America is a third world shithole. Change My Mind

>Be an Ameriimutt
>4000 cases
>Wrestle in line with obese sheboons stocking up on twizzlers and reese puffs at your local walmart
>State of emergency declared
>Mutts continue to crowd streets despite police intervention

>Live in Poland
>150 cases
>Line up in a civil manner to buy your supplies early
>People stay home and self quarantine without police intervention
>Capital city of 1.8 million virtually empty

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Other urls found in this thread:


The elite are trying to use the epidemic going around to sneak in a very serious bill that would END internet privacy and anonymity. It’s called the EARN IT act. It’s a BIPARTISAN bill. This bill would:

>Allow the government to review every and any private electronic messages (think WhatsApp, Messenger, etc)
>Take away your rights for end-to-end encryption and install a backdoor on any encryption service
>Remove the messaging platforms’ legal exemption for “internet speech” sent across their networks, encapsulated in Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA)

One of those clips is from Australia you dip

My daily life hasn't changed at all besides seeing less people at the gym and some shows I wanted to see were canceled. Stop overreacting.

Alright, be honest. How many of you noticed the nigger first and immediately scrolled down?

I noticed the brapbox

>Rent free

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In terms of technological advances, military prowess and economic wealth, USA is first world country no brainer.

In terms of illiteracy, social behaviour and mental health, is definitely a third/fourth world shithole.

Based on your impeccable media representations of poo poo murica?

What you are witnessing is the difference between an ethnically homogenous country and a multicultural globohomo society, nothing more nothing less.

Based on many sample sizes of people from the "left" and "right" in USA. Unneeded obsession regarding defeating the opponent instead of building a better country.

Believe me, i'm there with you right now, just not that much of hysteria around here.

>Based on many sample sizes of people
You know those samples are one per customer, right?

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Dude the US is a third world country. Just accept it and you will be able to understand and plan a head much better

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>Pei Yuan

>Unneeded obsession regarding defeating the opponent
lol they don't even do that, they work together to give as much moeny to Israel as possible

Fuck off indio

>believe my graph
>Murica poop
>accept my perceptions
Why you so mad, lad?

lol keep those fingers in your ears if you want too (as long as you still can anyway)


>keep those fingers in your ears
You really should remove your thumb from your ass..
>b-but my graph
>it proves murica not good
>let’s all be Ethiopian

The nigger thinks he's a human. KEK.

>b-but my graph
Those tend to be better sources then green text ;)

I think you and others in this thread need to google the definition of "third world country"

wow you are REALLY smart third world nation originally meant being aligned with the USSR. It is almost as if the popular meaning of words change over time you stupid bundle of sticks.

>Those tend to be better sources then green text ;)
Think so?

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Sports are degenerate most of the MLB teams are owned by jews

you're a drooling imbecile. accept that reality and you'll have a much easier time. we'll all still be laughing and pointing, however.

You are definitely a mad lad

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lol people can make no refutation of my point other then addhoms

You should definitely google the definition my friend. Or maybe you did and your reading comprehension skills aren't very good?


yes. stay in poland. kthxbai

only when niggers are involved.

errebawdy jus calm dewn. We all people

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>google it yourself
Thanks for admitting you lost the argument

wow what a zinger!

wait wait you mean niggers didn’t dab first whaaaaaa? I gotta text a nigger I used to work with and tell him huwhites dabbed first

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Because he is from the 3’rd world country. Don’t expect much from him.

Only in the inner cities where the trash lives

Oh no, its retarded

>America is a third world shithole change my mind

Why? Lmao

It is. Any mutt that says otherwise is lying

That’s what he is talking you fucking shit for brains, STAY THE FUCK HOME you faggot

Where did I admit that? Man the education system in America sure isn't all that good these days. I think I can send you some helpful links to reading practice.

I'm actually surprised at how well we are handling it.
And we don't even have a curfew or anything.
It shows that we truly know what we are doing in times of crisis

Mainly in blue states, literally third world shit hole cities for the most part, anyone debating this has a room temp IQ.

America is a shithole. Stop coming here. And if you are here, fuck off.

>A fucking cough

I live in a white part of the country, so no one here is attacking each other over supplies. Everyone is grabbing stuff and then calmly standing in line. I feel bad for any white Americans who have to deal with these fucking useless niggers.

LOL, I'm so glad you asked, faggot.
If America disappeared tomorrow you'd lose:
Google, Twitter, Facebook, Microsoft, Yahoo all go.
Most of the entire technology center goes.
All the investment industries centered around Wall Street goes.
Corporations around the world lose tons of money.
Third world countries would raise hell with everybody causing wars/famine/destabilization.
MIT, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Stanford would impact all major corporations.
Global manufacturing would be seriously impaired without Dupont, 3M, Dow and GE.
Construction would stumble without Caterpiller.
Agriculture would suffer without John Deer.
Airlines would be shattered without Boeing.
Pharma would be nothing without Pfizer, Merck, Abott, etc.
4 trillion dollars of China's reserve would go away leaving them without one of the biggest trading partners in the world to maintain their production.
India would lose the majority of their income without the U.S. tech sector.
Smartphone support dies without operating systems like iOS, Android, Windows. know what? It's just easier to call you a moron. I'll be here all day otherwise. Suck a dick loser. America is the heart of the planet. The dollar is the blood of the planet. Suck a dick loser.


ITT dummies have no idea how fucking big the US is...

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We can’t stay home in America. The vast majority of us live paycheck to paycheck.

my gym is super empty too. makes me very happy.

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r8 my band Yas Forumsacks

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fuck you! you commie block slobic fuck.

'Bath Tissue'? What fucking use are tissues in the bath?

Cool story Bolek, but now fuck off and go back to your shithole where you really do belong.
Stay off.

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They basically already do this. Internet privacy is dead.

It's becoming brazil really fast


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