Did you know

Most of the mathematics you *hopefully learnt in highschool was invented by golden age arabs?
>spherical trigonometry
>negative numbers
>double false position method
>centers of gravity

Attached: Khayyam-paper-1stpage.png (220x298, 105.34K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>ignoring pythagoras and ancient Greeks

yes, and? you think it makes arabs anyhow relevant today or what?

The arabs just stole and pillaged everything from Europe when Rome fell. Most of what we get from them is what survived. Luckily there were like 6 Muslims interested in reason and logic and they saved the info. The rest just burned everything cause it wasnt the quaran. And then they tried to burn the six who were interested in reason because that makes them false Muslims.

Luckily the info survived and got back to us.

>did you know Muslims are constantly trying to take credit for Greek knowledge?

>Most of the mathematics you *hopefully learnt in highschool was invented by golden age arabs?


No, son matematicas nacidas en Grecia, los arabes tradujeron sus obras, y posteriormente fueron reintroducidas en europa de la edad medieval.

based retard.

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>The arabs just stole and pillaged everything from Europe when Rome fell. Most of what we get from them is what survived. Luckily there were like 6 Muslims interested in reason and logic and they saved the info. The rest just burned everything cause it wasnt the quaran. And then they tried to burn the six who were interested in reason because that makes them false Muslims.
Yep it's like thanking them for preserving 10% and torching 90% of it.
The principle used is called jahiliyah, ignorance which is offensive to Allah. It is to be annihilated. youtube.com/watch?v=-t6xAseMITU

When the middle east became muslim science and mathematics of any kind slowed down and stopped drastically. Ironically the OP want to claim islam somehow produced intelligent minds. No it did the exact opposite.

We have here a truly professional taco, ladies and gentlemen.

posts the writings of a Persian

What was even worse about islam. Islam rejects the scientific method that atleast what you can critique christianity for, it doesn't.
But islam theocratic as it was, rejected the scientific method, there was only what allah said it was. Any questioning of it was met with hostility. They developed also at one point a philosophy that there was no laws of nature and no cause and effect, because allah directed all of it. Total destruction of inquisitive and rational and scientific minds within the muslim empires. The main people who did the translations and shit like that were non muslim dhimmis.

You have to also understand that middle easterners in the past, were quite more intelligent and inquisitive atleast, than they became under islam. Islam was like a blanket that stopped any critical thinking.. Cause you got your head cut off if you questioned allah too much.

Based on ancient architecture that could only have been built with a solid understanding of geometry, and based on astronomical machinery that could only have been constructed with knowledge of calculus (antikythera), it would suggest the knowledge of math by the muslims may have been plagiarized from previous cultures during their seafaring trade missions.

The Poos, Chinks, and Greeks had most of that stuff before Islam was even a thing.

Yeah until you get to the really important world changing shit like calculus and differentials, which were invented by Europeans.

Who invented negative numbers, pinheads?

Half of the "arabs" associated with the "golden age" were just europeans who converted to a pussified version of islam

Cool. Too bad none of those golden age arabs are still around.

the arabs did great work, but the work that was done during the 17-18th century is the stuff we study in highschool.

sounds too familiar
question authority, get hit in the head


>The Poos, Chinks, and Greeks had most of that stuff before Islam was even a thing.
It's a shame that he pretends as if islam created intelligent minds. Especially because these people who became muslims were much smarter in the past, than they became under islam. So it's a massive injustice to those people. It's similar argument of some say that christianity you know created western civilization. It's also horseshit.. But christians want to take all credit for that on the bible. When it's just that the various europeans were into building things, and crafting, mathematics, celestial navigation, and all this shit way before christianity was even a thing. But atleast you can successfully argue atleast that a lot of scientists etc. who did all kinds of things were also were christians, because they were europeans. It's harder with islam. Because they have to go back like a thousand years and talk about information muslims got from others to begin with.. There are virtually no contemporary examples from muslims. Understandably because islam for the long time destroyed critical thinking and scientific research.

Yeah, exactly. If the science disagreed to much with allah, they risk having their head cut off. Compared to christianity, islam is very anti science.. anti logic etc. Like you were just executed if you said something that somehow contradicted allah and muhammad in the qur'an.. This ofcourse means you can't do any scientific or logical research in any reasonable fashion..
>well i'm going to be smart muslim and not argue about those things..



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A thousand years of inbreeding sure has fucked them up then.

indians aren't arabs and whether greeks are is up to debate


>golden age arabs?

>al-Khwarizmi - Persian
>Omar Khayyam - Persian
>Abu-Mahmud Khojandi - Persian
>Nasir al-Din al-Tusi - Persian
>Sharaf al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī - Persian
>Abu Nasr Mansur - Persian
> Al-Biruni - Persian
>'Abd al-Hamīd ibn Turk - Turkish

Almost all the great figures of Medieval Islamic scholarship were either Persians, or other non-Arabs like Turks. There's this perception that because the apex of Arab power coincided with the nadir of western European civilization (not coincidentally) that the Arabs somehow 'kept scholarship alive' during the Dark Ages. In fact, there was no Dark Ages in the Greek and Persian world - civilization kept going just fine after the Roman Empire collapsed in the west. The Arabs contributed NOTHING. Everything they take credit for they stole from either the Greeks or the Persians.

The "Islamic" golden age happened in spite of Islam, not because of it. All these developments happened in the middle east because Persian civilization was already one of the most advanced in the world, not because Islam added anything new to it. The only thing the Arabs accomplished was to slowly drag down the peoples they'd conquered to their level.


I did :)

It was Abu Kamil

Imagine being these retards. The Islamicate world swallowed so much greek philosophy, persian science and astronomy and built upon it with their own contributions.

>Hur dur, everyone i hate were dumb

Imagine simultaneously believing medieval Muslims were dumb, and smart Muslims were converts. Those are still Muslims, faggots.

a lot of it was written in damascus and area that's why they think those are arab inventions.
as you are saying a lot came from turkey, persia...even from spain


Did you know they were Arian?

All of that is year 9-11 mathmetics that i did in year 7-8. Your a subhuman kill yourself. >90% of all human success was and will be done by gothic europeans and ashkenazi jews period. Not an exaggeration and the other races are just domesticated proxies of the ashkenazi.

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The most cited 'Arab scholar' who 'invented algebra' wrote a book that's just a compilation of Greek mathematicians.

Secondly, the 'golden age of Islam' was an age of terror and death for Europe. If this age in Islam's history is an excuse to glorify Islam today then all European colonialism is forgiven in the name of all advanced we brought the world.

And lastly, Islam took over regions where academia was already flourishing. It wasn't -because- of Islam. It was in spite of it.

>Buddhist IQ is so high that it's not even listed


Nonsense, mathematics is discovered, not invented. Number exists in nature, it is our perceptions of the relationships between different forms and ratios that leads to the invention of symbolic representations and vocal intonations used to express what is fundamentally a natural phenomenon. That's why it never changes. The ONLY thing that changes is our PERCEPTION of numbers and their relationships.

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Ali (601– 661), Arabic grammarian, rhetoric, theologian, exegesis and mystic
Avempace (1085–1138), philosopher, astronomer, physician
Averroes (1126–1198), philosopher and thinker who wrote about many subjects including philosophy, theology, medicine, astronomy, physics, Islamic jurisprudence and law, and linguistics.
Amir Kulal (1278–1370), Sufi mystic and scholar
Ammar Al-Mawsili ophthalmologist and physician
Ali Ben Isa (9th century), astronomer and geographer
Ali al-Uraidhi (7th century), Muslim scholar
Ali ibn Isa al-Kahhal (fl. 1010), physician and ophthalmologist
Ali al-Hadi (829–868), Islamic scholar
Ali ibn al-Madini (778 – 849 CE), Islamic scholar and traditionalist
Ali ibn Ridwan (c. 988, Giza, Egypt–1061, Egypt), astronomer and geometer with Khalid Ben Abdulmelik
Ali al-Ridha (c. 765 c 818), Islamic scholar and theologian
Ahmad ibn Hanbal theologian, ascetic, and hadith traditionist
Ahmad al-Muhajir (873–956), scholar and teacher
Ahmad ibn Yusuf (835, Baghdad–912, Egypt), mathematician
Ahmad ibn Abu Bakr al-Zuhri (?–904), Islamic scholar
Alam al-Din al-Hanafi (1178–1251), mathematician, astronomer and engineer
Abd al-Salam ibn Mashish al-Alami (1140–1227), religious scholar of Sufism
Abdelwahid al-Marrakushi (born 7 July 1185), Moroccan historian
Abdullah ibn Umar (c.610–693 CE), Islamic scholar and hadith narrator
Abd Allah al-Qaysi (d. 885), Muslim jurist and theologian
Abd-Allah ibn Ibadh (?–708), hadith narrator and theologian
Abd al-Hamid al-Katib (?–756), founder of Arabic prose
Abd Allah ibn Abbas (c. 619 – c. 687), jurist and theologian
Abd as-Salam al-Alami (1834–1895), astronomer and mathematician
Abdullah ibn Alawi al-Haddad (1634–1720), Sufi saint and jurist
Abd al-Ghani al-Maqdisi (1146–1203), Islamic scholar and a prominent hadith master

Those are a few, i can quote more if you want

>Most of the mathematics you *hopefully learnt in highschool was invented by golden age arabs?
Persians, not Arabs.
The Islamic Golden Age was really the Persian Golden Age. Filthy Arabs have kept the entire civilization in darkness.

The gluons?

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Abd al-Aziz Yemeni Tamimi (816–944), Sufi saint and scholar
Abu al-Fazal Yemeni Tamimi (842–1034), Sufi saint and mystic
Abu al-Aswad al-Du'ali, grammarian
Abu al-Hasan al-Ash'ari (874–936), philosopher, Shafi'i scholar and theologian
Abu al-Abbas al-Azafi (1162–1236), religious and legal scholar
Abu al-Abbas as-Sabti (1129–1204), scholar and patron saint of Marrakesh
Abu Bakr ibn al-Arabi (1076–1148), Islamic scholar and judge of Maliki law
Abū Kāmil Shujāʿ ibn Aslam (c. 850–c. 930), mathematician
Abu 'Amr ibn al-'Ala' linguists and grammarian
Abu Bakr al-Aydarus (1447–1508), religious scholar of Sufism
Al-Ashraf Umar II (1242–1296 in Yemen), astronomer and ruler of Yemen
Al-Akhfash al-Akbar (died 793), Arab grammarian
Al-Awza'i (707–774), jurist and theologian
Al-Azraqi 9th-century historian
Al-Asma'i (739, Basra, Iraq–831, Basra, Iraq), pioneer of zoology, botany and animal husbandry
Al Achsasi al Mouakket 17th century astronomer
Ibn Abi Asim (821–900), scholar, famous or his work in the hadith science
Ibn al-'Awwam agriculturist and botanist
Ibn al-Adim (1192–1262), biographer and historian
Ibn al-A'lam (Baghdad, died 985), astronomer and astrologer
Ibn al-Athir (1233–1160), historian and biographer
Ibn al-Abbar (1199–1260), historian, poet, diplomat, theologian and scholar
Ibn al-Akfani (1286–1348), Arab encyclopedist and physician
Ibn 'Adlan (1187–1268), cryptographer and poet
Ibn 'Asakir (1106–1175), historian
Ibn Arabi (1165–1240), Islamic scholar and philosopher
Ibn Arabshah (1389–1450), writer and traveller
Bahāʾ al-dīn al-ʿĀmilī (died 1621), philosopher, architect, mathematician, astronomer
Bahlool (died 807), judge and scholar
Abu Mansur al-Baghdadi (980, Baghdad, Iraq–1037), mathematician
Ibn Butlan (1038, 1075), Arab Christian physician

Abu Mansur al-Baghdadi (980, Baghdad, Iraq–1037), mathematician
Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi (1162–1231), physician, historian, Egyptologist and traveler
Al-Baqillani (?, Basra, Iraq–1013, Basra, Iraq), theologian, scholar, and Maliki lawyer
Al-Battani (850, Harran, Turkey–929, Qasr al-Jiss, Iraq), astronomer and mathematician
Al-Baladhuri (died 892), historian
Al-Buni (died 1225), writer and mathematician
Al-Bakri (c. 1014–1094), geographer and historian
Al-Baji (1156–1231), Sufi mystic and scholar
Ibn al-Banna' al-Marrakushi (1256–c. 1321), mathematician, astronomer, Islamic scholar, Sufi, and astrologer
Ibn al-Baitar (1197–1248), pharmacist, botanist, physician
Ibn Bassal (1085), botanist and agronomist

Cosmas (died 287), Arab physician and saint
Calid (died 704), Umayyad prince and alchemist
Callinicus, 3rd century historian, orator, rhetorician and sophist
Damian (died 287), Arab physician and saint
Dawud al-Antaki (1599) physician and pharmacist
Dawud Tai (1344–1405), Islamic scholar and Sufi mystic
Diya al-Din al-Maqdisi (918–995), Hanbali Islamic scholar
Al-Damiri (1344–1405), zoologist
Al-Dakhwar (1170–1230), physician
Al-Dimashqi (1256–1327), geographer
Al-Dimashqi (economist) 12th-century writer and economist
Al-Daraqutni (918–995) Islamic scholar and hadith compiler
Ibn al-Durayhim (1312–1359/62), cryptologist
Ibn Dihya (1150–1235), scholar of Arabic language and Islamic studies,
Ibn Duraid (837, Basra, Iraq–934, Baghdad, Iraq), geographer, genealogist, poet, and philologist
Ibn Daqiq al-'Id (1228–1302), scholar of Islamic law and belief
Fatima al-Fihri (800–880), science patron and founder of the University of Al Quaraouiyine
Fatima bint Musa (790–816), theologian and saint
Fatima al-Batayahiyyah (8th century), scholar of hadith
Al-Farahidi (c. 718, Oman–c. 791), writer and philologist, compiled the first dictionary of the Arabic language, the Kitab al-Ayn
Al-Farghani (died 880), astronomer, known in Latin as Alfraganus
Ibn al-Furat (1334–1405) historian
Ibn al-Farid (c. 1181 – c. 1234), Arabic poet, writer, and philosopher
Ibn Fadlan (10th century, Baghdad, Iraq), writer, traveler, member of an embassy of the Caliph of Baghdad to the Volga Bulgars
Genethlius (3rd century) sophist and rhetorician from Petra
Al-Ghafiqi (died 1165) 12th-century oculist
Al-Ghassani (1548–1610), physician

Read, you retarded mutt

>sufi mystic
>islamic scholar
>hadith traditionalist
>muslim jurist
>sufi saint
>prominent hadith master

It was Persians you mongoloid


Yes, let's just ignore the physicians, astronomers, geneologists, philogolists, economists, pharmacists, philosophers, alchemists, mathematicians, grammar experts, historians, geographers, botanists, agronomists and etc.

Those didn't exist because hur dur Arabs dumb.

Read you Serb fuck

What did Serbs contribute again? that's right, absolutely nothing.

i agree here with you, i learned this stuff in school;
it seems the less educated countries have problems with understanding your point


Yeah, let's classify drinking camel piss as pharmacology, and saying your retarded mohamed went to the moon on a pegasus as astronomy instead.

I think you meant to say Greeks.

Historical lliteracy runs rampant in this forum.

that was before arabs inbred for 1000 years, now they are low iq, unhealthy, cousin fucking retards

I always thought that side of the world would have been much better off, and a greater foe, if they did away with their backwards religion.

Go fuck your sister, Mohammed.

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literally anyone could come up with negative numbers if they already have the foundation of normal numbers
if you have 0 and take an extra 1 away what do you have? you have 1 less than 0 if you take another 1 away from this you have 2 less than 0
now all we need is a symbol to associate this with
1 less than 0 = -1
2 less than 0 = -2
and so on

its incredibly simplistic and literally anyone could figure this out

Lol, camel-pissdrinking bedouins were physicians and jurists while Bulgarians lived in mudhuts, and later got enslaved by some roaming Turks who looked for a homeland.
Seethe more, Black Sea Mutt.

I think you meant to say by the precursors to orthodox Christianity.

>Lol, camel-pissdrinking bedouins were physicians and jurists
They never were, they are not now, they never will be.

>or other non-Arabs like Turks.
>like Turks.

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you're as pathetic as a nigger.Yet you fail to metio how much was stoe from the greek word as a whole, from alexandria, from spain, etc... the first thing you animals did afteer constantinople (following the rape, slavery, mass murder of nuns inside hagia sophia, pederasty, etc...) was your scumbag sultan getting all the maps and greek histories translated.
Lying sack of fucking shit.

>All these medieval scientists aren't real

Bahaha, let me see a list of medieval contributions of Bulgarians, mudhut dwelling Slavmutt.

>golden age arabs
aka greeks

Yes, Islam had a golden age. Yes, Al-andalus was lightyears ahead of Christian Europe in terms of learning, science, and tolerance of other faiths etc... How long ago? over 1000 years? Yes a millennium ago Islam was an enlightened faith, that produced great art, literature, science, culture, etc that was truly of an independent culture... It's rather pathetic that nazis / WN can't simply accept this historical fact, and instead replace history with headcanon about 7ft aryan supermen who wuz egyptians, and wuz Hittite, and wuz greek, etc etc.

Now... if Islam was still in a golden age of culture, or simply tolerant and forward thinking today I would have no problem with it. Just like I don't give a shit about Protestants, because they are no longer going around smashing up churches, burning books, and massacring innocents (the catholics did this also, sure) in wars of reformation. The problem is that Islam has become fanatical and reactionary, partly due to the West, and much to do with the Saudis.

Much is said about the christianisation of Cordoba etc, and idk why people think it was an improvement. The christians took the sublimity, and geometric perfection of the mosque at cordoba and built a huge, tasteless, gold throne in it to demonstrate the secular power of Christendom. Vile, hideous. And people still have the audacity to complain about Istanbul, which the ottomans treated better than the fucking catholics who slaughtered and pillaged the city at every opportunity.

Lots of if not most young people in MENA are atheist now anyway, partly as a reaction to batshit boomer islam and constant war.

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Greeks contributed a lot, and Arabs contributed a lot. In fact, i would say the only intelligent races back then either lived in China or lived in the Mediterrenean. Everyone else were barbarians.

>>or other non-Arabs like Turks.
>>like Turks.
you should know by now what happens when a saudi flag pops up here and that another round-up began last week, cyrpto-jew...

Was thinking the same

I agree with you in most things you wrote here, except the old

>Islam reactionary hur hur

Yes, we're traditionalists and have always been. The violent ones are wahhabis fed by (righteous) anti-western propaganda and i don't blame them. I blame the Mutt empire for what they did.

At least, I have access to free healthcare and education

>t, and Arabs contributed a lot



>I have access to free healthcare and education

>Murder, rape and theft

How did you end up in America, again? i forgot, mutt. Please remind me.

False. Arabs have never invented anything in all of history. It was invented by indo-aryans who converted to Islam.

ok man.
so what.

>invented by golden age arabs?
You mean published by Muslims after stealing it from Indians.

yeah, everyone knows
it's like the one accomplishment of your people
and its all been downhill since

its what we think of when we wonder what the fuck happened to you people

There were many great minds in the medieval Islamic world, but attributing their achievments to Islam itself is questionable. Further, what al-Razi did then has little bearing on the what goes on in the Middle East today, and is by no means a justification for genociding Europeans by displacing them with Islamic migrants.

Non-White immigration to the West should cease, or at least be kept to an extremely small number. Zionism should be revolted against (legally and with due process), and jews and their allies should be extracted from positions of power anywhere in the world. Cooperation and trade could then be established with reasonable Muslim states run by Ba'athists and the like.

Jews and their friends want the West to inflict harm upon Muslims for them, and for the Muslims to respond in kind. We should turn our mutual focus onto our real enemies (legally and with due process).


Saudis put it that low, retard. It was a gift to the rest of us.