We're fucked when they start getting sick, aren't we?

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>Amazon dies
Yes please.

Once my ware house (grocery warehouse that employs 700 and handles grocery orders for a majority of the midwest) gets it, the midwest falls. If you live in the midwest, keep an ear to the ground about southern illinois

Redundant warehouses exist you are not the sole provider of the Midwest. Lmfao

T. Work at distribution center for major supermarket.

Waiting for one of the multitude of 3rd world shit holers we hire to come down with it.

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We have a protocol in place, any worker sick, facility shut down for 12 hours for total sanitizing. Also work distribution for supermarket in NE.

Ok. Whatever helps ya cope

Unless we got the order this weekend to do that, we have no such protocol in place

Kek, not as redundant as you think buddy.

My warehouse employs 1200,
and serves the Midwest. Who the fuck are you?

Yeah you're right buddy, my mistake. I'm just talking out my ass

Are you guys still operating with a full team? Just curious since they are even banning groups of more than 50 people assembling in some cities. Seems like this would eventually have to apply to the workplace to be effective. FUCK, the shit really IS going to hit the fan.

No they are all separated by wage cage. Lunch breaks will now occur in said cage as well. It's all good.

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I have no doubt warehouses for delivery companies (Amazon, UPS, fedex, etc) will ignore the 50 people ban because it hurts profits and could impact people that "clearly need our services to bring them supplies"

Amazon warehouse niggers have been looting entire warehouses full of medical supplies at this point.

On saturday we had an order for 1.25 million piece order from stores. To put in perspective, regular order is 200k, on busiest holiday or if we get blizzard or hurricane its 325k pieces. We can't get product in fast enough. Supply chains will fail eventually.

Yes, we are. About 2k employees where i am.

We had to cap everything at ours we cant keep up and high volume stuff is only going out as full pallets not individual picks. Its nuts man

And everyone is calm?

Yes, same here they cut the 1.25 million down to 400k and still couldn't keep up, forced ot, bringing in everyone they could didn't make a difference.

They are letting us leave whenever we want and not even come in if we feel sick.

As of right now, work is optional for us. Unfortunately, we don’t have paid leave, but most people are staying home. For example, I work in the outbound shipdock. We are supposed to have a headcount of around 80 every night. We’ve been finishing our shifts with around 15-20 people on average. On top of that, our specific site had a woman who just got back from China. Once everybody found out about that, they all started staying home. I decided to stay home this week. I’ll lose about $800 because of it, plus I’m in a leadership position in my department, but fuck it. I’m not risking shit right now. I’m not so much worried about my health, but I have elderly family members that I don’t want to put at risk.

At the moment yes, but i have been warning the managemet about this since late january and i was the kook. They are not laughimg now.

We arent at mandatory ot yet, I'm guessing that decision was probably made today to do that for this next weekend. I'll probably be running a wrapper even though I dont work on the floor

>coronachan will make the wagie cage become reality

southern Illinois you mean east st louis?
you people better wall that shit hole off.
sincerely, the real st louis MO

it’s not legally required here, just a recommendation. I mean, even then we’d operate on essential workers only

Good luck user.

They better not! I just ordered my butt plug starter kit to get ready for the end!

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Lol we got the casino queen baby

Same to you.

We’ve had two MET weekends scheduled in a row, but nobody is showing up because work is optional. Once they take away the option to stay home, we’re gonna be fucked with MET. I’m talking worse then Peak. We’ll probably be working 5 12s throughout all of April.

Thanks. I live on a rock in the middle of the Pacific. Just trying to get a feel of what's happening on the mainland and how I should begin to prepare. And I really should have begun preparing a month ago, but I didn't see the world reacting to this virus in such hysterical fashion.

Thanks to pol i was way ahead of the game on this and prepared weeks ago with food tp and ammo.

Keep working I need my last few luxury goods before the lock down.

Nobody will even know they have it for 5-8 days and there have been some people only exhibiting symptoms after 37 days. There are all kinds of zombies running around right now that have it and are spreading it and we have NO FUCKING IDEA how many. The incubation period, sans symptoms, is the scariest thing about this virus.

what good is a boat right now


You already own a gun?

Proofs or gtfo happening fag.

Boats always good.

>excludes businesses
for the time being, at least.

Yes have many, had a fair amount of ammo already, but stocked on even more. I'm most concerned with societal breakdown more than the virus.

how long until usps service shuts downs? that is when i will start freaking out.

That's a valid question

Think of all those infected with corona virus licking those envelopes shut. I shudder to think

so itll be mailed right to people's doors.

Thanks user, I'll know not to buy online unless absolutely necessary now.

I just ordered some stuff from amazon should I wait 3 days to open the box?

I know somebody who works in AMAZON and he says they are letting people stay home for the rest of the month and many employees believe somebody already has it.

do you not know about those little water bottles or glue bottles with sponge tips that can be used to seal envelopes instead of using a tongue?

We don't even need to come in, even though we're starting to get mandatory overtime. All you have to say is you're sick.

Fuck your orders.

What if corona is on the outside?


They even have those little strips you peel off to expose the sticky film, but OLD people still do it the old fashioned way - with tongue. And it's the old people with the virus.

I use to work at Amazon before they fired me on some bullshit. I guess it was a blessing in disguise.

How the fuck do they expect people to show up for MOT when this is going down?!

Mother of Toilet-Seat?

Mandatory overtime i believe.

They're not deducting any UPT as long as you put it in until April I think. I'm not Outbound so I don't have OT (Yet) but technically they don't have to come.

Seriously, is there any talk of what you all will do when people stop coming into work? How are you guys going to keep up if the workforce is slashed by 20%?, god forbid 50%+.

What said.

So what is going to happen in April when they try to force people to come into work with overtime and nobody shows up? I use to be on the Universal Receive line and if this virus can exist on objects for at least 3 days then infection will spread like a wild fire.

I'll tell the delivery driver to leave it in the corner of the warehouse and not touch it for 3 days