It's not too late to be saved, Anons. Jesus awaits you with love and open arms. Go to him.
It's not too late to be saved, Anons. Jesus awaits you with love and open arms. Go to him
Other urls found in this thread:
Amen brother
I’d rather die than worship a jew
I plan on reading the kjv Bible during my quarantine.
How do I change?
Based and breadpilled
>thinking jesus is jewish
Never change, user
Forgive me father for I have sinned.
Accept Christ as your Lord and savior, ask for him forgiveness, continuously improve. Rince and repeat.
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy Name,
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those
who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory,
for ever and ever. Amen.
Don't bother. These people cannot be saved. The scoffers and infidels here ate already damned, provided they even have everlasting souls in the first place. Preach to people who will receive your message. Don't waste time on these fools.
>It's not too late to be saved
Jesus was an asshole cult leader that twisted shit to serve his own ends. True salvation lies with Lilith, Sacred Queen of the Heavens.
Corona is coming for you.
That’s a demon nimrod
>Jesus awaits you with love and open arms.
He was never a real person, but even if he were, he wouldn't be waiting for anyone because he'd be dead. He wouldn't be able to open his arms because he'd be dead, assuming he was once real.
Get fucking rekt.
Jesus or Christ isn’t coming back user.
Kike loving president. Vile cunt.
Betrayed the storm .
Gas chambers are coming out again you dirty kike.
Real ones this time. Lol
Totally detached from my knowledge too. Argue with that until the cows come home.
Thick, disrespectful and vile Americans, Jews and Brits.
Direct link to source document in pdf format. 130mb
Nsa got served in plain sight over a year ago.
And chose to run the gauntlet anyway.
Dopey disrespectful cunts.
2,238 pages130mb
17 year long beam of light from the absolute.
Every single entry date and time stamped
One size fits all.
Kills butthurt Americans, Brits and Jews instantly.
What good are your weapons now?
Jon James Pratt (999)
Aka ‘cosmic Lol’
Aka ‘the storm’
Emergency backup drive
All over 8kun Qpatriot research too.
Vile fucking parasites.
Glory to the Only True GOD. Dont take the mark of the beast and fall for the alien deception.
Direct links.
Illumination route(27 pages)
Methodology (37 pages)
You’ve been duped Americans, Israelis and Brits.
By all your politicians and twitter too. Who collectively thought it would be a wise move to conceal, threaten and judge the true source of the storm .
Don’t take it personally. All our politicians are shameless cunts. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out, does it?
It’s all over 8kun too. Lol
And yes, we are definitely all created equal.
And the dumb Jews do pay a price to handle the money too. Lol
Direct link to source document in pdf format. 2,238 pages
17 year long beam of light from the absolute. Every single entry date and time stamped
One size fits all.
Kills butthurt Americans, Brits and Jews instantly.
What good are your weapons now?
Humbly blessed as the world’s top intellectual and philosopher
Jon James Pratt (999)
Aka ‘cosmic Lol’
Aka ‘the storm’
Never lies and is never violent.
Some turbo fucking schiz on display here. Meds won’t help lad. It’s death of glory for you.
Spirit of antichrist, right here. Have fun in hell, cockmuncher. I hear demons like sodomy. ;)
Lord Jesus forgive me of my sins! Brothers please pray for me, ive been feeling so blackpilled lately
Jew here. I'll save you guys for half the price this asshole's trying to fleece you for.
Meds: not taken
Voices: heard in the walls
Delusions: persecuted by glowies
What even is this my dude
OP cries after he faps.
Nettuno will wash away your weak middle eastern god
That’s quite a public accusation there user.
Vile judgemental cunt.
Fuck of back to twitter and pretend you’re
saving the world with QAnon and trump.
A combination of high level information warfare based on Gregory Bateson’s ‘theory of types’ , Lots of meditation and some incredible luck.
Seven weeks meditation with this bad boys.
Don’t take it personally. All our politicians are shameless cunts. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out, does it?
And fixating on national identity is a recipe for disaster.
And yes, we are definitely all created equal.
And the dumb Jews do pay a price to handle the money too. Lol
Direct link to source document in pdf format. 2,238 pages
17 year long beam of light from the absolute. 130 Mb
Every single entry date and time stamped.
Kills the poor hurt feelings and opinions of individual humans dead.
Jon James Pratt (999)
48 year old illuminated polymath from Warwickshire
Humbly blessed as the world’s top intellectual and philosopher
Never lies and is never violent. Ever
Aka 'the storm '
Aka ‘cosmic lol ’
Emergency backup drive
This is what demon possession looks like. Fuck off, demon. Go back to hell, fagdemon.
Guided tour of 13 pizza ovens.
Dumb Jews pay a price to handle the money. Lol
Don’t take it personally. All our politicians are shameless cunts. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out, does it?
And fixating on national identity is a recipe for disaster.
And yes, we are definitely all created equal.
And the dumb Jews do pay a price to handle the money too. Lol
Direct link to source document in pdf format. 2,238 pages
17 year long beam of light from the absolute. 130 Mb
Every single entry date and time stamped.
Kills the poor hurt feelings and opinions of individual humans dead.
Jon James Pratt (999)
48 year old illuminated polymath from Warwickshire
Humbly blessed as the world’s top intellectual and philosopher
Never lies and is never violent. Ever
Aka 'the storm '
Aka ‘cosmic lol ’
Emergency backup drive
He's right, you've got more than a few screws loose schizoid faggot. Now fuck off to /x/
Based and Christpilled. God bless
Explain the thought process in which you, a shizo, comes to the decision that shitting up my thread is a good thing to do?
Reminder that Jesus was a socialist.
You’re going to get hunted down by 7,7bn people, user.
For judging the wrong person from a distance.
VPN or not.
Vile anonymous judgemental cunt.
Just to have an opinion online.
Direct links.
Illumination route(27 pages)
Methodology (37 pages)
You’ve been duped Americans, Israelis and Brits.
By all your politicians and twitter too. Who collectively thought it would be a wise move to conceal, threaten and judge the true source of the storm .
Don’t take it personally. All our politicians are shameless cunts. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out, does it?
It’s all over 8kun too. Lol
And yes, we are definitely all created equal.
And the dumb Jews do pay a price to handle the money too. Lol
Direct link to source document in pdf format. 2,238 pages
17 year long beam of light from the absolute. Every single entry date and time stamped
One size fits all.
Kills butthurt Americans, Brits and Jews instantly.
What good are your weapons now?
Humbly blessed as the world’s top intellectual and philosopher
Jon James Pratt (999)
Aka ‘cosmic Lol’
Aka ‘the storm’
Never lies and is never violent.
Forgive me Lord, for i have sinned.
A lot.
Religion is gay.
Can donkeys talk?
Pain is coming for trump, Bibi and the royals.
Thanks to cunts like you, primarily.
Who think that a billionaire property developer is a prophet and not a Jewish puppet.
Vile fucking American scum.
All over 8kun QAnon too. Lol
Fuck off back to twitter kike lover.
It’s a Jewish safe space. For Donnie and his troll army.
Direct links.
Illumination route(27 pages)
Methodology (37 pages)
You’ve been duped Americans, Israelis and Brits.
By all your politicians and twitter too. Who collectively thought it would be a wise move to conceal, threaten and judge the true source of the storm .
Don’t take it personally. All our politicians are shameless cunts. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out, does it?
It’s all over 8kun too. Lol
And yes, we are definitely all created equal.
And the dumb Jews do pay a price to handle the money too. Lol
Direct link to source document in pdf format. 2,238 pages
17 year long beam of light from the absolute. Every single entry date and time stamped
One size fits all.
Kills butthurt Americans, Brits and Jews instantly.
What good are your weapons now?
Humbly blessed as the world’s top intellectual and philosopher
Jon James Pratt (999)
Aka ‘cosmic Lol’
Aka ‘the storm’
Never lies and is never violent.
Dude couldnt even save himself, the fuck
If you don't want to believe now it's up to you. But soon enough all Christians are going to disappear but you still would have a chance, don't worship the beast and don't take the mark of the beast.
Maybe you can remember this post after everything happens.
What's the thought process that brings Jesus freaks to fucking Yas Forums to post facebook memes with walls of text in 8 different colors? Look at this shit
Who the fuck are you, you judgemental anonymous American cunt?
Julian Assange made the game multidimensional and Trump betrayed him.
The thick fucks have been trying to conceal the inescapable and incontrovertible fact that Britain is both the winner and loser in the global holy war.
And yes, yours truly owes Julian a massive thank you.
And no, i’m not perfect either, but some of my knowledge is. That’s why it is date and time stamped.
Big love to Julian and WikiLeaks.
And yes, it is all over 8kun too.
Illumination route (27 pages)
Methodology (37 pages)
You’ve been duped America and Britain
By all your politicians and twitter too. Who collectively thought it would be a wise move to conceal, threaten and judge the true source of the storm .
Totally detached from my knowledge too. Argue with that until the cows come home.
Thick, disrespectful and vile Americans, Jews and Brits.
Direct link to source document in pdf format. 2,238 pages
17 year long beam of light from the absolute.
Every single entry date and time stamped
One size fits all.
Kills butthurt Americans, Brits and Jews instantly.
What good are your weapons now?
Jon James Pratt (999)
Aka ‘cosmic Lol’
Aka ‘the storm’
Welcome your brothers in Christ, Yas Forums.
Yes, I'm going to become a mormon!
All things are possible through God,user
Martin Geddes aka thick cunt
Direct links.
Illumination route(27 pages)
Methodology (37 pages)
Direct link to google drive pdf of illumination route (27 pages)
Direct link to google drive pdf of methodology. 37 pages
You’ve been duped Americans, Israelis and Brits.
By all your politicians and twitter too. Who collectively thought it would be a wise move to conceal, threaten and judge the true source of the storm .
Don’t take it personally. All our politicians are shameless cunts. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out, does it?
It’s all over 8kun too. Lol
And yes, we are definitely all created equal.
And the dumb Jews do pay a price to handle the money too. Lol
Direct link to source document in pdf format. 2,238 pages
17 year long beam of light from the absolute. Every single entry date and time stamped
One size fits all.
Kills butthurt Americans, Brits and Jews instantly.
What good are your weapons now?
Humbly blessed as the world’s top intellectual and philosopher
Jon James Pratt (999)
Aka ‘cosmic Lol’
Aka ‘the storm’
Never lies and is never violent.
Checked and a BUMP. Praise Jesus!
Thick kikes fumbled the ark of the covenant on the 1st January 2017.
The trump mole Martin Geddess and praying medic keeping it classy to the end.
Monetises a word soup by stealing donations from unsuspecting pensioners.
Totally detached from my knowledge too. Argue with that until the cows come home.
Thick, disrespectful and vile Americans, Jews and Brits.
Direct link to source document in pdf format.
2,238 pages130mb
17 year long beam of light from the absolute.
Every single entry date and time stamped
One size fits all.
Kills butthurt Americans, Brits and Jews instantly.
What good are your weapons now?
Jon James Pratt (999)
Aka ‘cosmic Lol’
Aka ‘the storm’
Emergency backup drive
I can see your nose from here
I will pray for you right now.
Taking all prayer requests for any other anons in need.
Remember frens, come to Him with your requests for he is faithful and wants the best for you.
"Knock and it will be opened for you, ask and ye shall receive it"
Fuck off jew worshiper.
Holy based
die then
I just want to let you know that no one is reading any of what you post you fucking lunatic. You'd waste less time staring at a fucking clock.
Finally someone talking sense.
Take it easy man. Try not to think so much.
I'm fucking anonymous, you namefagging spamming schizo retard.
Please ask the Lord to grant me the strength to overcome the temptations in my life no matter the cost.
Please ask Him to grant me the wisdom to make choices according to His will.
The pagan practice of Catholicism has warped your mind your entire country.
Go quarantine and read the Word
I wish he would take me now I really don't want to be around anymore
KJV is based on the hebrew masoretic text and contains many errors. It is the jumping off point for many other judaizing translations.
Bingo. Someone gets it.
777 trips too. Lol
Fuck jannies, fuck glowniggers, and most of all, fuck kikes user.
Christ is literally Jesus + bob Marley + Hitler.
Because it’s nothing to do with race and everything to do with worshipping Jews by proxy. Losers lol
Totally detached from my knowledge too. Argue with that until the cows come home.
Thick, disrespectful and vile Americans, Jews and Brits.
Direct link to source document in pdf format.
2,238 pages130mb
17 year long beam of light from the absolute.
Every single entry date and time stamped
One size fits all.
Kills butthurt Americans, Brits and Jews instantly.
What good are your weapons now?
Jon James Pratt (999)
Aka ‘cosmic Lol’
Aka ‘the storm’
Emergency backup drive
You have never read anything in your life, slave
You don't even know how La Divina Commedia starts
Keep eating burgers, that will save your soul
Yes indeed.
Edited by a fallen English king too.
Going to be abridged, isn’t it? Lol
The one thing that we weren’t supposed to organise.
save me jesus.
Great message user, but Christian's arent going to "disappear" until after the 7 years of tribulation.
Pre tribulation rapture is a false idea and it completely unbiblical.
Mt 18:11
KJV "For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost."
NASB footnote casts doubt
Other versions do not like that Jesus was coming to save that which was lost.
So which claim is God's Word? Both claims can't be God's Word.
Mt 19:17
KJV "Why callest thou me good?"
NIV "Why do you ask me about what is good?"
NASB "Why are you asking me about what is good?"
NWT "Why do you ask me about what is good?"
These other versions do not like it that Jesus was called good (and Jesus then reminds them that only God is good - very telling way of pointing out again that He is God). Other versions leave it out.
So which claim is God's Word? Both claims can't be God's Word.
Mt 25:13
KJV "Ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh."
NIV "You do not know the day or the hour."
NASB "You do not know the day nor the hour."
NWT "You know neither the day nor the hour,"
These other versions doesn't like reminding us that it's Christ that will return.
So which claim is God's Word? Both claims can't be God's Word.
Lk 4:4
KJV "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God."
NIV "Man does not live on bread alone."
NASB "Man shall not live on bread alone."
NWT "Man must not live by bread alone."
These other versions are not keen on believers living by every Word of God.
So which claim is God's Word? Both claims can't be God's Word.
Jn 6:47
KJV "He that believeth on me hath everlasting life."
NIV "He who believes has everlasting life."
NASB "He who believes has eternal life."
NWT "He that believes has everlasting life."
These Bibles do not want others to know Christ said we believe ON HIM to have everlasting life - no wonder so many think that they believe in God instead means they have everlasting life, leaving the fact that the truth is actually that we must believe ON Christ. Another huge perversion. So which claim is God's Word? Both claims can't be God's Word.