Just try to quarantine this

Just try to quarantine this.

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Marketing for farcry 5?

what you gonna do ?

Shoot at people just to be sure to be able to walk around with kids ?

> aren't you already doing that on a regular basis with school shooting ?

t. (((reddit)))

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This photo is cringe desu. Probably seemed like a cool idea but definitely didnt turn out

Ever hear of ruby ridge fuck head? Hiding behind kids like a muzzie savage.. fuck off

I guess the one thing we won’t accept is not being able to consume


I doubt that kid can wield a pump shotgun.

all them guns and nothing to shot at must drive those mutt brains crazy

I had a 20g at that age

fucking cringe.

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The government shot the kids there you cock suker!

I guess it's possible. Do you think that kid is trained on it, or just holding it for show?

Would be wholesome if the dad didn’t expose his white trash stock and low iq with the tattoos

wheres the daughters gun? dont want her getting raped by niggers do you

Holding out in your rural home with your guns and supplies IS quarantining you dumbass.


Daughters have to be over the age of ten to hold a gun

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Easy we will just disconnect the freeway exit that leads to your town, if you resist the next thing we cut will be internet and power..

Oof that guy is over compensating hard for how short he is. Probably beats those kids to feel powerful.

Both those kids will break their arms shooting. And give the girl a .22 she will be a better shooter than both at that age.

As you can see his father is standing there, so naturally I would assume he is trained on using it. Do you have a father?

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Challenge accepted
And now you're hick stew, should have stayed out of the Costco retard.

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That's a baseless assumption.

I wish that would happen. You'd be doing us a favor by cutting off the city niggers' ability to leave.
That he is trained on weapon use or that you don't have a father?

Realistically, both.

Guns are for middle aged, mentally underdeveloped social rejects
This kid is clearly autistic and has no idea what he's doing and is just mimicking until the adults smile

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Shit tier bait leaf. Try harder.

The national guard could wipe them put pretty easily.

Anti-gun lefties are practically the only people that hate hicks or even use the term. Ironically, they also hate the military.

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>tattoos of some lame essay

what a fag.

Keep grooming your kids, I'll give it another year tops before the social pressure has you selling off your guns. It's the next neckbeard thing and we both know it

Without his guns a black man would easily manhandle the father. Whites ALWAYS lose street fights to blacks. ALWAYS in every country.

That's the most stupid thing I've ever read.

>"Americans made up 4 percent of the world's population but owned about 46 percent of the entire global stock of 857 million civilian firearms." U.S civilians own 393 million guns. That is 3 times as many guns as the armed forces of the Russian Federation (30.3 million), China (27.5 million), North Korea (8.4 million), Ukraine (6.6 million), United States (4.5 million), India (3.9 million), Vietnam (3.8 million), Iran (3.3 million), South Korea (2.7 million), Pakistan (2.3 million), and all the other countries (39.7 million) combined. American civilians own more guns "than those held by civilians in the other top 25 countries combined."

>"American civilians own nearly 100 times as many firearms as the U.S. military and nearly 400 times as many as law enforcement." Americans bought more than 2 million guns in May 2018, alone. That is more than twice as many guns, as possessed by every law enforcement agency in the United States put together. In April and May 2018, U.S. civilians bought 4.7 million guns, which is more than all the firearms stockpiled by the United States military. In 2017, Americans bought 25.2 million guns, which is 2.5 million more guns than possessed by every law enforcement agency in the world put together. Between 2012 and 2017, U.S. civilians bought 135 million guns, 2 million more guns than the combined stockpile of all the world's armed forces.

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>all them guns and nothing to shot at
Yea you can shoot em at things. A tree. A hill. A barrel. Yea. I've shot guns off plenty of times.
They're out in the middle of nowhere it's not like Londontown snaggle tooth.
I know you city cunts think the whole planet looks like Mega City 1 but it don't.

I actually admire the military, but it's the "hicks" that pretend to be them in their backyards and pose with guns with their families that is blatant fucking cringe
There are a lot of Americans, statistically there has to be a lot of retards. Thank you for cementing my point

You mean when 10 of them jump one guy? Probably why it's good to have a gun, more effective than fists against 10 uglys.

europeans literally think that americans are scared and in great danger at all times. ive noticed quite a few also seem to think that everyone in the US is highly religious. its really weird

>no buis
>no sling
lmaoing at you'ur're life my dude
t. /k/

ok, enjoy dying boomer faggot

Shut up faggot kike.

The guy in the OP is a 12 year army veteran. His name is Graham Allen....

just noticed

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kys leaf

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And now he's a faggot, imagine that?

Damn you are a spaZ

No its not kys leaf its kys zionist cunt. Know the difference

So what makes you think that the military isn't comprised of the very hicks you hate?

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These are the kinds of people who will obey every quarantine law and probably shoot people who are breaking quarantine or at least reporting people.

Because they're not putting guns in kids hands and telling them how to use it

Yep. They call us brainwashed, yet believe every single exaggerated thing the media says about us.

You come off as a twink and the kid is practicing good muzzle awareness and trigger discipline, so neither assumptions are baseless.

that's the kind of guy who drops to his knees to lick the first boot he sees


Literally me in the future

Lmao they’re in a cotton field

That would be so wholesome if he snatched the gun

Yes they are. It's called parenting.

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i...don't think you know what quarantine means.
that dude also talks like an excited old Tennessee women. he's def a closeted homosexual
but hey guns are manly

Looks like easy loot.