Schwarzenegger, Ariana Grande Among Hollywood Celebs Demanding People Stay Home over Coronavirus

Listen to your idols they whats best for you okay?

>Grande blasted those in her generation who are taking the situation lightly, telling them that they sound “stupid and privileged.”

>“like your hip hop yoga class can fucking wait i promise,” the Grammy-award winner, who came under fire for her own careless hygienic habits of licking a donut on an exposed tray at a California donut shop in 2015, added.

>Former Disney Channel star Hillary Duff delivered a pointed statement to the younger generation as well.

“To all you young millennial assholes that keep going out partying: go home,” she said in an Instagram video. “Stop killing old people please.”

>“Stay at home as much as possible. Listen to the experts, ignore the morons (foreheads). We will get through this together,” Schwarzenegger posted alongside a video featuring his mini pony and donkey, Whiskey and Lulu.

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This is how desperate they are to cause a panic. Getting all their celebrity retards to spam the same talking points you hear on CNN.

the good goys will listen to their superiors.

>the good goys will listen to their superiors.
Such hubris. You truly believe you're infallible.

no one should listen to these masonic cultist fucks

Hm i dont know how to work this one out.
I think its their publicist just telling them to put shit out to stay relevant.

Same thing happened with that fucking gay ice bucket challenge.

When I hear those little fucks telling me not to do something I want to immediately do it. Also framing it as an old people killer (boomer remover) lmao that’ll make the millenials stay home!!

I want to stay at Home with Ariana and lick her tight pussy.

>no more partying you're killing all the old people
Ah shit I didnt know. All those geezers at my local rave club, I'm sorry. I didnt know I, an uninfected person, was spreading the virus to all of those octogenarians snorting lines and high on E. Sorry bros, I'll stop partying now. Maybe I can use some of that money to pay off my massive credit card and student loan debt.

>"stupid and privileged"
>"lol why would you need to leave the house other than for your yoga class??"

I want boomers to die. This is God's wrath on the worst generation.

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Pretty sad that Ariana Grande has shown more leadership than Trump during this pandemic

No, fuck that whore! She has no issues destroying the minds of millions of young white girls but all of a sudden is concerned with the health of the nation?!

Now is the opportunity to get revenge. Take every opportunity to destroy this whore of zion nation and people.

Fuck this country and people. Death to America. The whore of zion

>every celebrity tells you to vote for Hillary and not for trump
>trump wins
Don't overestimate the influence that celebrities have. They are not the Gods that the media makes them out to be.

>“Stop killing old people please.”

Ariana Grande is a whore and no one cares what it thinks.


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i love zoomer hot takes

>Imagine being Arnold...

Just quarantine yourself in your mansion you plebs. Limousine liberals need the rope.

I hope ths fucking lady catches all the viruses and dies slowly and painfully

Isn't this the girl famous for licking donuts


>just have your assistant change your hip hop yoga class appointment, you assholes!

Day of the pillow

>Former Disney Channel star Hillary Duff

lol wut

How does she wipe?

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Didn't you hear, we all have corona. The symptoms just may never show. So you just need to stay in your house like a good goy because you wouldn't want to transmit the virus and hurt someone. Also, don't pay attention to congress stripping your rights away during this whole thing. They're sacrificing their own health by being caged up in a building deciding what's right for your future.

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This. There is a huge hidden counter current out there for celebrity worship. Many many people hate famous people. It happens in the underground music scene a lot too. It's almost like the opposite of what mainstream wants you to believe. A lot of times with real people, someone becomes "famous" and then no one likes them anymore. SELLOUT!

ariana grande says you sound stupid and privileged.

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why is this donut licker complaining about germs?

>i talked to god
>she sad

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Testing for a fucking cold virus that can show false positives in anyone who got a recent flu shot. Ya I bet we all do have it. Sorry excuse for a lockdown. But hey people really are retarded here.


>A childless white woman with dogs who thinks God is a woman

It's confirmed. The Jews have won.

Isn’t this the same cunt who was licking donuts and putting them back in a diner?

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She has a legion of simps lined up to lick her clean.

her illegal mexican maid wipes her ass

its some serious conditioning.
>you may not even know you have the virus! never leave your house again!

Ariana Grande, the little bitch who got Muslim to blow up some of her faggot ass fans but yet still felt the need to attack white people after the mosque attack. Human trash.

yeah but she says it is YOU that has privilege and is stupid.

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>stage 4 cancer
otherwise known as terminal cancer

>tight pussy.
Got new for you, buddy. She fucked Dan Schneider.

brooke looks like the type whos always telling everyone she has some new rare disease every other month, so she can pitty points
>The doctors finally admited I have stage 8 Lou garages disease. send me money

But how will all the white women learn to shake their ass unless they go to twerking class at their gym? That's what is most important to them after all. Have some compassion.

Why don’t they stay home then?

I'm hoping the kike publicists have heard how bad the tribe is doing in Israel and is panicked that the whuflu will do what they claimed Nazi Germany tried to do.

people like arianna grande will take a private jet to saudi arabia to do some private shows for some saudi prince and then go on twitter and be all
>stop being such selfish assholes and stay inside your house forever

That's because she's a fucking qween mkay?

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This is just to quietly and quickly install the 5G grid

Isnt this the cunt who looked a donut on the counter? (Yes it is) and rich seeing a privileged cunt say other people are privileged

Arnie is a fucking sellout who's been shilling a vegan diet recently. I'd think twice before listening to him.
As for Grande, she's an irrelevant pop-whore.

with a face like that, this bitch better keep wearing a mask for the rest of her life.

They want the economy dead.

I checked her twitter. shes just how I imagine a zoomer with fake stage 4 cancer would be like
>21 | bisexual | ur fave horror anime girlfriend | Black heartfighting S4 Rhabdomyosarcoma

>Ariana Grande
It's not time to start a viral trend of licking food and grocery items?

That nose... Wait don't Corona Chan's groupies get put in ovens?

Fuck that dumb beaner Italian.

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I saw former actress Hillary Duff dispensing similar instagram wisdom (stay home, plebs), along with a photo of her and a boy toy at an island resort.
Day of the rope soon.

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I would hate fuck Ariana so hard