Chink Knowingly Infects Everyone on Plain

Woman carrying coronavirus flies 13 hours from Los Angeles to Beijing 'to seek treatment after being denied test three times in the US'

>I get be-a tree-ment in China

She knowingly infected everyone in LAX and on the flight, putting herself before hundreds if not thousands of people.

>typical me first, fuck everybody else, chink attitude, just like at the shrimp buffet table.

>Then they call it racist when people don't want to sit near them for fear of contracting the virus.

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So...any pictures of her? Was she cute?

So what faggot? Trump has the Wu Flu contained already. Who gives a fuck?

Who cares, give the Asians a break already.

I feel sorry for her though. On one hand she’s sick, and now this qt will have to deal with a bunch of hate from neckbeards.

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On plain? Which plain, or do you mean a plane you fucking amerifat dumb fuck

You’re responsible for far worse pajeet, ever smelled yourself? Leave China and the Chinese alone.

>Why would a flaggot post this ?

Democrats go home

t. Chink

says she was denied a test three times in the U.S.

A plain what?

>on Plain
as opposed to flavored?

Why is she seeking to be tested three times?
>Because she thinks she has it
>Believing this, she then gets on a plane, the absolute best way to spread it far and wide

t. Ching Chong

Who fucking cares? Based Trump has Corona beat already.

>seriously believing this

fear makes you do these kind of things, be understanding
but yes, she should not have done that and doing that kind of thing is not good

>According to a statement from Beijing police, Ms Li took anti-fever medicine before boarding her plane and then failed to inform the flight attendants of her health condition with honesty. Police are probing her on suspicion of preventing the control of infectious diseases.
Inb4 shot for attempting to re-infect China.

It's plane, you illiterate fucking mutt.

your health care system is shit anyway

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Based. The chink seethes at the term, "Chinese Coronavirus"

Chinks being the filthy parasitic vermin that they are. They do this all the time in other countries hoarding masks and baby formula and shipping it to chinkland.

>be burger
>muh individualism! collectivism bad! china is bug people hive minded insects!
>nooo! you cant just put yourself ahead of others!

She probably will get better treatment in china.

Who cares it is fucking norway.

USA : fuck chunk attitude
USA : fuking nigger that's my tp (start fighting)


lmao as opposed to the us first, fuck everybody else, american attitude of health care and insurance companies. can't even do a proper test during a serious pandemic because your insurance kikes are too busy trying to figure out how to squeeze 5000% profit from it. mutts aren't any better than chinks.

Being welded into a flat is hardly better treatment, user.

Stop huffing paint Cletus.

Should have visited some old folks homes first, to remove some boomers.

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You're pathetic


This is our fault. She wanted to go to China because we have such shit healthcare.

If everyone in america was welded in today the outcome would be better

>not believing in Trump

Fuck off, cemetery mouth.

Boo hoo an irrelevant country said a mean thing to us. Wait till we take their oil and your greenland without asking pansy fuckers.

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please never go to america, they don't need people like you

China and italy have socialized healthcare, why isn't the virus wiped out yet thanks to their amazing health care, come to think of it why did it start in s country with glorious socialized healthcare? Really gets my noggin' joggin'

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try going to a chinese hospital those places are chaotic and filthy.

are responsible
for the
corona virus

This, they even brought in a bunch of niggers and hajjis so why isn't their society exceling at a time like this to show the world the progressive advantage?

OP is a beaner. You have to go back.

>Leave China and the Chinese alone.
>t. Chang living in the USA

Nice English chang.

> plain
Fucking /thread
chianese bug shills have infested Yas Forums

the absolute state of american pol users

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>Amerimutts deny woman tests because Amerimutts are not worth 1000 bucks
>Chinese doctors offering free check confirm her concern
MIGA shills arent even trying anymore

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Chinks are less trust worthy then kikes

Get the fuck out of MY country

That woman has likely killed thousands of people, all over the world.

>Woman carrying coronavirus flies 13 hours from Los Angeles to Beijing 'to seek treatment after being denied test three times in the US'
I mean, what was she supposed to do? Why was she denied the test multiple times?



Correct, she should have quarantined in place to not infect others

so why didn't they test her and help give her treatment if they though she had it? what possible reason could they give to deny her?

The fucking chinks are taking fever reducing drugs to get past temperature checks!


I have no idea why they didn't test her, that's besides the point though.

Tested or not, you don't get on a fucking plane if you even suspect you have a deadly airborne virus.

Ez containment everybody on the plane. Simple

Because she probably wasn't seriously ill and was being told to self-quarantine until a test was available and/or the doctors had time for her.

Every plane at LAX. She walked through the airport.

>flat bug face
>looks like monkey


of course you don't. but people are stupid. no one should ever be surprised at how stupid other people can be. she's clearly at fault, but so are the doctors. this just goes to further show how many people are slipping through the cracks and why this is going to get a lot worse even with the quarantines and shut downs because people are largely incapable of doing what they're supposed to for the good of the larger whole.

right, a country that had way better life quality than yours prior to 'refugees'

Proof? We are talking about someone who was worried about her health and tried to get help. She wasn't even tested.

Sing wid me, "The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain. I think she's got it."

Of course she's got it. Treat every Asian as infected and shedding virus, except the cremated ones, of course.

That's what happens when 400 million citizens have no folk or allegiance beyond money. Notice how she jets home to be with her people and a proper healthcare system.

how dare you

Xi couldnt' achieve something like this all by himself.
This pandemic wouldnt have got this far without the help Xi got from Teddy

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Go home simp and keep watching Tucker in your own filth

Fuck you ching chong


Listen here jack, let me set you straight. This thing isn't going anywhere. Back in my day we didn't call it covid whatever; we called it the "Shanghai Shivers". I used to know a guy, went by the name Cornflake Jackson. Ol' Cornflake used to play guitar down at the pool hall. If Cornflake Jackson says the Shanghai Shivers, "Ain't no thang" you can take that to the bank buckaroo. That's how I know you're full of shit. I'd punch your daughter straight in the mouth.

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