Panicked Leftists Surprised They Can’t Just Purchase a Gun Online Like They Were Told

First came the panic buying of hand sanitizer. Then, people panic bought toilet paper. Now, food shelves are emptying and firearm and ammunition sales are through the roof. The COVID19 outbreak might be bad for the stock market, but it’s certainly been a boon for very specific sectors of the economy. The gun industry, used to such boom/bust cycles, knows how to respond – but other sectors might not be so acclimated.

Here at Omaha Outdoors, we’ve been inundated with inquiries from out-of-state folks – many from California – asking if we can ship them a gun directly. The answer is, of course, no. Despite what politicians and many in popular media claim, you can’t buy a gun online and have it shipped to your house. Well, you could, if you were a federally licensed firearm dealer (or federally licensed curio and relic collector) and your home was your place of business. Other than that, no, you can’t buy a gun online and have it shipped, especially across state lines, to your home.

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just shoot the virus bro

The level of liberals suddenly wanting to get guns is staggering

These idiots are probably planning mass shootings. Good thing we have laws to keep us safe.

Good get fucked commiefornia... bet you love your illegals now... these hypocrites are the worst scum on earth


Turns out paying lip service doesn't actually keep you safe in an emergency.
Nor can you actually get a gun as easily as your thought leaders told you you could. Unless you know a guy in the hood and have the cash on hand.

Inb4 MS-13 and Zetas supply California liberals with guns.

You absolutely can buy guns online. Their problem is they're idiots: not that guns are hard to get.

I just linked a fully assembled, ready to order, sniper rifle that you can hunt dear with. You can literally buy all the parts to build something as well.

You can't buy guns online? We can. Jesus, imagine not having freedom.

Giving them guns might help the cause in the future.
They'll remember the time guns made them feel safe, especially if they use them.

Checked, and, yeah. It's also a bit terrifying. Liberals are absolute GODS of projecting their shortcomings onto others. These are the same people who say voting ID laws are racist because black people are too stupid to learn how to drive. The same people who ask who is going to clean our toilets if the Mexicans are deported. The same people who accuse Trump of doing everything democrats are doing.

The same people who talk about how violent, dangerous, and crazy gun owners are. The same people who say guns kill people and we should ban them. These people have guns now.

Then they will go wtf when they realize what cali compliant is

Cool, be sure to say hello to your nearest dealer. Because you will need to go there to pick up the ATF attributed "firearm" part that makes it a gun according to them. Enjoy your paperwork and background check.

That’s not a firearm.

There are still a lot of rural type whites living in California who get fucked by liberal urbanite tyranny

Yes, the Benjamin Rogue .357 is used for big game hunting in Africa. They are also legal to use a silencer on.

>Turns out paying lip service doesn't actually keep you safe in an emergency.

Silly liberals, I thought only the police needed guns :^)

Is it that hard to get them shipped to a local FFL holder?

In California, probably.

I'm sure there's massive waiting periods and shit in Cali

>Muh guns

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You can, you just have to get them sent to a gun shop. They'll perform the background check there and you're good to go.


a prime example of the power of the Second Amendment

Try finding one in California. Gun shops don't like to do it, and if you order a gun on-line and don't ask the FFL dealer if you can use him first, expect to have your gun shipment rejected.

The left know very little about firearms.
They simply regurgitate the BS fed them by their opinion leaders--like glowbvll warming--but are convinced they are smarter than actual people.
Come coronaviruschan. Cleanse us of idiots.

It's a bit of a gray area considering just owning an unregistered suppressor can get you locked up. Doesn't matter if the suppressor was intended for airgun use. Safest option is to pin and weld it to the airgun.

Netflix and Reddit told them there’s hordes of militia racists out there waiting to take over the city and install a fascist dictatorship.

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In California, you are only allowed to have handguns that are on their "allowed" list, and it seems to change every month.
So if you are buying a handgun online, and it says "California compliant," it very well may have been... 3 months ago. And now it no longer is.
Talk with your FFL before buying ANY gun online, Californians.

>These people have guns now
No they don't. The waiting periods, 'assault weapons' ban, handgun rosters, licensing and ammo limiting bills they passed in their cities/states are preventing them. It truly is pottery.

There's even a restriction on ammunition.

What's wrong with that? He still got the gun online


Its not a firearm so its not regulated.

I would NOT be hunting "big game with it"

its only 249 ft/lbs of energy... thats lower end .38 special territory.

Imagine a really underpowered musket, thats what that air gun is.

It's crazy how many people don't know that you have to buy guns through a background check process if you're buying them retail.

Oh shit, lul. I had forgotten about all of that. I'm in Mississippi and here you just walk in and walk out with a gun, provided you pass a background check (no felonies, basically).

Isn't finding and emailing an FFL before you pull the trigger on a purchase just common practice though? I mean I always email my guy and clear it with him before I have the shipment made.

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I have a few safe queens I would gladly auction off to a Lib. Opening bid would be $10k.

dude, this is normal anywhere.

I sent a gun to a friend in ABQ, NM and most gun stores would not even take the transfer from a private individual.

Finally found a store that was willing to "help me out" on account of my C&R license. He knew I was a legit guy then and not some joker that was gonna send him some random gun with no documentation.

Hell yeah

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They hire tons of beaners and illegals, they can fuck off too

>forgetting CA’s two week gun purchase waiting/cool of period

It's a high power air rifle.
Completely unregulated.
And yes, there are some air rifles that can take down a human sized deer with ease.

You should let them know yes, especially if it's a big time ffl.

I've had a few people asking me to borrow a gun. I told them that's illegal under California law.

Turns out you need gibs. Should could have guessed if, I wonderz

It's also stunning how many liberals are panic buying, I thought they cared about their fellow man? Buying guns goes hand in hand with how their selfish ways are starting to show and they are scared. If only they didn't preach socialism, now they are afraid it's all going to bite them in the ass.

Can only imagine how satisfying it must feel for gunshop owners to watch them try and jump through all of the hoops they voted into place, failing, then being turned away empty handed. Or the frustration on the faces of the few who pass that have to go through the wait period and EVEN MORE HOOPS just to purchase ammo.

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>The same people who talk about how violent, dangerous, and crazy gun owners are. The same people who say guns kill people and we should ban them. These people have guns now.

Well, they're trying to get them but failing, especially in California. In Cali, they're upset that:

a) they have to get a Firearm Safety Certificate (ie. an idiot test) and pay for said test
b) have to wait 10 days after purchase and filing out a 4473
c) show some proof of residency/being tied to property (ie. water bill, other utility, mortgage, etc; cable/phone bills don't count)
d) fight off other people trying to purchase the same guns they "need" now.

Too bad for them that these stores may also be closed at the end of the waiting period due to the various shutdowns the local/state governments are imposing. Lucky for them they have their rolls of shit tickets to use for self-defense. Karma's a bitch and the anti-gunners who are now panicking made their bed.

better paint that tip blaze orange unless you're a chocolatechipdindomuffin

Sort of but its not like its coming to his home, its going to a licensed dealer. Its like buying a TV on Best Buys website and going to the store to pick it up.

stupid fucking liberal faggots
what are they doing trying to buy a gun anyway if they want them banned? fucking faggots

Went to go buy guns with a friend and can confirm the amount of nogunz retards asking questions was funny. Some dude who we found out had a "COEXIST" sticker on their car was expecting to walk out the same day with a gun and got pissed he'd have to wait 3 days before he could pick it up.
t. floridaman

>be me
>not you
>Yas Forums is shit and have been leaking shit especially since 2016
>been on 4chains since 2006, developed intuition on filtering bullshit
>visit Yas Forums regularly since forever after getting a whiff of these corona happenings early-mid January
>bullshit sensors saying this is not bullshit; prep food, try to buy funs in California
>10-day waiting period; funs I want not in approved roster, have to buy older version (>tfw no GRIPZONE); 10rd limit on mags
>exposed to bullshit CA gun laws
>implying criminals follow gun laws
>get fun 3/10
>3/11 WHO said the P-word
>sense ammo shortage soon
>literally bought the last 9mm bucket yesterday at local sporting good store
>sitting on 850rds of FMJ, 60rds of JHP, hoping to never have to use the latter
>online ammo prices are actually equal to, if not greater than, LGS prices once you factor in tax and shipping
>go to increase ammo count yesterday, all deez panicking retards sporting danger-colored hairs wanting to get their own funs
>ma'am please clear the counter I have other customers waiting
>mfw I was that customer

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Remember that time that numale leftie journalist went to a gun shop for his anti-gun expose story to show how easy it was to buy a gun, only for the FFL to run a background check on him, see he had a history of domestic violence, and tell him to fuck off?

I live in california and I have two friends that are FFL dealers. I have my firearms delivered to their shops and pick them up after the waiting period. :^)

Nah Im good. Dont want a murder charge

>anti-gun expose story of DV Soiboy
Man, I missed that. Do you have a link to it?

There are a bunch of hunters that use air guns.

Try this .82 cal (20mm)

That painting is a crock of bullshit.

Not for idiots like these people

I don't have any guns but I was thinking of going to the local pawn shop and picking up a $200 pistol or something. Better than nothing at all.

>we need common sense gun laws!
>wait, the gun laws don't work like the liberal media told me they do? ?!?!
its' retarded. literal lemming theory confirmed. i can't even form words to describe my headshaking.

Kek, I guess we have some small advantages. Just hop online and have all the guns and ammo and shit all delivered to your door. Or in my case, delivered to work where my boss and co-workers will spend a half hour checking out each new one I pick up.

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Same thing with ammo. You technically can't give your hunting buddy a bullet, or you're violating the law.

What is the coolest handgun amerifriends?

>Their problem is they're idiots: not that guns are hard to get.
The weapon I linked is unregulated you absolute retard. The component parts to build weapons are unregulated you absolute retard.

You can also 3d print a gun--well, you can't because you're a retard--but others can.
Sorry for the daily Shapiro but it came up first

The Springfield XD(M)(mm)

Yes airguns are unregulated.
Yes certain firearms parts are unregulated(minus what they consider the "firearm")
Yes you can 3d print guns (single shot low caliber derringers)
Why are you all butthurt?
I'm only replying because of your get btw


>liberals panic buying firearms
This is how you know this is the beginning of the end

Seconding the XD