Why does Yas Forums deny their socialist similarities?
Different fags, same cloth
Look, if valuing my race makes me a socialist, then I'm a socialist.
I just want to not be ethnically replaced by a bunch of psychotic jews and ethnomasochist liberals.
The virgin shitty painter hobo vs the chad choirboy with the voice of angels.
hey are you from /leftypol/? i always wondered what it's like over there
just because communism and and socialism have similarities does not make them the same. one is based on equality with no values and one is based entirely on conservative value.
National Socialism is nothing like and is totally opposed to Marxist socialism.
one was freedom for or people the other was slavery to these disgusting kikes
National socialism is made to liberate whites and communism is made by jews to enslave whites.
you're retards who drank too much kool aid
Shitty since theyre always here begging for attention
But socialism is an economic failure that causes misery for the majority of the population. Autarky and communism are the roads to hell. Sure life is not perfect but, one thing we're sure of by looking at history, is that drastic change brings disasterous consequences.
Hitler may have been a communist back then, but he saw the light and changed. That picture proves nothing.
Notchee larpers have simply gone too far down their delusions, honestly.
Nononoooo fascism isn't far-left extremism, nononono. Just ignore the fact that it was literally invented by a communist who thought marxist doctrine was simply too milquetoast for his country. Mussolini was more far right than Genghis Khan ;D
Nationalization of industry and personal property you say?
Buh, fake news!
His actions scream P U P P E T
Hitler privatized several firms, lowered many taxes, made farmland hereditary, etc. Does any of that sound like Marxism?
Total bullshit since Communism had strong borders, keept and promoted country's culture, made people to be united and there was no SJW shit going on.For example take a look at DDR which was more Germanic than the Nazi Germany also fascists are dirty backstabbers and innocent killers, it doesn't saves the white race but divides it and puts it on it's knees.
If that is what Hell looks like, I prefer it to heaven.
Cause they want to be "cool" socialists that conveniently got defeated before they could fail by themselves.
>Germanic than the Nazi Germany
he was never even a communist, in mein kampf he talks about how he attended marxist gatherings simply out of curiosity
The DDR was the most retarded thing on German clay. Germans were ready to die fighting for the Third Reich, but noone could await the collapse of this soclaist shithole.
based. socialism and capitalism are two sides of the same garbage
He was wearing a red armband at Eisner's funeral. You don't wear an armband celebrating communism out of "curiosity"
Wrong. Hitler and Stalin were allies until their greed for power got in the way
National Socialism is the most succesfull economic system on the planet. That is the reason the entire world was needed to bring us back to our knees and make us slaves again.
>I was curious bro
Pfft sure, whatever.
Where is leftypol?
Bro, communism is an ideology and socialism is a form of government. Not knowing this shows your intelligence. There was nothing ''conservative'' about nazism or fascism. Radical ideas.
Hitler was a basedboy for Mussolini until Italy started to fail. Mussolini was also a radical marxist.
Interesting that they never reflect
Except it did the exact opposite in germany. While the capitalist countries had breadlines nazi germany had the greatest economic miracle ever.
Hitler only allied with Stalin to get Poland and some land. It was a compromise, an alliance out of convenience.
NEETsoc are closet trannies.
Fuck off kike. This is a natsoc board.
>Hitler was a basedboy for Mussolini until Italy started to fail. Mussolini was also a radical marxist.
Mussolini had a jewish girlfriend too.
Socialism works when it is based upon nationalism.
Fuck liberalism. I don't want it.
If your ideology says that natural emotions like racial preference is immoral, then your ideology is garbage.
Of course it's not. You'd be looking at Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong for that. Generally speaking, countries with little natural resources that are willing to create modern educational institutions, enforce law and attract foreign capital.
where did these fags come from
No, that was Weimar Germany, DDR was the best thing to actually happen after all the chaos created by the nazis and the only ones that hated it were the West Germans also we saw how much people wanted to fight for Third Reich when Wehrmacht started to fight against Waffen SS and how many switched sides against the Nazis once the Allies got on German soil.
Hitler was a courageous soldier in WWI
Stalin was a coward, a shirker even as a revolutionary.
Hitler created a movement around him based on a strong moral political vision
Stalin simply has the instinct and ruthlessness to make himself the avatar of the sudden rise of a new bureaucracy that hated the old revolutionaries that made their rise to power possible. Stalin had nothing to do with the creation or the rise of that bureaucracy.
Men dressed as robots. Used as numbers for delusional people's war. Nazi Germany spent most of it's budget on the military. The rest of the population struggled. Hitler had to invade countries to feed Germany and most in labour camps starved to death.
His ideas are very similar to Marxism but, with different enemies. He just replaced the capitalist elite with jews.
This is nonsense. Capitalism may not be perfect but it benefited far more people than socialism or natsoc ever did.
I dont deny their socialist similarities, and they can both lick my sweaty ballsack like the rest of the world's socialists.
>C O P E
The fact is, Hitler was indoctrinated into Marxism at the basedboy cafes of Vienna in the 19teens where he rubbed shoulders with Leon Trotsky, Joseph Tito, Sigmund Freud and Joseph Stalin
No. But yours do, yid.
You're just stupid. Everyone is done with this stupidity.
No one is even interested in arguing this bullshit with you brainwashed commie morons anymore.
Your bullshit anti human ideology has cause 100 fold more torture, rape, murder, starvation, and suffering than the cartoon Nazi villain you idiots have created in your entertainment out of your warped, paranoid schizophrenic mind. The cartoon villain you depend upon solely to justify your own authoritarian, and genocidal agenda.
You are always the aggressor.
You are always the standing threat.
You use lies, and propaganda to make "evil" out of good people, then sic the mindless mob on them.
Not this time, faggots.
The entire world is wise to your tired, tattered tactics of the last century. You're too stupid to adapt to the Information Age.
We have already won the Culture War. It's just a matter of time for the effects to be realized. And now that CaronaChan is flying the skies on our behalf, WE are the only ones in the perfect position to ride this wave of chaos back to the beach, while the rest of you flounder and drown in our flotsam.
Good riddance, commie faggots. It's been real.
>Capitalism benefited far more people than socialism or natsoc ever did.
>NazBol flag
If this is reverse psychology, you are not very good at it. You lack subtlety
This is a misconception. Mussolini had to invade countries to steel food. The world turned a blind eye when he did. Hitler mimicked alot of what Mussolini did. Invaded weak countries little by little.
The depression was bad for numerous of reasons. But comparing a few years of unemployment to a world war is nonsense. The depression only lasted a few year until thing's started to pick back up.
Explain Romania then?
>third position
>give up your land
>give up your sovereignity
>trust some faggot in a uniform over yourself
Do think anyone is listening to your idiocy?
Even your fucking flag is schizophrenic.
You're not as smart as you've convinced yourself you are.
Stop posting. It's embarrassing. You're far too emotional to have a valid opinion on this shit, child.
Then went on to admire and mimick Mussolini who was also a marxist socialist in his younger years.
Debate gay boy.
Lel, Romania was Hitler’s ally. Thousands of Romanians fought with the Germans against Jewish Bolshevism in operation Barbarossa.
That isn’t even Hitler, the toothbrush mustache was widely popular among middle class men. Especially thanks to celebrities like Oliver Hardy. It’s just some random image taken out of context.
Fuck off Breivik.
They fought against russians for land. And they were absolutely terrible at it.
There is nothing to debate. You're a retarded communist piece of shit, and your days are numbered.
You have nothing to offer anyone but mild annoyance until your inevitable eradication.
Go play, kid. Stop LARPing as a 'revolutionary'. You don't even do your own laundry.
>the rest of the population struggled
Literally not true. The only time people struggled in the Reich were when the (((allies))) bombed the shit out of them.
Thomas Weber confirmed it was him. And Otto Strasser did too.
But you said they had an alliance? Yet, stalin broke their alliance and took over Romania.
Hitler feared stalin. He knew that if he had of waited for another year or two before the invasion, that stalin would have been stronger. So hitler stab him in the back and invaded while their gaurd was down. Ironically, they still lost.
That sort of logic is dumb, but unsurprising from a conservative.
Breivik will always be remembered as the most intelligent lone wolf terrorist in the last 30 years.
Imagine being so unequivocally objectively wrong.
>Thomas Weber
There is a good amount of poltards that hate Adolf he did massacre millions of whites after all
Why the fuck would Thomas Weber and Douglas Reed lie about Hitler being a communist so many years after the fact, and cite Otto fucking Strasser as their source?
You're the stupid ones that bootlicks an ideology that would start to consider you and your people as a subhuman slave race created by the jews that lives on lands for Germanics that must to be exterminated.
Look at your "good guys" that left their allies to massacre eachothers and invaded Poland and Soviet Union and put innocents into Concentration Camps for living on "Germanic soil".Pic related all are Catholic children from Poland and as you see the one from the left which also was the oldest was abused.
>Why does Yas Forums deny their socialist similarities?
Ironic coming from a Bolshevik when Bolshevism is just as Jewish and anti-White as Communism.
The one on the left didn't murder millions of his own and he made socialism work.
Bolsheviks used the plight of workers for a Jewish power grab.
I don’t know, maybe it’s because Thomas Webber wasn’t even alive when that photo was taken. How can you confirm something you weren’t even alive for, let alone witnessed?
>There is a good amount of poltards that hate Adolf he did massacre millions of whites after all
Funny, I thought France and the UK started WW2.
Funny how you don't talk about the millions of Whites they slaughtered.
So if they didn't struggle then please tell me how they did not? There was a no trading economy and half the budget went on the military. Even with evidence and stories of people starving you'll still deny the suffering. 5 years of inflation isn't a 'economic success'. The whole point of hitler invading countries was to try gain food and resources from weaker nations. He had no intentions of starting a world war.
Thomas Weber AND Douglas Reed. And he saw footage of Hitler marching in Eisner's funeral in 1919. It was released by Heinrich Hoffmann, Hitler's personal photographer.
I'll admit the doctors plot would have been pretty based. If Stalin was alive long enough to actually carry it out fully.
Stalin is based (btfo‘d every enemy of the state, industrialised russia, won ww ll), hitler is mediocre (lost war, but had based views on jews, race and nation) and mussolini a faggot (didn’t achieve anything and betrayed his ally)
>evidence of people starving
People didnt starve except for 1945.
>the whole point of Hitler invading countries was resources
It wasn't.
>no trading economy
Literally false. The economy just wasnt based on your jewish masters system.