot shill.
Bigger they are, the harder they fall.