@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/15/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on ThisWeekABC 3/15/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on FoxNewsSun 3/15/20
>NECDir Kudlow on FtN 3/15/20
>WHTradeDir Navarro on SunMornFutures 3/15/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on ThisWeekABC 3/15/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on FoxNewsSun 3/15/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on FtN 3/15/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on MtP 3/15/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on (((FakeNews))) 3/15/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/14/20
>SG Adams on JudgeJeanine 3/14/20
>KAC on JudgeJeanine 3/14/20
>ThiccSarah on WattersWorld 3/14/20
>Pres Trump declares Natl State of Emergency over Corona-chan 3/13/20

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:

the word "guesstimate" is a really stupid way to mask saying "i was just saying shit out of my ass," because a real estimate is made with some kind of measure or metric to justify it


Thread theme

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The elite are trying to use the epidemic going around to sneak in a very serious bill that would END internet privacy and anonymity. It’s called the EARN IT act. It’s a BIPARTISAN bill. This bill would:

>Allow the government to review every and any private electronic messages (think WhatsApp, Messenger, etc)
>Take away your rights for end-to-end encryption and install a backdoor on any encryption service
>Remove the messaging platforms’ legal exemption for “internet speech” sent across their networks, encapsulated in Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA)


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Is excessive farting a symptom of Coronavirus??

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its a DemoRAT Hoax!

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I already did that.

They were all genuinely smiling when I went in. It was surreal.

You can not convince me that this wasn't a media hype of the virus
not even SARS or the swine flu had this much media exposure

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The last one.


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top kek

Neither did bird flu or mad cow disease, really makes you think

I’m actually way less /worried/ then I was for any previous Death Flu

The virus itself was released to stump Trump and failed. Remember what was happening with the trade talks stalling in November?

SARS was contained because chinks didn't have the money to travel around the world in 2003. It still was a hot topic on the news.

Just a reminder, the name of the virus was SARS-CoV. This current virus is SARS-CoV-2.

SARS=Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome

This is SARS 2 and you morons are pretending this is a liberal hoax.

Hi potential PA user, if you get serious about moving down this way I’ve got info on the best (aka white) places to check out. I’m always here lurking so give a shout and I’ll hook you up. Good luck to you, bud.


Look, you can support immigration enforcement. You can even be in favor of inhumanely deporting children. But exposing children to a deadly pandemic? Not even the Nazis stooped that low.

Shame on everyone who supports this President

Attached: ICE.png (593x421, 39.19K)

Final stage. Pressing F for you, fren.

>Yfw the Fed made the. "Money printer go brrrrr" meme as a way to shit on commies


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I was actually pretty worried until they started reporting it.

How long till the ADL labels the burr a hate symbol?

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>Governors don't have that power. Why are business suing the shit out of them?
They unironically think that the taxpayer is going to pay for the #DemocratShutdown

And discord trannies think they are getting UBI. Yes, they are all that stupid.

Probably doesn't help that Nancy is promising them free abortions too. Because apparently that's really important

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>& intercepted
Lol no.

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You should be glue.

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>How long till the ADL labels the burr a hate symbol?

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Yas Forums seems literally incapable of talking about anything except crypto

Man that’s awesome. But realistically I’d not be able to move out any time soon. But out of curiosity, what do PA residents do for work?

Remember when the press demanded that Obama take a Swine flu test?

Yea, me neither

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anyone who didn't know that she was guesstimating when she first said it is a true retard. she said that based on infection rates, they could have 100,000 infected. that's all she said. since we can't test everyone, guesstimating is the only thing we're able to do at this point.

This sort of thing is damaging Wuhan credibility. Still need bodies.

H1N1 has a far lower fatality rate.

Right now we're dealing with SARS 2.

>ask a Muslim to take a pig sniffles test
That would have been gold.

post yfw the number of chink virus cases tops off at 20,000 in the usa and the dow goes to 40k by the november election

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>in 2003. It still was a hot topic on the news.
Yep. I remember when the country shut down and went into martial law over it... oh wait

And what about the Swine flu

that'll eventually be contained as well
it's literally only fatal to people over 60 anyway

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Democrat Poker Face

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Idaho is a beautiful place. Don't tell anyone. The cook thing is my favorite part of "diversity" and "muh food."
>Chinese restaurant
>Italian restaurant
>all the cooks are guatemalans

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the swine flu killed more people and obama didn't even declare an emergency until 6 MONTHS into it. and the media buried the story about that flu the entire time.

go on without me Yas Forumsros I'm not gonna make it

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We don't know the rate, because there is literally no way to know how many people are infected. Lurk more.

Yas Forums is basically the stock market general and crypto scammers

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Thank God I bought 30 boxes of girl scout cookies before this happened

The country didn't shut down because it was contained in Asia.

I still remember seeing SARS all over the news back in 2003 and I was only 12 at the time.

A pandemic necessarily means it wasn't contained.

AOC nudes when?

No worries, man. It all depends on the area, lots of tradies though. My old lady works remotely for a big company out of NYC, for an example of something different.

Lol, what the hell did she even mean by that?

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>doomer cope
hmmm, what happened to the millions dead by now?
or how about that claim that 5g could somehow trigger and spread the virus?

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Yup. This is an entirely media fabricated crisis. There is no real crisis. It's just a cold.

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We can get an idea from other countries. This is far deadlier than H1N1.

How bears, drinking water, and hand washing are all linked to the Nazis.
>t. CNN's next "big segment"
Wanna get rich? Do the exact opposite of what Yas Forums says.

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Obviously it was a guesstimate you retards. Liberals are laughing at your stupidity all over social media lmaoooooo

Yas Forums was created as a containment board for buttcoin fags that wouldn't stop talking about crypto on /g/.


It's really a culture shock. Same thing happened when i went through a small town airport. All white people. Smiling and all around pleasant experience.

You keep saying that, yet you keep providing no proof of this

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glad you planned out two days of food friend

that would be 1000 dead (100 children) before Obama declared a health emergency. 18,000 died.

How come there's only a pixel art version of this one and not a real one?


Doctors are saying this is nothing, why should I trust you over them?

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No one predicted millions dead by now. Sure, if you autistically follow exponential growth that would be the case but it's never like that in the real world.

>ICE is the military

she really is a fucking idiot

I would be able to cash out and pay off my house.

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Fuck if I know, lol, she likely stood behind a fence and mumbled some shit under her breath

I’ve been dying Of lung pao for 40 years then. Fuuuuug

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Remember when the bong said millions will be dead now?
Where did he go?

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>We can get an idea from other countries
you're right, south korea literally has it contained right now, so it seems like a nothingburger to me


> 80 years old died of respiratory complications
Still waiting for his name to make a full determination of whether he is actually white

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Google it? This is common knowledge by now. You're just refusing to look at it because you're desperate for this to be a nothingburger in order to fit your world view.

I cant defend it
The plane should have been headed to Mexico...
Or better yet, a one way helicopter ride.

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No country has widespread testing. There is literally insufficient data to know how lethal the virus is. Only serious cases are being dealt with at hospitals.

it is bro, 100%. anyone with half a brain sees it that way

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Can't already cooked to death, I know because I shared my pants and I'm not at Walmart.

Do you have a candle near by? Light it, and if it glows blue instead of orange when you gas at it, that's a positive.

Why are you ignoring the 12,000+ deaths during the Obama Swine flu pandemic? I feel like you have an agenda.

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This shows the faith of Americans in their leader. No one believes Trump is able to contain the virus and most realize that he has exacerbated the effects.

Like South Korea, Taiwan and Japan?

i drank too much beer and now i'm hungover and have the beer farts
it's over for me lads

Sounds pretty great. this whole entire pandemic has made me seriously think about leaving nyc. I just have my entire family, friends, and life here. I wish my family had settled down in literally any other fucking state when they came over.

Mainly for this reason. Ever since I realized how important demographics were I almost can’t believe an all white town existing. I was brainwashed for a good portion of my life.

South Korea offered mass testing from the start, and notified everyone surrounding the people who tested positive.

South Koreans also regularly wear masks in daily life.

The US does neither of those things.

China and South Korea are both doing mass testing right now.

The rich are manipulating the gold and silver markets while the middle class workers lose their 401(k)s and pensions.

> A pandemic necessarily means it wasn't contained.
How can it be a pandemic if white people aren't dying of it?

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It took 11 years to reach that number.

>enacted a travel ban on china on jan.31st
>exacerbated the effects

lmfao pick one chang

pic re

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if "the only thing we can do" is "make shit up with no basis" then i really have to wonder what we pay epidemiologists for, since i can write a program that just spits out unsubstantiated numbers very easily and for much cheaper than her salary
there surely is a way to actually estimate things tied to reality rather than "well we don't know so let's just throw out a wild number." if they don't know, just report "we don't know," don't say "it could be 100,000 but haha we actually have zero data that says that" because that's pure bullshit and people like that should be fired
>inb4 "i said 'based on infection rates'"
that wasn't tethered to reality, that was essentially "what if we hypothetically took the entire population of the state, threw them in a warehouse, and then plotted what the number of infections would be?" in reality you report data that actually makes sense, and that doesn't and didn't

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I prefer a valid guesstimation before I accept the #DemocratShutdown

Step it up senpai, our first death was 89.

>And thus the Dutch vs Portuguese rivalry takes on another dimension, as many times prior.

I've been farting a lot too lately, I think there is something to this.

>Or better yet, a one way helicopter ride.
Gotta save helicopter fuel for all the RINO mayors/govs/Romney who are trying to kill private business ownership

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Maybe they want to prevent a lot of children from being grouped together in one of these detention facilities? I love the idea that AOC got a "random" tip here too, kek.

because just because someone else did a allegedly worse job does not excuse the current inaction

>no one predicted millions dead by now
doomers, always either moving the goalposts or outright lying

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He did absolutely nothing after that China travel ban. That's the problem.

JEJ, I'm still waiting for the surname of the poor sod.

when Trump was closing the borders the democrats were taking him to court
when Trump was restricting entry the democrats were trying to impeach him
when Trump warned of the coming pandemic in his State of the Union address, Nancy Pelosi ripped up his speech.

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yeah ok but is he wrong tho

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>China and South Korea are both doing mass testing right now.
China is not doing it anymore.

Apparently it doesn't kill you til no one can find your body.

>The US does neither of those things.
We're also white and have the most advanced medicine in the world.

>with some kind of measure or metric to justify it
That's kind of difficult when your bureaucracy is too dysfunctional to test people.

bullshit. ONE YEAR you fucking nigger

"The 2009 flu pandemic or swine flu was an influenza pandemic that lasted from early 2009 to late 2010, and the second of the two pandemics involving H1N1 influenza virus (the first being the 1918–1920 Spanish flu pandemic), albeit a new strain. First described in April 2009"

This guy is fucking retarded. Only complete retards go to school for 6 to 8 years to only make 55k/yr as a "fellow" for the rest of their life.
>But bbut muh tenure
Suck my cock faggot

so basic sanitation could keep the virus at bay is what your saying?
so I should be worried why?

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>when Trump warned of the coming pandemic in his State of the Union address
i don't recall that being in the speech

Remember when Soros crashed the pound with no survivors in 1992? Same thing all over again.

Does anyone on this board know, either personally or through social connections, of a SINGLE PERSON who actually has this virus?

I feel like I'm in a fucking Twilight Zone episode

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Racist Democrats won't even listen to the African-American Surgeon General.

Highly disrespectful and bigoted. Something that only Hitler would do.

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>South Koreans also regularly wear masks in daily life.
This is why a single cough can wipe out millions of yellow jews. Go play in the dirt you pussy

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nice facts bro

someone post the infograph timeline of trump's actions since january please. this fucking nigger is lying his ass off

They really did a good job of stuffing niggers and spics into every corner of this country. Thinking the whole nation used to be like that and how boomers gleefully cheer its disappearance burns me up inside.

>When shidding and fardding are the main topics here


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it also killed 400 in the first 2 weeks in the US alone

>No one believes Trump is able to contain the virus
says the same people who pushed trump likes getting peed on by putin for 3 years...

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