Roastie Hate Thread

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Who hurt you? What was her name?

You mean post-op tranny

>takes the kids during the divorce
>"waaaah why do i have to take care of the kids? Im so alone!"

Dumb roastie

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I thought women were more responsible/better caretakers of children yet I know 0 women who have more than a week of food

Seems as though she's getting good advice, not saying she should not have kept her man because her children will still be fucked up growing up without a father....

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She is overwelmed from taking care of her own fucking children but she still had to make 3 gotta farm dat welfare or watever it is in her country

Amanda Goetz

the absolute fucking delusion of the parents who think they can stick to this schedule HAHAHAHAHAHHA
That must be what your brain looks like after working in an office as a paper pushing monkey for over a decade.
t. father of 4 kids, with only 1 in school

> be me
> cute redhead naighbor tells some people she's sortta into me
> get her phone
> talk a little about movies, etc.
> she's gotta go, has stuff to do
> autism kicks in
> hehe i'll be watching you from here, xoxo
> i was trying to be charming
> turns out i'm just a creep
> ghosted me for 3 days and wrote a lot today regarding this particular subject
> tfw i thought i could be charming but i couldn't
> tfw women think you're creepy if you try to make a move
> tfw i'm just a godamn retard
why am i like this, sweet Jesus?

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Haha! I know how that feels.

Tbh there is probably something else if she had been that into you she would have brushed it off as humor

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Yes all women are bad. Just like all men are rapists. It works both ways, you goddamned troglodyte.

That's fucking disgusting. If my parents had pulled that kind of shit on me I'd hate them for my entire life. I grew up on videogames and the internet and turned out a healthy adult with a great sense of responsibility.

at first she did, but then she didn't.
she was the one took check me out first, i thought i was greenlit.

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Should've lied and said you have a gf that is out of town, sluts love that.

Many such cases

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checked me out first*

Almost 20% of men are cucks that fucks precarious women because muh dick and act surprised later on

I would rebel instantly
fuck controlling parents, they turn their kids into NPCs

> cant order tinder dick on the regular
> I am alone.

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Aye it's retarded, better to stick to one topic a day that they like instead of switching and being all retarded making them make food.

what in the fuck

>studying shit for only half an hour at a time
What a useless schedule. All this shit will do is make her kids resent her.

Lmaoo everything is 15 minutes or 30 minutes what a dumb fucking bitch

Will normies even make it? They're freaking the fuck out and it's been less than a week.

the roastie life is a truly demanding one

~3 hours a day for free time? Wat?
I mean expecting help around the house is fine, and some education never is harmful but these kids are going to be soulless wtf??

You must be fucking ugly and she was just being nice. I regularly say shit like that to girls I talk to and they think its le mysterious humor. Last girl idk how the conversation got there but I told her I was going to fill her mouth with my spit until she was drooling, she said she was going to throw up so I said to save me her throw up in a plastic bag... day later she was drooling what my dick spit

I want to interbreed with her.

Forcing kids to spend more time working and studying than playing is fucking inhumane. Even in the animal kingdom, the kids get to play throughout their childhood, while being totally taken care of by their parents, and that's in an environment where it's literally do or die, and these fucktards are stealing away their children's playtime just to waste their time in menial labor that they clearly don't need help with. This doesn't instill responsibility, it just makes any kid that thinks about it into a nihilist. This is the kind of shit that gets parents sent to an old people home in boomfuck nowhere.

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I'm aware, but that's a start for her anyway. I myself couldn't imagine doing it alone.
t. father of 3 all grown up and moved out.
The flaw I see in that schedule is not enough time to burn the children out, 8am dogs for walk 8:30am sit them down for math lol.
Breakfast then math then 9 am to 10:15/10:30 should be dog walk, burn off the energy from the dogs and the children.
>Social studies LOL

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Good, I hope they all kill each other.
Welcome to the neet fields, motherfucker.

This, he probably didn’t follow it up with anything either to indicate sarcasm, it was probably literally just “I’ll be watching you” and then no other texts/emojis, like yeah that’s fucking creepy mate.

Chick asks about your ex andtries to get your number with common frens?
No, burger, i'm not ugly, just a sperg, i'll take that gladly.

Both of those statements are true. But there is nothing wrong with rape.

Ignore them and they become attracted to you, tell them as little about yourself as you can and you become mysterious and that attracts them more. When you give them a complement always insult them a little bit afterwards.
>nice ass to bad about your face
>nice ass but you should choose better pants to show it off

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Give one good reason why women should not be caged and beaten when they get out of line.

rule 34 that

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Your mom right after I impregnated her and left both of you

>I grew up on videogames and the internet and turned out a healthy adult with a great sense of responsibility.
We don't believe you user, we know you're lying.
You want to know how we all know?
You're here.

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Open in new tab. Remove the "m" at the end in the address bar
Or you can just enable desktop mode at the bottom of the page.

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Okay I'm laughing to hard at that one

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Based nigger in the lower left corner doesn't give a shit about the thottery

Yeah, I'm in a place where people are honest rather than two-faced cunts wearing a mask to hide their true feelings. I really like reading psychology, sociology, and philosophy. I was miserable when I was barely 12 years old because I already knew everyone was a fucking poser. I've been coming to Yas Forums since I was 15, and it's honestly the main reason I turned into a functioning individual, by witnessing what turns people into non-functioning ones.

shut up faggot this is the great reset. get fucked simp (roastie). government can't help you now

> Marine Wife! Hardest Job in the Marine Corps!!!!

Was in the marines.
The "wives" are joke. By your 10th year you're statistically on your third marriage.
The officer wives are the worst, they think they are their husbands rank. They sleep around like they're getting paid and still have their noses in the air.
Any of you ever join the military for some reason never get married. Just wait till your out, you'll get laid plenty and a Dependapotimus can only screw you over. I've seen it happen way too many times.

Depends on the age of the kids. My 6 year old could handle something like this reasonably well, but she's pretty bright.
>t. father of 3, 1 in school

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jesus christ, people in the military have more freedom than those kids.


you don't know women at all
she's overwhelmed from lack of specializing and attention
women lose their mind from it


LOL i had parents like these. ended up ignoring it all and playing halo. the only way to realistically enforce something like this is with beatings

Fucking hell, even my parents gave me more free time than that

t. phoneposting retard

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My parents tried to put those parental restrictions on my computer when I was 15. Easy as fuck to bypass them though, still genuinely hated my parents at the time

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I never thought that being a need for a long period of time in my life would actually be helpful in some way

You'll hang too on the DotR, faggot.

Roastie mctoastie

Don't submit to hatred.

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all women are whores

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Nah, the percentage isn't that high. You have to remember the filter. It's not "20% of men", it's "20% of men who have strong enough suspicions that they are not the father of their child that they perform a paternity test turn out to be right."

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Doesn't strike me as a bad plan. I would have them study for longer though.
>had a babysitter for a while as a child
>she ran a daycare out of her house pretty much
>she ran it a lot like this
>it worked relatively well
>didn't mind it much
>didn't like sharing the gameboy between 10 kids though
>my pokemon save always got overwritten

>I thought women were more responsible/better caretakers of children
They stopped being that sometime in the 1960s

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someone teaches her to make kickass crystals with straws, amonia and bleach, quick!

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The sample size is made up of men who are already suspicious enough to do the test, so of course the negative results would be at least 20%.

In reality it’s probably less than 4% across all families.

The fact that you said this incredibly stupid thing in fucking portuguese makes it 3x funnier. Hang in there bro.


Who the fuck leaves that much leftovers?
Certainly not Americans

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its called a shit test and you failed, but honestly its still a good thing. learn to understand the signs.

Well, they’re also ugly

mary, amanda, nicole, chelsi, some others but i forget their names...

if she shit tests you, it's probably not worth it anyways.

Children learn to socialize and physical/motor and logical skills by playing.

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Roastie kryptonite is the act of having to watch their own kids. If kids weren’t a guaranteed paycheck from the father, none of them would fight for custody.

If a woman has to resort to the internet to find a man that should be your first clue to run. There is nothing to save. Real women are out there walking the walk, believe it. If a woman works the same hours as you then still comes home, makes dinner and is genuinely happy to see you even when you're stressed she's the real deal.
If she refers to herself as a: Feminist, Single Mother, Good Mother, Strong Woman, whatever. You best be steppin before you're out buying your girlfriends son a new pair of Air Force Ones because last weeks dad's present isn't good enough anymore.
Too many guys worried about getting pussy on lock and not being lonely when virtual wives are right around the corner.


I'd fuck the drinking problem in the ass, desu

Rookie numbers

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Cats Eat Veal would’ve been a better title