

Attached: Wont_be_long.jpg (1405x1711, 482.67K)

>ree why arent black people dying!!!!!

seethe :^ )

1. Dead niggers lying by the roadside is pretty much just a normal tuesday over there.
2. They cannot test, because testing is hard with an IQ of 65
3. They will not test because niggers care even less about dead niggers than you do.

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They are probably dying, they just aren't testing and the news aren't reporting about it either since it's Africa, where people are dying all the time and no one cares about infected negros.



There's no boomers there.

U sure bout that, whteboy?
Black men are too strong to be beaten down by a pussy white man virus Corona


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Remember that plague of locusts earlier this year in Africa that no one gave a fuck about

Fuck off, nigger!
We care about as much about your oppinion as your father cares about you.

Corona only kills people who get to live until 60.

Why, it's just logical that Africa will be infected more easily due to a massive population, poor hygiene and health care, poor infrastructure etc.

Black men have weak immune systems and are filthy.

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Even when their countries are getting ravaged by Coronavirus, whiteys still can't stop thinking about black people lmao

Who is typing this for you boy

We don't need "hygiene" and "healthcare" when we have the genes and strength 10 times that of the whte man
We have the jungle in us, and we will survive this and take our place in the world as the superior race.


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Yes. And?
That's what white people do.
Thinking about things.

how is this cope?

Of course you have the jungle in you, never grew out of being a monkey nigger

kek. Imagine unironically believing this.

Ebola wants to have word with you

Multiple whites dead
Multiple Chinese dead
Zero blacks Dead... you head me fag ZERO
Keep checking the clock white pig black dont die they are superior

>There's no nog deaths if you don't count them

You are greentexting this line of thinking, but it's what unironically leftists are screaming.

first person to die in denmark was a nigger. cope harder

Let me speak in a language you boys understand.
Nigger nigger nigger? Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger. N-nigger nigger nigger nigger!? Nigger nigger nigger nigger.

Kek, all true.

>We don't need "hygiene" and "healthcare" when we have the genes and strength 10 times that of the whte man
>We have the jungle in us, and we will survive this and take our place in the world as the superior race.
Is that why whites dominate strength competitions lol. We both know this is cope, and I understand because it must be hard coping with being a nigger, a literal subhuman.

In what way are niggers possibly superior? Strength? White men

Intelligence? White men.

Height? White men.

Stamina? White men.

Compassion and kindness? White men.

Culture and civilization? White men.

Looks? White men.

Literally all you have on us is that you can jump slightly higher and run faster for short distances due to having longer legs on average.

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Won’t change your birthrates or the fact that your kind will be extinct by 2060....


Digits confirm this is a hoax and once the situation is in hand in the Anglo-sphere suddenly the poor Africans will be bussed in by the millions to receive care and they will never leave.

Wait till it gets colder this June - July :-)

Rent Free

They are, trust me. It's probably already much worse than many other places. They don't have any working infrastructure, so that's why we don't hear about it.

>test no one
>magically, no one is sick

Keep telling that to yourself gay cave man

Consider the following: You are a fucking nigger don't reply to normal people

Because COV-19 thrives in colder climates.

Just wait my friend, southern Africa can get quite chilly in July

nigger won't die because they are all young. There are no elderly people out there, life expectancy is low af, so niggers just don't die.

They all have AIDS so it balances out

link to map

New cases are slowly appearing everywhere in Africa. Next week, it will be blooming!

Why is Africa ALWAYS behind the rest of the world?

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I still cant believe they named a country Niger.

You probably know that 'Niger' is latin for black. Romans called blacks nigers.

It's from the river "Niger". Same rationale for which Nigeria is called this way.

>week ago

>Haha Wuhan Flu doesnt affect Black people there are no cases in Africa take that white people
>today... OPs pic

Greeks are not white
Greeks are not white
Greeks are not white
Greeks are not white
You got it now ?

How is Europe preparing for the horde of diseases niggers running towards them, once the shit hits the fan this fucking bat soup flu is going to look like fairy tales compared to the legion of shit this monkeys carry

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Covid 19 originated in China and spread by movement of people and goods. Africa is the backwater of the world. It produces little of value and consumes little of value. Wondering why it hasn't hit Africa hard yet is like wondering why it hasn't hit uncontacted tribes in the amazons yet.

Waiting for Lagos to explode.
LA, NY and SF might be fun as well. Heck, every major population center is literal cancer in its respective country, leftist beehives.

This is the real answer under 60 the death rate is like 0.6%

I can't understand your tongue clicks. Speak human please and thank you

Cases in Africa are white tourists/boomers/expats loooooooooooool

>There's no boomers there.

In some African countries 1 in 7 people is an HIV carrier.

Africa may escape this due to the heat. But if this thing shrugs the heat off, look the fuck out once it gets rolling.

So there still could be a silver lining in all of this.

pic related is why you haven't been seeing disease and die-off in equatorial nations. sars-CoV dies rapidly at temperatures >38c (100F).
This has nothing to do with race/ethnicity. The chinks and streetshitters in SEAsia, equatorial sand niggers, most of africa, south america, caribbean, central america, doesn't matter. When those nations get cold weather, wait for this pandemic to bite their fat shitty asses hard also. This will be global and will last in waves for the next 2-3 years and will wipe out at least 5% of the global population, possibly as high as 10-20%.
>t.physician, epidemiologist, mathematician, lifelong academic

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Hey greek nigger it wont change the fact that you die :)

You can't say that retard it's our word

They won't even notice it


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Mister Neanderthal human is not a language think before typing... oops my bad Neanderthals dont think i cant blame you i blame the whore and the drunk loser who made you


We all fall down.

>t.memeflaggot too embarassed of his nigger country

Virus kills old people, like over 60. Lol Africans die way before 60. Once it gets to Aids niggers hopefully they die in large numbers. However, this will not even be a drop in the pool compared to how fast they breed anyway, plus the disease will kill the weak and Aids infested. Also, Africa doesn't care about the stocks and economic crasheds, they will get gibs in any case, and may even have a new angle for gibs with the virus. Overall Coronavirus will be much better for Africa than the rest of the world.

t. a white Boer in SA who hates kaffers and would kill them all personally if I had the chance

Because nobody wants to go there.

You dont even own the basement you live at and you didn't contribute anything to make the world what it is today so shut the fuck up greek nigger boy. Talk only when you come up with an idea or an innovation the impacts the world
