Parliament Hill CLOSED

The Canadian Senate is CLOSED

Courts have even put court proceedings on hold. burger my ass. This virus is going to kill the world.

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canadians are such sleepy idiot dumbheads this is nothing.

>Ho hum what? Politicians didn't show up to work? Our government buildings are sitting empty?
>Nothing burger. It means nothing.
>doop deee dummm dummm yaaaaaaaaaaa

In a sense there's NO GOVERNMENT right now.

Do you dumb dumbs get that??

There's NO COURT

Everyone is at home.

There's NO GOVERNMENT OR LAWS in a sense

Once the police stop checking in for their shifts.......

Please America, please annex ASAP


lol they gave up on us. No Liberal government ever again

I love spring break when this board fills up with stupid
fucking children.

I dont think we will see a government ever again.....

OH THAT'S IT! It's also spring break for all the politicians and this is a yearly tradition of the Parliament and Im a stupid kid who knows nothing..

Flights from China are OPEN

With any hope we will see an American one


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The Red Army could go to Parliament today, since it's empty and take it over.

What are pussies in Ottawa going to do?

The cops and military will tuck tail or turn sides.

I don't think there's going to be government for awhile......

I hope Im not wrong either. I think this virus is going to kill most of Earths population

>I'm STILL not working from home
>literally no reason not, I'm in IT and can work over VPN

Being a wagie is suffering.

Who's going to buy us, America or China?
The bidding war will be interesting to watch at least

Well it's not like our idiot politicians do anything productive outside of a pandemic. Literally nothing has changed except for empty grocery stores

>parliament closed
>borders still open

Get the fucking pitchforks

LOL truth. They dumb as shit and no one is prepared for the severity of this.
canadians do not know how to handle this. At all.

American Boomers grew up with the cold war and most of their dads saw combat in WW2, so they know what to do.
canadians boomer are a different breed.

I do not know anyone who fought in WW2.
Or in the military
Or who even owns a gun.

it's going to be every man for themselves in a couple weeks if this continues on.

Police and military will abandon to save themselves.

>>stupid kid
>>knows nothing

Ya, basically

Based and stillatworkpilled

You're job is to come here and act like everything is fine and this is a nothing burger

Name the last time in canadian history this has happened
Name ONE country right now, that has an empty fucking government building that is the centre of all decision making.

Find legislation that says this means anything.

MP, MPPs, Senators, they all make 6 figures and have tons of money stashed away in off shore tax havens.
I doubt any of them are returning to work, anytime soon

They're ALL selfish boomers who could not give two fucks about canada and canadians.

They'll take their giant stashed accounts and simply leave. They only remain here for easy money and legal immunity.

Based. Smart enough to play us as fools.

Complacent leafs BTFO.

Find one government that has closed their primary base besides us.

I made a joke last week that everyone in Parliament would get a secret memo to up and leave the country.
Im sure this is it

They’re just in Muskoka trying not to get the coof.

So you're sitting pretty with a tax haven account and ticket to Belize??
If not, you're stuck here with the crazies and no law.
Im seriously worried about the cops making their own squads...
They're literally the only people with guns, besides the criminals

Has it effected South America? I haven't read anything about the corona virsu down there.

They announced they were taking a break 2 days ago for covid.

What’s the big deal?

Ya man, nothing burger. Don't worry about it, 2 weeks time everything is going right back to normal.
Have a beer and a joint bro. Cook that burger. Call over a canadian thot and make some babies

Nothing at all. You're right. This is nothing. Don't worry about it.
Have a beer and joint bro.

What are you expecting user?

Your job is to go to bed early and study hard, listen to your mom & dad. Now go fuck off somewhere that has more cartoons.

going grocery shopping, in 99.9% white town. will post pics

Trudeau addressing the nation live NOW

What do you mean?

Im expecting for most people to be dead in a few months.
I mean like most of the world.

Hope I'm right.

You're lame as fuck.

Justin’s on a in second, he couldn’t have picked a bit more formal setting.... looks like he’s just getting out of bed from a weekend at the cottage.


going shopping after the retard speaks

This virus is a nothing burger, Masonic smoke screen. Will kill some elderly, that’s about it

I wish Canada was nuked, or at least turned into a mad max shithole where its every man for themselves

Canada Corona General

Fag-deau addresses the nation

dingus, go shopping right now
get gas

bring yer phone and stream the speech while shopping, go go go

Oh this guy has the inside deets on the Masons up in canada.

who /comfy/ here?

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You're 14 as fuck. Go do your homework, nothing you say here is interesting or has any value at all

>parliament is closed
Wtf I have a government job, should j be leaving work right now?


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The time is here, fren. We know what we have to do ;)

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It's illegal under our laws for police to go on strike or not go into work unless it's a sick/personal day.

Then LEAVE. GO to another more interesting thread faggot
What's your problem? Too stupid to find a different thread?
Gotta hang out in the 14 year old thread?

Are you a groomer or something??

Newfoundland now is your time, reclaim your independence!

>It's illegal under our laws for police to go on strike or not go into work unless it's a sick/personal day.
Who's going to arrest them if none of them show up??

All of them in ottawa went home.

It's retroactive. We'd go under martial law (the 2nd time under a Trudeau administration). The army would arrest them. You seem too young to be here.

No, this board isn't for underage faggots is all. I don't have to go anywhere, I'm not underage.

You are obviously underage, and talk like a child does. Just fuck off you are too obvious

Mods mods mods

>We'd go under martial law (the 2nd time under a Trudeau administration)
When was this? I never heard or knew I was under marshall law.

You think canadian forces will actually arrest the police and not abandon themselves?

Saw a thread the other day how all canadian bases have been told to "stand down"

You have a lot of unfounded faith in canadians

Government goes on break all the time. The bureaucracy keeps things ticking.

Go to a different thread faggot. No one is forcing you to stay here, but yourself.
You're a mental retard.

Worried how you'll survive when disability and your PSW stop showing up to change your diaper im sure.

The bureaucracy isn't present......they're at home.

In the 70's, under different circumstances, Pierre Trudeau enacted the War Measures Act because of the FLQ. It was a crazy time to be alive in Canada, specifically Ontario and Quebec.

If the cops went on strike (much like Brazil right now), then Justin would call in the army imposing martial law. Any police that refused to do their job, would be arrested under military judicial law. Have fun being in prison as a cop... Prison guards look the other way, because they view you as a society traitor.

There's nothing you can do to hide it. Everything you say is stupid and childish. It's like when you see a group of 12yo standing around swearing, it makes them look even younger and more stupid. Hey, your mom is calling, I think your stepdad needs his nob polished again -- don't forget to swallow this time.