do you guys believe in natural rights?
Do you guys believe in natural rights?
Other urls found in this thread:
>what gives people natural rights?
>magical fairy dust
If natural means you choke the shit out of anyone in your way then yes.
Rights are taken. Not given.
You can do whatever you can do. If you're strong enough or have the will to do it.
Laws can't even stop you.
you dont care about having functioning society?
Some smart fellow observed that tyranny exists when the government can do to us what we could not legally do to one another individually.
The most egregious form of taxation-as-theft is when the money is taken by force and used to simply buy votes.
Imagine being so dumb and egoistical that you are against taxes.
tits or gtfo
You consent to being taxed when you signed the W-4
i didnt
I believe in Game Theory.
The Win-Win of Capitalism create civilisation, it is moral.
The Win-Lose of every form of socialism destroy it, it is immoral.
Only a sub-human cannot understand this by himself.
Morality is Objective
Yes, which is why you are alive.
>what makes taxation not theft
What makes Rents not theft? You live on someone's property, you pay rent. Taxes are rent to live in the territory of the state. Don't like it? Go to somalia.
>choking the shit out of anyone in your way is the best strategy to survive
What a sub-human, everything around you has been built by cooperation.
This is literally one of the main traits that define us as human beings
person who isrenting doesnt own the property in 100% because the person must pay property tax
you dont have to pay taxes
in fact, you dont have to work for someone else at all.
Get yourself some place far away from other people like Siberia, build your own house and grow you own food.
>Capitalism create civilization
Civilization predates your kikery by a few thousands years, Chaim.
No. The only reason you have rights is because someone took it in the first place
then you are a faggot
No. Rights only go so far as your government allows
Obviously only the wealthy should pay taxes. They consent to the state protecting their wealth, and they pay for this service.
It's totally perverse to even propose a tax that would affect anyone below median income.
>The Win-Win of Capitalism create civilisation, it is moral.
Capitalism, as an idea and an economic system isn't even 300 years old. Civilization has been around for ~6000-14,000 years(depending on what criteria you use to define it).
>I believe in Game Theory.
If you did, you couldn't be an AnCap. Game Theory, in essence, is the proof one needs to show that maximized group cohesiveness is what allows a group to win, even against larger or stronger groups. Capitalism leads to a degeneration of the social bonds and a collapse of cultural and spiritual foundations that hold communities together.
>Morality is Objective
No, it isn't. But if it was, then the existence of the state has to be the result of objective morality, as there is no inhabited land on Earrth that exists without one. It is universal.
That doesn't have anything to do with what I was saying. Theoretically if there were no property taxes, and you were living on their land; you would have to pay rent. If you live on the land belonging to a state, then you pay the rents to the state in a form of taxes. If you have a problem with this concept, then you're essentially a commie, and you should then leave.
Oh, what a surprise, a Randian stuck in the stage of writing the important words with capital letters.
>capitarlisum bad
Voluntary Exchange is what creates civilization yes.
Win-Lose = you repeat a Win-Lose action enough time (Rape, Theft, Murder ...) and we have MadMax.
Win-Win, we both win, you repeat this action enough time and you build a civ.
Too complicated for your smol brain?
Don't give a shit about rand
404 error, argument not found
>Voluntary Exchange is
not capitalism. Gas yourself rabbi.
>They consent to the state protecting their wealth, and they pay for this service.
This is an interesting viewpoint.
The answer to all of those is:
Whether implied, verbal, or written, there’s an implied contract with the nation to pay taxes as a citizen and to be able to receive benefits from said taxes so long as you remain a citizen. USA is ultrafaggy in terms of taxing your income no matter where you make it though
oh so what is capitalism?
>you dont care about having functioning society?
Todays societies don't care for creating functional humans.
An anarchist society is the only society that truly respects the individual.
you consent by continuing to live in said country dumb goy
Certainly evil kikes with monocles and twirl mustaches
>Voluntary Exchange is what creates civilization yes.
No. Accumulation of resources, and the derived surplus is what allows time for thinking and innovation, and that is what created civilization. Civilization emerged following the agricultural revolution, in which the nomadic societies became landed and sedentary. This agriculture allowed for the ability to store food, and thus civilization was born from the surpluses generated by increasingly efficient agricultural methods. Modern civilization is dominated by the hyper-streamlining of this process. "Voluntary exchange" is what the winner calls any deal they get ahead on. Any one they lose out on is "coercion". The only realistic way of looking at it is that either every exchange of resources is coercion, or none are.
Its a sublease. The property is actually owned by the army.
No, only God given rights. Freedom from taxation isn't one of them.
>I consent to be in this gulag by continuing to live in said gulag
>The jews of WW2 in germany consented to be killed because they continued to live in said country
What a retard
So, no police force, no military?
Capitalism is as old ad civilization. Adam Smith and his ilk just wrote about what everybody was doing. Turns out you need land, tools and labor to make things. Big brain moment.
By living in a country, you consent to its laws. Its the social contract.
You agreed to it when you chose to live in a country that taxes you. You cannot live in a country, enjoy its protections of law, it's stable society, earn money within its borders, buy sell or trade with its people, and suddenly decide you don't want to pay the taxes you agreed to by living there.
No. Rights are man-made.
They're the ones who benefit most directly from state intervention, they're the ones who have the most say in the laws that govern them, so obviously they should pay for it.
They just usually get butthurt when there are laws that protect poor peoples property in the same was as their own property. And of course they get to set the law so they aren't taxed.
But any reasonable person knows that taxing the poor is evil, taxing work is evil, taxation on this class in general is theft, so it shouldn't be applied to people who can't afford it. It is NOT theft when applied to the people who have already benefited from the state protecting their property.
Well technically you give your consent when you vote for your representatives but hey even if you don't you will be taxed anyway.
you do consent through the social contract
>by walking down the street, you consent to be robbed
Whatever, nigger.
If I can do something I have the right to do it
government can only remove rights
ultimate freedom includes my ability to remove your freedom
slavery is literally a right
Imagine being a swede
>natural rights?
>by replying to my post, you consent to a rectal raid
Makes about as much sense as what you wrote.
Bullshit, people can’t just freely go live where er they want has laws and taxes, or lack thereof, they consent to. Some countries will punish you with expat taxes if you try to leave.
>Capitalism is as old ad civilization.
No, markets and market forces are as old as civilization. Capitalism is the hyper-atomized idea derived from single-minded use of markets to generate maximum profits for the individual, even at the expense of the community as a whole. This line of thinking is relatively new, and emerged during the industrial revolution, and the decline of the mercantilist trade model(which happened about the same time), when special moneyed interests realized that they didn't need individual countries for protection anymore, and the old feudal-mercantilist model was bad for profits.
anarchy is the lack of a society
how can you prove they are real?
Exactly my point, you dumb retard.
The rich get their wealth through the labor of others, there's nothing at all inappropriate in demanding that they pay back to society.
Why invoke a dubious metaphysical entity such as natural rights when you can just get rights from the government?
Billionaires shouldn't exist for as long as there are people in need of food, housing, or heathcare.
You consent to taxation when you choose to live in a country that has taxes.
If I want to avoid sales tax, I drive to Delaware. If I want to avoid income tax, I move to the Bahamas.
Don't be pic related. Pay your taxes because the government does pave the roads, educate most of our kids, and subsidize our farmers. These are things that the private sector could do, but would do shitily.
gas the kikes who own the central banks then
>Pay your taxes because the government does pave the roads, educate most of our kids, and subsidize our farmers. These are things that the private sector could do, but would do shitily.
Nice troll or completely retarded
Why do people act like CEOs don't do any work.
A chairmaker can be a shitty salesman, and a great salesman can be a shitty chairmaker. Why is putting both of them together under one roof wrong?
>hurr durr tax bad cuz ye
God, you retards are gullible.
Of course.
Without the existence of a bare minimum of what we call "natural law", virtually everything is permissible.
I'm sick of these Foucault lackeys pretending these have any sort of moral standing or ethics at all when they deny the existence of them to begin with.
Precisely. And what makes me even more confused is the fact that libertarians say taxation is theft when almost every American would disagree:
>The IRS Oversight Board conducted an independent poll in 2005 that found 96 percent of the respondents agreed ‘it is every American’s civic duty to pay their fair share of taxes.’
>maximum profits
Like ancient people just rejected money. Everybody was a wise philosopher and wore a robe.
humanity isn't ruled by rights, it's ruled by power.
power is everything. the strongest power always wins. it's a natural law.
if you put hot water in cold water it gets hotter.
the idea that you have rights is just like saying "the water should stay cold, because the water has the right to stay cold"
>what you wrote is not at all related to what i wrote
>"exactly my point"
Your point was to not make a point? Point taken.
i think there are no rights, and your right is what you can do
Nature ensures you (gives you a right) based on your dna, and the status of your body and mind to do as you please and as you can
This is the only right
But saying there is a natural right to be free etc
I dont think so
Of course we can agree upon such rights, but everyone can decide if they follow or dont follow
The only right is the right of the strongest
you get all the benefits of the state and society
don't like it - move away and live alone and dont engage
btw I never paid income tax in my life, but still there are taxes on everything when you make transaction, unless its personal
rights are simply what you can do
if I can punch you I have the right to punch you
if you can stop me you have the right to do so
if someone wishes to help one of us they have the right to do so
if the government wishes to take away your rights it has the right to do so
I know its just a movie but this is a pre- capitalism capitalist being a capitalist
You're being disingenuous, jew. People wouldn't reject the extra money, but at the same time they weren't shitting in their own well. Right now there are people figuratively shitting in their own well, because they have no concept of community, or loyalty to a country. These people dominate international trade and finance.
Thanks, leaf. I am glad I can leave my critical thinking to 100 IQ obese mutts.
T. Retard britbong.
When you live in a collective people may agree to things that you don't like. You aren't going to agree with every law.
So, how do courts work in ancap?
What happens with the power vacuum?
You don't pay taxes for the lulz, you fucking mongoloid. By you paying a small portion of what you earn monthly, the State manages the nation's infrastructure, providing goods and services that would cost twice if a private sector managed it. You fucking retards never understand such a simple concept because, in your mind, you think everyone's trying to turn you down.
You dont have the right to speak freely because of your consitution but simply because you can do so
an entity with enough power could seize control and then your paper would mean nothing
the paper doesnt give you the right
peoples actions to not take it away from you is what gives you the right
>whole ideology based around "you can't make me go to bed mom"
lolbertarians are funny :D
REPORT MEME FLAG SPAMMERS or just go back to facebook since bottom feeder shills lead you around like stupid cows
Thats a problem of legislation and politics. It has nothing to do with capitalism as an idea. If a capitalist poisons a lake he should be stopped for using public property as if it was his own personal capital. Same reason you should not cut down trees in a national park and sell the logs. But that's just crime, specifically theft. Some "capitalists" also kidnap slaves or steal land but the problem is crime and not capitalism.
As a whole, amerigoblin society consents to taxes. No one cares what a few cranks with fucked up ethical theories say.
Die hard you nigger loving social Democrat
The first problem is that those employed by he government are able to vote.
As the size of the bureaucracy increases, the amount of people voting against the tax-payers, in their own interest, being payed by taxes increases.
The 2nd is that we don't have a system that allows for competing states occupying the same area. (although it would theoretically be possible)
This gives the state the monopoly, with the consequences associated with one ...
The 3rd Relocation is not really an option if, like most Europeans, the family home is something to be kept over generations (unlike the US where a house is able to decompose almost instantly when not inhabited.)
In case of Germans moving abroad we don't even have the option of keeping a 2nd home close to the family as the German state will come to collect taxes even in other countries, unless you completely eliminate all connections to the Germany.
e.g. Boris Becker (Wimbledon Tennis champion) was sentenced to two-years of prison for having a dedicated room in his sisters house for use when visiting his relatives ...