Were we the bad ones all along pol? I mean, come on. .1% doing 33% is way worse than 13/50...
I'm starting to think us whites may have been the real problem all along...
I'm starting to realize
Race traitors are the problem
How many rapes overall though.
It doesn't matter dude, all that matters is the percentage.
Shalom Sandnigger detected.
>Were we
post link with the data
I'm guessing it's the hallowed american troops spreading freedom to the deepest, darkest holes of the earth
6 dudes, and 2 of 'em were blamed on tourist.
bitch koreans yell rape when they dont get paid. Dont be ridiculous.
Probably (((whites))) just look at metoo for further proof
Fuck off you posted this thread before and no one cared you fucking sliding shill go COOF to death
Not surprising whatsoever
Korean men all commit sleep rape almost nightly. But the women wake up not knowing anything happened. This skews the numbers drastically. When the only time a woman knows they have been fucked is after some BWC this is bound to happen.
Those fucking english teachers are at it again
Bring back the comfort women!
No, American troops are not white.
I guarantee that when you factor in spousal rape this isn't even close to true. I believe it for date rape.
This is blatant RACISM!!!1
I'm calling the ADL and SPLC.
>near 100% of Rapes in SK are US troops
>33% are by white guys
>guess who do the others
>.0013/66 gang
I can see your nose through your memeflag.
>US army forces
So niggers are raping Koreans and this is being described as "white rapes"?
>Turns out yellow fever fags are total degenerates after all
Drop the flag kike. This also sounds like utter bulkshit, 33% of rapes while being under .1%? For this to be real either Korea has absolutely no rape, or white men roaming home to home raping every vagina they come across. Kill yourself faggot.
Korean woman begging for that BWC lol
In what terminology? Because most "rapes" are just regret from the woman who got fucked and found out. It's easier to claim you were raped by Chad than justify why you lusted after his cock while cucking your boyfriend.
Remember the system for rape is literally abused to ruin careers by women so they can try to step up and it's so hard to prove you WEREN'T raping her that you may as well kill her, put a knife in her hand and cut yourself while claiming it was self defence since that has a higher success rate.
Foreigners always commit more crimes because they're rootless drifters that aren't invested in the culture, have no in-group loyalty or sense of duty.
whites do act like niggers in SK crying "racism" at every little thing.
Are you implying I would complain if South Koreans kicked out all the whites?
Pro Tip: I wouldn't.
It's the retarded military faggots
How many of those white men are Australians?
I'd say it was US troops, but whites are practically a minority in the army with all the blacks and hispanics running around.
Whites are to East Asians like niggers are to whites.
damn whites...
We need more money for the programs.
not even chinks want white cock.
Fake nazi. Take that flag off and show us the iserali one.
It's also not a coincidence that there is a difference of a standard deviation in average IQ between whites and East Asians just like there is between whites and niggers.
Those rapists must have small penises since East Asian women are used to them and they could not get a decent White woman.
Ok nigger
Im not surprised that (((they))) are there with all the big money in the kpop business
>It's also not a coincidence that there is a difference of a standard deviation in average IQ between whites and East Asians
A standard deviation is 15 points. UK is 100. Japan, say, is 105.
Ding ding ding
See the beauty of 13/50 is that it's more than percentage.
>Oy vey us fellow whites are so evil ad the real probem
Wonder if that same news outlet does stats on niggers too. Noo, cause that's waycis.
3500 rapes total 2019
≈1150 are comitted by whites
≈2100 are comitted by blacks
≈200 are comitted by natives
or rather instead of "comitted" we should say convicted. In SK a woman needs at least 1 other witness to accuse someone of rape.
*US troops
This lol
not true. 1 standard deviation between koreans and.. say.. Irish? or Scottish, or Norwegian, say? l3ts see the numbers
more likethey think all big nose round eyes are white
>self hating white
>no greentext
>meme source file
>no link
>my fellow white people
changing your memeflag from a gay memeflag to a cool memeflag still doesnt disguise your inherent jewishness. same shit thread from the the same babydick sucking jew faggot. oldfags are onto you
white people are the niggers of asia
we need to eliminate whites
Masons fucking stop.
>In SK a woman needs at least 1 other witness to accuse someone of rape
So if you were to rape a woman in a dark alley at night it wouldn't count because it's just you and her? That's pretty fucked up.
These are rookie numbers Yas Forums. We gotta get them up!
Show them slant eyes who runs the world. All aboard the rape train!
Despite being less than 1% of the total population...
Lol no source bullshit
Paid for what
There's like two actual whites in that picture. The rest are a bunch of swarthy dark featured mutts or straight up mudslimes.
>doesn’t know what a standard deviation entails
S H O C K I N G coming from a subhuman
How many white men are in korea? Is there really 500k?
Link faggot.
Yea, we're no better than our own women. We cant stop fucking and sure, those korean women did consent, initially, however they though we were in love with them, and it broke their hearts, therefore its rape.
That's because of socioeconomic factors and racism against whites
We dindu nuffin
they are WAY more likely to accuse a foreigner too also we all look alike to them, so a 2nd person witness is much much easier to obtain.
"it was the white guy" is way easier to substantiate when thry can't differentiate.
Toatal false dichotomy from the kike with the memflag... LIKE ALWAYS
No, niggers are still the niggers of asia.
Blacks despite being 0.0013% of the population of SK, comit over 50% of the rapes.
yes, sex tourists are degenerates, whether a man or a woman.
Define rape you faggot
no Niggers from Nigeria are the niggers of Asia, have you been to Seoul?
80% of those are commited by drunk marines/teachers
it's fake 100% Lmao
Because there's no niggers there. 33 percent of the rapes is probably like 10 a year there.
I'm glad you're coming to your senses. Just look at white culture. Always invading lands, raping, taking what's not theirs, making higher IQ Asians score higher on the SAT than white men so white men can actually compete. It's sad and desperate, but I'm glad you see what you are. Apology accepted.
Reminder that non-Northern Europeans are not white.
We're even better at being niggers than the actual niggers. Fuck i do love being white
Just goes to show - DON'T IMPORT IMMIGRANTS they will ruin everything about your nation regardless of race.
Korea for Koreans. China for Chinese. Africa for Africans. Europe for Europeans. (((International citizens))) for incinerators.
Pics or it didn't happen.
>US army forces
it's niggers
this thread has no source, is a memeflag lie, and is easily BTFO.
So its just shill slide shit. Saaaaage
North Korean PsyOp to weaken the alliance between the US and S.Korea
So you're saying they need to be kept apart, shlomo?
Worst Korea is a feminist state, rape could mean anything.