Jew edition
Im going to fuck your mom and poop on her face and after that I will wipe my cum and poop by the toilet paper you bought
Based poo poster dont need no TP
Based white man
Link to debate for god's sake!
Two questions:
1. Do you pay by the pixel for images?
2. Are you a Jew?
link to video?
The twilight zone host and creator WAS a jew
Lol window of life has some great moments
I wish niggers werent so fucking stupid but tough titty I suppose
Manlet subhumans
This was my favorite term for kikes until muh brackets
Looks like a false false flag.
what's this from?
Is this actually from the show?
Islam is the root of all evil, its so bad that even the Talmud seems tame when compared to the Quran. Muslims are so violent and evil, at least Jews recognize the value of goyim so we simply exploit them, but muslims just rape and kill all the infidels. Islam is a religion of terror and pure evil, and all muslims are born of pig and dirt. Filthy creatures.
Oh ok, as long as it's just exploitation.
Yep lol.
Based milf tina fey
Goyim always attribute the crimes of other goyim to the Jews, like the crimes of the ruski commies and other leftist degenerates. We Israeli Jews are strong nationalists and conservative, we only wish death to our enemies and winning wars without firing a bullet is very efficient. Blaming the Jews for the degenerates in your countries is pretty low IQ, the leftist pathogen has been festering in the west long before the Jew came over. We have similar issues in our own tribe, just look at how chaotic our country is. What is subverting us is something otherworldly and evil, some just happen to be Jewish, but most are goyim. Jews are very few in numbers, so its only natural that there are more evil goyim than evil Jews. Its statistics, I hope you subhumans can understand that.
post nose
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
Big nose gene is of the lesser Jews. I am a blue eyed, tall blond guy of European descent. A pure blood Jew, unlike the kikes who are subverting your pathetic culture.
You arer nationalist, communautarist, powerful and really really ambitious. All of that makes you the number one enemy of the west before China and Russia. I dont know why people dont see that.
You're a kenite, a metallurgical tribe of old that inhabited north of Canaan.
Sorry, I'm late guys
Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads
Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers
based. source?
>desperate plea but still calls us subhumans at the end of his begging.
Bit wierd shlomo. Anyways I'm aware of how comically cucked a fair portion of your population is too, now take in some more Arabs lol.
>ruskin commies
C'mon dude communists in charge were like 90% self hating jews, with the exception of Stalin.
Lmao kike magic