Slovenian Corona Thread 3

New thread boyz, come in
>253 cases, 1 death, 29 hospitalized

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prvi post

drugi post,
also ta zgori je peder ^

Gde ste, moji Slovene cuckovi?

alo pazi se js sm meter pa 97 visok

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Na redditu /r/slovenia je stvar bistveno boljša. Tam ti zdravnica odgovarja in svetuje tu pa srednješolci padajo na prvošolske vabe

inb4 začne weeaboo spammat azijke


kul pol pa pejt nazaj na reddit

just reposting this so you can read what i said because i am so important and i know how much everyone loves diaspora

come to hungary and fuck our woman

glej ga srboturkocuck je že prišo


hvala za pozornost

obe strani gledam hkrati

ugriznila v vabo

>vrjamem official novicam od zdravnikov
Haha, ja pa da ti kurac obrezejo ti preprec da aids dobis

ignorirajte ga samo, bo že ta suženj utihnil enkrat brez pozornosti

mislim da to kar novi meme za slovenske Yas Forums threade

potem pa spizdi nazaj na plebbit ti avtist

I didn't realize there's more than 2 of us on this board

Rent free

ne stari Yas Forums je šit, pejt nazaj na reddit. reddit je bol primern za take ko si ti.

že 3-4 dni so smo tu celi dan
zabavišče slovenskih avtistov

moja stran je boljša od tvoje strani reeeee

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Kmetavzar pojd gnojit krompirje namest da si tak idiot

I apologize on the behalf of my retarded, brother. Please have patience, he is disabled.

We're not allowed to go outside

no replies :(

"slo are jews" meme is more of a joke, because we were far the most developed slav country in ex YU. most of the industry and money was here.


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Tale thread je cringe,
Vi ste the cringiest gorrila apes k sm jih kdaj vidu

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Spizdi srb umazani na ic

weird thing is jews are inbred morons. they have all these special ceremonies during their lives to make them feel like special boys and girls but in reality, they are mentally deranged inbred fucks.

že 4 dni mamo vsaj 3 slovenia general threade na dan pa jih zmerom do 300 napolnimo. neverjetno res

Zdej ko se je prah usedel, za koliko časa imate zalogo hrane?

Hrvati so taka golazen holy shit. Še na internetu use uničijo.

rookie numbers

we dont care about it thats why

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Misls da ti bom povedu da bos lahk kradt prsu

Aja smiselno zaj me ni blo na Yas Forums kak teden

t. jew

Slovenian cure for chinkaids: Cockta, cigarettes, kremšnita (which I had in Bled and never forgot).

>why is your language so flowery

because we're posh


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Pity reply

based mossad agent

kangaroo fucker

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your grandfather was slovenian yet you dont know one word, but can speak italian. why was he such a cuck

dont forget šnopc

Mislite da se bo v Sloveniji zadeva hitro umirila? Al nas čaka Italija?

Odvisn kaj maš. Ni treba nič kradit, sam enkrat kihnem po Ljubljanskih mlekarnah pa bo vsega konc.

Shut up roo

Že na hiddenlolu je blo poln slovencov zdej pa smo se še na Yas Forumsu dobil. Slovenci res nimamo lajfa. I love it.

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Moramo vzpostavit monarhijo ki ubi bosanca


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google fojbe or foibe

jst sm ta thread naredu.
luka mesec je bil v mojem threadu.
še zdej se počutim umazano.

eh ne verjamem da bi mesečnik zahajal na tako stran kot je Yas Forums

Ne dajem dnarja tistim židom
Mamo svoj mlekc direkt iz kravce

Koliko Luka Mesecev je v slo?

Pomoje v ttem threadu posta pa sploh nevemo

when he came out here he wanted to be aussie so he didnt teach his kids slovenian. he wanted to assimilate. something your niggers in europe don't know anything about.

>dont forget šnopc
I was pretty young so didn't drink much, but they did give me that sparkling red wine with a badger label, forget the name. My dad ended up getting a whole case, which was apparently rare.

Ze en je prevec