
Did they deserve the bullet?

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Considering they were murdered by fucking kikes and their death ushered in absolute hell for eastern europe, I'm going to assume they were pretty based

Maybe. They might have been the first adrenochrome drinking royal family. Adrenochrome stops capillary bleeding, and Alexei was a hemophiliac. The 'cure' of harvesting children for their adrenochrome to keep Alexei alive may have been what Rasputin was doing and why the people got so pissed off.
However, the Bolsheviks were not our friends either.
Just conjecture, but at this point knowing what we know..why not

Fuck no.

Sure, but they also dragged Russia into WWI, to protect the cretin Serbs' ass. Which eventually led to the revolution and the chaos that gave birth to the Soviet Union.

>Did they deserve the bullet?


Jews deserve every single upcoming act of antisemitism, twice over

Thinking about becoming a bolshevik lads

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Of course. They basically made jews first class citizens and everyone else servants to them.

Who else but a bong?

Never. All the horrord wrought on the Russian people throughout 20th century is because they betrayed their 'little father'

My great grandfather killed hundreds of bolsheviks, feel free to join them in hell

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You've got bigger problems

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Winter war?

Cringe faggot kill yourself

Was he part of the White resistance? Such a waste that civil war was.

>some qts killed by commies

t. Simpleton which don't know his own history
Educate yourself, вacя

It's irrelevant who shot the Romanovs to death, I'm only interested whether their death was justified, or not in your opinion. The chaos in Russia and the revolution was the result of the Romanovs' actions, not their deaths.
I kinda want to know what Russians think about them.
I didn't know that. I thought there were plenty of pogroms under the Romanovs?

This just angers me

No. They are literally Orthodox martyrs. They were murdered to usher in the age of Anti-Christ. They were one of the last Christian monarchies to fall, but they were the last true Christian Imperium. You have no idea how based they were.

They were brutally raped as well.
Now just imagine that.

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They are venerated as Saints in the Russian Orthodox Church.

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I know, though I don't understand the reason.

Generally people see them as martyrs, they are martyrs, all things considered. At the same time, people generally moved on with their lives already, so you do not see much of discussions about this subject except some historians.

There's no consensus on this here, some people love Nicholas II and blame the commies for the revolution, some people hate him and blame him for the revolution and then some are actual commies who just take pro-commie stance. I guess most people think Nicholas II was incompetent and fucked it all up, but there's no consensus. Also his wife was probably a massive hoe. Also their daughters were qt and clearly didn't deserve to be shot, that's something everyone can agree on
Yes but it was always controversial. They were a symbol of commie oppression and that's how they became saints but now that commies are gone people think that it's a bit cringe that they're saints

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>I didn't know that. I thought there were plenty of pogroms under the Romanovs?
It was like modern us, everything with money in it was owned or ruled by jews. I'm not a jew expert but this all looks like different tribes of kikes, and expelled one moved to us, while another tribe with commies stayed. This also could explain coalition against hitler and cold war

They were slaughtered by blood thirsty Bolshevik Jews look it up . Literal maniac Jews stormed their palaces and stabbed the children to death with bayonets. No shit

I need a time machine and something belt fed. Also does this mean commies are the original incels?

>breast ironing

God these islamists are so based.

God damn their son was a little cutie pie, Shame he had to get the bullet too. You think his boipussy was blown out before or after getting the bullet?

True that, you should also point out mixed jews and descendants of Jewish tribes from Turkey and Asia.

At least we acknowledge it now, which might be helpful if you have some Aashkenazi genes.

Sort of. Nicholas II isn't a saint in the sense that he's considered some especially holy man who performed miracles and shit, they are venerated as martyred saints, people who died for their religious beliefs.

Jews diddnt allow them to escape to our royal family

If they got the bullet they deserved it. Unless you think you know better than reality.

I don't think they deserved the bullet but at that point monarcht in Rossia couldn't sustain itself, because monarchy is a religious government, you can't combine political efficiency and cynicism with monarchism.

No. Fuck Kikes

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Yes. They're fucking filthy germans.
Our new finnish monarch is better, btw.

Didn't the Tsar relinquish power by the October Revolution?

Monarchy is the best government.

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ofc. They murdered Russian people and cold blood and treated us like cattle. The absolute failure of a monarch started wars we could not win, he sent fucking ships across both Africa and Eurasia to reach Japanese sea from St Petersburg, where people just couldn't take the journey and died, he was an incompetent faggot, beyond belief.
Soviets treated us like cattle and were incompetent as well (still not THAT incompetent), but both the Romanovs and the soviets were terrible. There were great Russian Emperors and times in Russian history when we were actually free and content, Romanovs are not part of those emperors and the soviet times sure as hell cant be described as free and happy times.

Romanovs had to die, communists had to die as well, and an actual democratic provisional government should've won, then we would've been living the dream, but history just doesnt want us to be happy for some reason.

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There were still loyalists who wanted them restored to the throne.

Which one is Anastasia?

Nicolas was a shitty tier basedboy tsar, his queen cucked him with Rasputin. Crown prince was genetically handicapped. No value was lost I would say.

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No. After the October Revolution, the Russian Empire became a titular constitutional monarchy, as the Duma was created and (in theory), the Tsar's powers to create and enforce law were limited by this.

In practice, the Duma had basically no real power, the Tsar could (and frequently did) ignore it entirely, as much of it was made up of landed aristocracy anyways who wanted to remain in good graces with the sovereign.

Nicholas II certainly didn't deserve what happened to him and his family, and I think he gets a lot of unwarranted flak for his decisions before and during the War, but honestly if he had just given up on that "Divine Rights" of kings bullshit and served his country (rather than the other way around), Russia might not have ended up being raped by communism for 70 years.

Yes fuck them

this unironically makes a lot of sense. Maybe Rasputin was the Marina Abromavic of his time.

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>pretty based
>slaughtered like cattle without fight
He is definitely not in Valhalla if you know what I mean

Dethroning? Hard maybe
Death? And in the way the commies did in such a nigger format?
Hell fucking no.

Most revolutionaries are fucking atrocious and often fucking focus on the wrong aspect of depowering the throne.

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What was Christian about Rasputin? Does the Orthodox church approve of him?

You mean February revolution. The October one was the communist mutiny when everything went downhill.


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still mad are we?

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wrong brainlet, they were shot to death in a basement.

Do you even know anything about Kerensky?

I think he is referring to extended family, all the dukes and Lords etc.

they were murdered by kikes. That should explain everything to you right there.

Why do OPs pst silly fucking questions on Yas Forums?

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yes. and specially that mother fucker.

Nicholas and his wife maybe
the kids were innocent

You wouldn't be saying that if your country was part of the empire.

>This also could explain coalition against hitler and cold war
can you expand on this? I find this period and place in history fascinating and very relevant to modern issues. American schools seem to completely ignore it and I wonder if there's something that they don't want us to know.

Nicholas and his whore wife did. Not the kids. But not by kikes either. The Christians of Russia should have punished Nicholas II for wasting Christian sons against other Christians.

Nikolay II - yes, sure thing, the guy was a fucking pig. Of course not in the way it's been done.
Others? Fucking no that's too cruel.

If they didn’t interfere with AH and Serbia, WWI doesn’t happen and the cuckening of Europe is at the very least delayed.

If only the Dahi had exterminated your mutt ass

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Think about acquiring a suicide loicense

The fuck you expect from German rulers? German monarchs are cancerous to Europe

Oh nothing deep.
Coalition to fight enemy of both tribes. Creation of Israel. Proxy wars while not killing each other.


Damn fucking right I'm mad, turkroach.
You warmonger subhumans started a global war that led to the slaughtering of millions of white Europeans, the balkanization of Central Europe and the downfall of European imperialism. You were bullshitting about Austria-Hungary oppressing slavs, then created a meme country, where you serb rats oppressed every non-serb slavs in a way far worse. After WWII, you mass murdered every ethnicity in the region, and completely annihilated the Germans, then recreated your parasitic commie meme country, which only survived thanks to soviet and american gibs. In the 90s, you tried to chimped out and mass murdered every other ethnicity in the region (again), until you got bombed to shit by NATO.
Fuck you, serb rat, You're the reason why the Balkans is a shithole that can explode any minute. You deserve a hundred other Kosovos and tons of depleted uranium, maybe the radiation will mutate you a functional human brain.

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why are all the girls so cute

He should be.

Passion bearers actually

The Tsar made a mistake of judgment. He still loved the people and was, by all accounts, a good man.

Their family had given Russia centuries of stability. Look what happened when they were replaced

A Tsarist rule would have been better for Russia in the long term

Well you should have killed your commies in 1919. Communists are the source of all evil for smaller nations.

They were killed by the rats of this world.

However, there were issues with their rule that paved the conditions for rat take over. They didn't deserve their brutal end, but that's what happens when you allow your country to be Infiltrated by the rat. Hitler at least, saw this happen in Austria and saw that no matter what, the rat needed to be flushed out and given no position to launch attack.

They could have just gone into exile, but Lenin and Trotsky being bloodthirsty yids argued that the revolution wasn't "real" without bloodshed. It was literally a blood sacrifice.

Isn't the role of jews in history discussed completely differently in Russia compared to USA?

Yes, of course. They were massive retards and the power vacuum arising from their retardation gave power to the commie jews.

They should have created a constitutional monarchy and taken care of their people, though.

Kikeler created israel in the 30's dummy.

Only if your a fucking kike baby cock sucking faggot would you think they deserved their fate

All Asiatics deserve the bullet.

The Russians are deeply patriarchal and saw the Tsar as their "little father".

*hits pipe*
*hits pipe*
*hits pipe*
*hits pipe*

>ywn be rasputin and bang the fuck out of all the young daughters

>Nicholas II was incompetent and fucked it all up
I think after the battle of masuria lakes, he dismissed his brother who was the chief general of the armies and took his position. Which meant he was the responsible one for all the military failures in the war later on.

Literally every bad thing you hear about the Romanovs was made up by Bolsheviks and British intelligence (but I repeat myself). Listen to any relevant episode of The Orthodox Nationalist podcast.

This is what (you) look like.

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nicholas was a complete moron and even non-communists hated him
he should've just set up a republic and left for britain
the communists would've had a failed revolution and it probably would've killed the ideology completely

The Hungarian Soviet Republic and the Hungarian Red Army was far more complicated than that. There's a good reason why commies got into power.