Smokers are going to die

Reminder that only smokers and old people are going to die from the virus.
•Have sick lungs
•Have compromised immune systems
•Can't stop touching their ciggys and putting them in their mouth
•Are ULTRA defensive about their disgusting habit and will never show any interest in quitting because they know they can't
•Enable each other like fat women do with food like constantly talk about what cigs they like to smoke instead of how to quit and survive
You smokers are going to die and I for one won't miss you. I don't even care about the smoke so much as your stupid attitudes and the fact you nic out all the fucking time. Good riddance

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Smoking weed prevents Corona through.

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weed is an anti-inflammatory, so while ingesting weed might help stop your lungs from becoming inflamed and making it difficult to breathe, you're also weakening your immune system in the process. Plus if you're smoking it, you're giving yourself exactly the same risks as tobacco smokers. Any kind of smoke causes scarring inside your lungs, making it much easier for you to contract infections.

DUDE WEED LMAO types are more insufferable than vegan cyclists.

Honestly you people laugh at cigarette hoarders, but you really dont have enough cigarettes yourselves. The average person smokes 5-10 packs per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 100 packs a week. Over 1,000 a month. Cigarettes will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

You're wasting your time trying to convince weed or tobacco smokers that they're full of shit. They don't care.
At least coomers don't flaunt their addiction in public. COVID-19 is going to kill a lot of these fucking idiots and I'll be grinning for years to come

If I'm smoking weed in my disinfected house I am safe from the Corona.
Plus the tar adds a layer of protection around the lungs, corona cannot get past the weed tar.

kek (although let's be honest cig hoarders aren't going to sell their hoards even if their mothers need the money for heart transplants)

Cope, you ill prepared simp.
I have guns, food, and plenty of weed to last a year.
Meanwhile you'll be starving or become Tyrone's bitch.

there are half a billion chain smokers in china, a few thousand dead, and its pretty much passed there. so not exactly the tobacco-armageddon

I'll be inna woods breathing clean air getting naturally high by daydreaming of a world free of dude weed lmao morons

I'll be fine, I'm smoking the virus through a filter.

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My body is ready

Smoking doesn't scar your lungs... it mucks them up with tar that takes years for your body to clear out.

It takes about 5 years after quitting to get almost 100% function back. 15 years and its 100%.

The rest get testicular damage. Haha

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>plenty of weed to last a year
I highly doubt you have 60 tons of weed in your house

>after quitting

>the average person smokes 5-10 packs per day

Press X to doubt.

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starting this shit was the biggest mistake for my health
t.left 6 months ago

Yes, government officials never lie to sway public opinion. this never happens. ever. remember to always trust your government.
> The Communist Party of China forbids discussion of the Tiananmen Square protests[240][241] and has taken measures to block or censor related information. Textbooks have little, if any, information about the protests.[242] After the protests, officials banned controversial films and books, and shut down many newspapers. Within a year, 12% of all newspapers, 8% of publishing companies, 13% of social science periodicals and more than 150 films were banned or shut down. The government also announced it had seized 32 million contraband books and 2.4 million video and audio cassettes.

Also: you're full of shit...and tar

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You'll get it first because you're obviously a pussy with a weak immune system

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I'm so glad the day of the vape has come. :) Vapers are disgusting creatures.

I've been going on 25mi mtbike rides every two days interspersed with rock climbing.
Nobody here can compete with my lung capacity

There was a pregnant mom at my kids' school. Friendly enough lady, friendly enough daughter, if a bit dopey. Anyway, we'd both park at the corner of the school grounds when picking up our children. I parked there to avoid the sea of idiots trying to drive into the lot. She parked there to smoke. Every school day. And you can imagine that if she can't even stop long enough to pick her kid up, she's a chimney. I haven't seen the baby yet, but I'm kind of curious. I never told her off; I didn't see the point.

Should serve you well with all that cum you inhale

clutch your pussy harder faggot.
show me the numbers or kys

someone webm this pleeeeeease:

My dad is 50 and went and saw a gp, doc said he's got lungs like a 18 to 20 yr old...
Lower immune system my arse.

You think you're going to get as much oxygen in your blood and are just as able to expel the lung 'glue' this disease creates as a non-smoker?!
Anyway, the fuck if I care if you die. You're not going to listen to reason; you're a smoker.

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Why do you care enough about how people spend their free time that you're willing to make a thread to impotently bitch about something that others do that you dont like? You sound like a bitter old man and a faggot, fuck off and keep your worthless views to yourself nerd

Quit in January when the wuflu started the spread. Hope I wasn't too late.

I'm just the voice of reckoning. Smokers are going to die

How does a GP determine that? Sound, or some more extensive means?

Cardio will help (for non-smokers, too)

weed cures cancer

jesus the projection

went outside yesterday and smoked a big cigar, nothing more relaxing than doing that
live a little faggot

Probably used a stethoscope, not a capacity test


more schizo fake news, I've smoked for 10 years. I was one of the first to get it in Oregon, literally couldn't tell the difference between this shit and a regular flu. Kill yourself happening fags

huh... well since you are an expert on this virus in particular and leading authority through out the world, i guess you're right.
just kys nigger. because anyone that gets that ass blasted over others smoking will die from a paper cut anyway.
you sound like one of those people that loves to get all up in everyone else's shit and makes rules for others because you're uncomfortable.
lol nut up bitch. as i blow cig smoke on your weak corpse

Combusting anything into your lungs will fuck you up, it's 2020 nigger vape or gtfo

Vapers are doomed, too:

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called it

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Confirmed case?

Yes, was in the hospital for a day seeing as I also don't have a spleen. They released me in less than 24 hours cause I was perfectly fucking fine.

1lb would last a year +

The Wuhan has been spreading around this country for months and a lot people have had it and already passed it on. I’ve had two flus this season and I’m almost certain it was one of the two. The closures and quarantines are all lip service. Cats out of the bag.

>1lb would last a year
pffft amateur

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cry more faggot.
>ughh, dissssgusting smokers.
>makes my pussy hurt when they dont stop because of me.
>zero evidence showing smokers are more susceptible to corona virus.

Roid abusers also get it pretty bad from what we were told.

A lot of Iranians abuse roids, that explains a good chunk of their deaths

I quit September 2018 after 7 years, am I still fucked bros???

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nice pasta

Smoke goes in the lungs and kills the virus. Fucking idiots. If i smoke all day there will be nowhere for the virus to survive

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There is wide suspicion Iran docs have been treating symptoms with corticosteroids, but that's not typically what people refer to ad 'roids'. Not all roids are anti-inflammatory.

smoker hate is the worst thing to happen since 2010. nothing cringier than an anti-smoker.

>mfw cardio saves me while killing the bloated powerlifters
Looking forward to when the gyms reopen and the manlet grunters are curiously not there anymore

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This is the big brane take.

yes I am an amateur. I think you were expecting a nigger, because I suspect you are in fact a nigger

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Fucking based

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>Corona virus you say? Never heard of it.

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Your the one living in a country run by Jews and filled with tens of millions of violent niggers m8, i stopped smoking the hippy grass long ago but yes you can easily make a pound last a year so long as you're not just blazing all day
>posting hitler while bragging about doing drugs
kek adolf would be disappoint

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shut up faggot ur wrong lol

i smoke but i cough less than just about every single person in my office. i'm convinced they all have absolute nigger-tier genes. i don't get sick either.

>Doesn't smoke cigarettes
Were you bullied in school, retarded or perhaps both?
>I-It kills you!
Yes, and? Was life a competition about who lives the longest?
>Y-You get addicted on them!
No you don't, expect if you are underage and incapable of smoking in moderation.
>I-Its expensive!!!
Who forced you to buy a pack a day, you fucking peat-gavel?

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I saw an old lady wearing a surgical-grade mask, VERY CAREFULLY applying sanitizing gel on hands before getting in her car and then as she started the engine she took her mask off and started smoking.

>not getting blackout drunk every night to prevent coronavirus

I seriously hope

Oh, I think I got it backwards then lol

Thanks for the clarification

hitler did drugs.
you never denied being a nigger, nigger. and I am responsible for all the niggers in my country. How did you escape nigger

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Man can't wait to go back to the gym. Is so cold outside.


Smokers cannot be trained. Their brains are hardwired to smoke. Even smokers that have quit are constantly gnawing on pens and shit.

>nable each other like fat women do with food like constantly talk about what cigs they like to smoke instead of how to quit and survive
>You smokers are going to die and I for one won't miss you. I don't even care about the smoke so much as your stupid attitudes and the fact you nic out all the fucking time. Good riddance
kek here is your (you)

I know I am speaking with a shitskin goyimutt there is no point

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