How is this not unconstitutional?

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It's all just a test, stay tuned

LA also just closed all bars and restaurants. Constitution need not apply to blue cities.

state of emergency

>How is this not unconstitutional?
State of emergency gives them the power to do whatever the fuck they want. Being a politician in NY allows for the same.

Welcome to 5 days ago, it’s only gonna get worse

fuck all new Yorkers. You deserve whatever hell is coming for you

T. West Virginia

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USA is doing everything in piecemeal fashion. Step by step. Full quarantine with boots on the ground by April.

I literally only leave my house for groceries and working out. I'm pissed now that I can't work out. Pushup ain't going to keep these gains. WTF

because sick people making others gravely ill needlessly is kind of a problem. you throw that word around too loosely without understanding it or what's going on in terms of tracking and preventing a lot of suffering.

This is NY, CT, and NJ.
Got a text today from my boss that I can't come to work until further notice but I will get a big check on Wednesday to tide me over.
Things are getting crazy out there

entire state of Michigan all restaurants closed for dine-in.

My right to bear arms.... gone!

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Based Best Virginia poster.

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Who the hell is going to enforce it? All the cops in my and surrounding towns sent out notices they won't leave the fucking station

>All the cops in my and surrounding towns sent out notices they won't leave the fucking station
no they haven't Chang just shut up
I'm shut in with your sister banging away
have fun flogging your tiny impotent penis

they closed the YMCA after i got swine flu and recovered, was hoping to catch covid and recover there too ... sad :(

This is what the Jadehelm training was for. Those seemingly abandoned large commercial buildings leftover from closed supermarkets and shartmarts are going to be used by the military and national guard to restore order.

In a declared state of emergency, many rights are suspended

Big cities are going to turn into death traps. If there are any anons in NYC, please....I beg you...stream it.

>Spend your life voting for authoritarian assholes running on the platform of curtailing the rights of others

In what world do you have the constitutional right to Planet Fitness?

Are they going to reimburse business owners? This could end a lot of small business owners. Litterally sabotaging the nation over the flu.

Prep for communism

Holy shit Americans

I just returned from my gym , at this hour its has a bunch of people , Right now it must have been less than 20

Have you read the constitution?

>over the flu

You mean the CIA's economy virus right?

They want us to be fat and unhealthy for the upcoming Apocalypse. Don't listen to them.


>not having a home gym

I believe they mean to quote the part about free assembly, but they're being facetious completely ignoring all of the laws relating to emergency powers. And presuming the government has ever read the Constitution let alone follows it.

>nigga bitchin bout his constitutional gym rights
Pay withheld for taxes

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Can you direct me to the ‘state of emergency’ amendment?

Wow. Weightlifters are truly the most oppressed group on the planet.

I bet when they had smallpox outbreaks local governments issued whatever decree they deemed necessary way back then and no one cared. Only you care.

Internet Constitutional Scholar swings and misses.

good think i have a full basement gym with barbells, dumbells, benches and rack and a bench with powerblocks in my bedroom. imagine being a skinny fag without massive amounts of iron at home.

There will be bailouts, but only for the big boys. A lot of small businesses will go tits up. The debt is also going to sky rocket because of these bailouts, pumping money into the market and any tax cuts that go through. We are in the shit for the rest of the year at least.
I do think this will put a giant dent into globalism. I expect a lot of manufacturing to start returning to home countries at least on the essentials. Depending so heavily on China and India for our pharmaceuticals is suicidal now.
This really is the biggest thing to affect the global order since 9/11. Maybe even since the end of the Cold War.

>How is this not unconstitutional?

Because its a State of Emergency you plank. Exercise in your house. Deadlift your sacks of rice.

Lick the doorknob to preserve the constitution.

Prison city.

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>stay indoors
>stay home
>worry about virus
>become hypocondriac
>placebo symptoms
>die because you think you're dying
>foreigners waltz in
>too bad you're dead and can't feel foolish about forgetting about the things that matter
>too bad you let yourself be herded and guided by the kikemedia and ZOGovernments you claim to dissent against

I'm honestly really disappointed in you faggots.

The Nyoo Yawk guv closes everything by mandate--no groups larger than 500, everything must close.
But it will hurt business, so then Cuomo asked for federal relief to help compensate businesses for the lost revenue, lost profits.

Fuck that gub frapping homo.

Cause under that Stafford act emergency declaration there is no Constitution right now desu.
Trump is supreme dictator of the US. The public/private partnerships are actually forced. We are the news now.

This isn't r/politics bro

The best part of that retard's post is that the truth is the opposite. In city's most people don't know their own neighbors, same for the suburbs. Doubly true for younger people who don't socialize.

Regardless of emergency powers, nobody has the right to free assembly inside a private facility

Home gym
Master race

A week of no gym destroys gains nigger.

Cuomo The Homo confirmed for nolift faggot

>Constitution need not apply to blue cities
>t. John Mark

Ppl don't work out to get in shape, they do it to go to the gym to tell everyone they're going to the gym.

>going to a gym
>not lifting in a parking garage


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>lifting weights instead of flipping over people's cars
Come on, if you are going to workout at a garage at least use the resources provided to you.

>How is this not unconstitutional?
Seems illegal to me, but I bet there is some law that was passed a long time ago that allows them to do this.
But I wonder - why close these but leave supermarkets open?
And people who work at these places need an income to buy food and pay for rent, so they are essential businesses, for them.

Dude, do you even not lift?

>Are they going to reimburse business owners?
"they" who LMAO?
finally will US experience the ethnic cleansing that is getting rid of failing small business owners that shouldn't have even started of thinking of opening their shit because muh american dream
bet you they regret leaving it to "tipping culture" to keep themselves afloat

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Lol, the carriers are already on their way to your state because you retards spread memes like this. Not that it wasn't there already.

>hur durr muh amendmentz
Clearly you have no clue what administrative law is. It’s in the Consolidated Laws Of New York State aka NYS Code Law. More specifically, it falls under Executive Law. Go look it up on LexisNexus.

>t.legal jew

Maryland just did the same thing